My scripts for this approach were made in 2020, so it's now deprecated with the new Facebook UI. But you can use it as a reference for other similar implementations with Selenium.
In this approach, I will write example scripts to extract id, user info, content, date, comments, and replies of posts.
👉 Demo:
- These scripts just working for a Facebook page when not sign-in, not group or any other object.
- Maybe you will need to edit some of the CSS Selectors in the scripts, as Facebook might have changed them at the time of your use.
- Getting information of posts.
- Filtering comments.
- Checking redirect.
- Can be run with Incognito window.
- Simplifying browser to minimize time complexity.
- Delay with random intervals every loading more times to simulate human behavior.
- Not required sign-in to prevent Checkpoint.
- Hiding IP address to prevent from banning by:
- Collecting Proxies and filtering the slowest ones from:
- Tor Relays which used in Tor Browser, a network is comprised of thousands of volunteer-run servers.
Unable to detect some failed responses. Example: Rate limit exceeded (Facebook prevents from loading more).
➔ Have to run with
to detect manually. -
Quite slow when running with a large number of loading more or when using IP hiding techniques.
Each post will be separated line by line.
Most of my successful tests were on Firefox with HTTP Request Randomizer proxy server.
My latest run on Firefox with Incognito windows using HTTP Request Randomizer:
Example data fields for a post
"url": "",
"id": "352525915858361",
"utime": "1603770573",
"text": "Diễn tập PCCC tại KTX khu B tòa E1. ----------- #ktx_cfs Nguồn : Trường Vũ",
"reactions": ["308 Like", "119 Haha", "28 Wow"],
"total_shares": "26 Shares",
"total_cmts": "169 Comments",
"crawled_cmts": [
"id": "Y29tbWVudDozNDM0NDI0OTk5OTcxMDgyXzM0MzQ0MzIyMTY2MzcwMjc%3D",
"utime": "1603770714",
"user_url": "",
"user_id": "KTXDHQGConfessions",
"user_name": "KTX ĐHQG Confessions",
"text": "Toà t á bây :) #Lép",
"replies": [
"id": "Y29tbWVudDozNDM0NDI0OTk5OTcxMDgyXzM0MzQ0OTc5MDk5NjM3OTE%3D",
"utime": "1603772990",
"user_url": "",
"user_id": "KTXDHQGConfessions",
"user_name": "KTX ĐHQG Confessions",
"text": "Nguyễn Hoàng Đạt thật đáng tự hào :) #Lép"
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Helium: a wrapper around Selenium with more high-level API for web automation.
- HTTP Request Randomizer: used for collecting free proxies.
Running the Browser:
PAGE_URL: URL of Facebook page.
TOR_PATH: use Proxy with Tor for
: -
BROWSER_OPTIONS: run scripts using
. -
PRIVATE: run with private mode or not:
- Prevent from Selenium detection ➔ navigator.driver must be undefined (check in Dev Tools).
- Start browser with Incognito / Private Window.
USE_PROXY: run with proxy or not. If True ➔ check:
➔ Use Tor's SOCKS proxy server. - ELSE ➔ Randomize proxies with HTTP Request Randomizer.
HEADLESS: run with headless browser or not.
SPEED_UP: simplify browser for minimizing loading time or not. If True ➔ use following settings:
- With Chrome :
# Disable loading image, CSS, ... browser_options.add_experimental_option('prefs', { "profile.managed_default_content_settings.images": 2, "profile.managed_default_content_settings.stylesheets": 2, "profile.managed_default_content_settings.cookies": 2, "profile.managed_default_content_settings.geolocation": 2, "profile.managed_default_content_settings.media_stream": 2, "profile.managed_default_content_settings.plugins": 1, "profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications": 2, })
- With Firefox :
# Disable loading image, CSS, Flash browser_options.set_preference('permissions.default.image', 2) browser_options.set_preference('permissions.default.stylesheet', 2) browser_options.set_preference('', 'false')
Loading the Page:
- Run at sign out state, cause some CSS Selectors will be different as sign in.
- With some Proxies, it might be quite slow or required to sign in (redirected).
- To achieve higher speed:
- If this is first time using these scripts, you can run without Tor & Proxies until Facebook requires to sign in.
- Use some popular VPN services (also run without Tor & Proxies): NordVPN, ExpressVPN, ...
- With HTTP Request Randomizer:
from browser import *
page_url = ''
proxy_server = random.choice(proxies).get_address()
setup_free_proxy(page_url, proxy_server, browser_options)
# kill_browser()
- With Tor Relays:
from browser import *
page_url = ''
setup_tor_proxy(page_url, tor_path, browser_options)
# kill_browser()