This roadmap outlines the current and future goals for Material Web Components.
- 💤 Not started
- 🟡 In progress
- ✅ Complete
What that the team is currently working on.
- Components
- 🟡 Card
- 💤 Segmented button
- Features
- 💤 Support more screen readers
- 💤 Prevent event default behavior
- 🟡 Size tracking
- 💤 Performance improvements
- 🟡 Docs and examples
What that the team is planning to work on after the current goal.
- Components
- 💤 Navigation drawer
- 💤 Snackbar
- 💤 Tooltip
- Features
- 💤 Catalog
- 💤 Spacing tokens
- 💤 Density
- 💤 SSR
What is not yet organized into a planned goal.
- Components
- 💤 Autocomplete
- 💤 Badge
- 💤 Banner
- 💤 Bottom app bar
- 💤 Bottom sheet
- 💤 Data table
- 💤 Date picker
- 💤 Navigation bar
- 💤 Navigation rail
- 💤 Search
- 💤 Time picker
- 💤 Top app bar
- Features
- 💤 Motion theming
- 💤 Shape theming
- 💤 Typescript-based theming
- 💤 Side-effect free imports
Completed goals and releases.
- Features
- ✅ Color theming
- ✅ Typography theming
- Components
- ✅ Button
- ✅ FAB
- ✅ Icon button
- ✅ Checkbox
- ✅ Chips
- ✅ Dialog
- ✅ Divider
- ✅ Elevation
- ✅ Focus ring
- ✅ List
- ✅ Menu
- ✅ Progress indicators
- ✅ Radio
- ✅ Ripple
- ✅ Select
- ✅ Slider
- ✅ Switch
- ✅ Tabs
- ✅ Text field