Welcome! This project is a modest, unofficial fork/sub-project of The Ur-Quan Masters, aimed at enhancing the single-player game's atmosphere, story depth and continutity. No changes were made to the main plot, but various plot elements have been added to make the game world seem that much more "full", and gameplay more satisfying. If you've played the game before, this means that it's the same game, just with more side-plots and whatnot to find/explore. If you've never played the game before, this version is every bit as feature-complete as the "official release", but with some extra features.
They ruin EVERYTHING, even to the point of obscuring some plot points, and making it harder for new players to win the game.
If you still want voices, you can install them, but seriously. Don't.
The characters in-game mention various places and things that are, in this version, also scattered around the galaxy for the player to find and explore.
Some bugs in the game haven't been fixed in the "official" release yet. None of them are crash bugs or show-stoppers, but usually mild annoyances or inconsistencies that this version aims to see annigilated... I mean annihigated.. damn!
See the commit history for a full list of changes.