DFIR-O365RC was presented at SSTIC 2021 (Symposium sur la sécurité des technologies de l'information et des communications). Slides and a recording of the presentation, in French, are available here.
The DFIR-O365RC PowerShell module is a set of functions that allow a forensic analyst to collect logs relevant for Microsoft 365 compromises and conduct Entra ID investigations.
The logs are generated in JSON format and retrieved from two main data sources:
- Microsoft 365 Unified Audit Log ;
- Microsoft Entra sign-ins logs and audit logs.
Those two data sources can be queried from different endpoints:
Data source / Endpoint | Retention | Performance | Scope |
Unified Audit Log / Exchange Online PowerShell | 90 days | Poor | All Microsoft 365 logs (Entra included) |
Unified Audit Log / Purview | 180 days | Good | All Microsoft 365 logs (Entra included) |
Unified Audit Log / Office 365 Management API * | 7 days | Good | All Microsoft 365 logs (Entra included) |
Microsoft Entra logs / Microsoft Graph PowerShell | 30 days | Good | Entra sign-ins and audit logs only |
Microsoft Entra logs / Microsoft Graph REST API | 30 days | Good | Entra sign-ins and audit logs only |
* The Office 365 Management API is intended to analyze data in real time with a SIEM. DFIR-O365RC is a forensic tool, its aim is not to monitor a Microsoft 365 environment in real time.
DFIR-O365RC will fetch data from:
- Microsoft Entra Logs using Microsoft Graph PowerShell because performance is good and it wraps around the Microsoft Graph REST API ;
- By default, Unified Audit Log using Exchange Online PowerShell: despite poor performance this is the only usable option for now ;
- Optionally, Unified Audit Log using Purview. The retention is 180 days, it has good performance but it is still in beta and bugs in the back-end make it unusable for now.
If you are investigating Microsoft 365 malicious activity, the Search-O365
(from Exchange Online PowerShell) will also fetch the Mailbox Audit Log, although the Search-MailboxAuditLog
cmdlet is being deprecated.
If you are investigating other Azure resources, with DFIR-O365RC:
- you can get the Azure Monitor Activity log using the Az.Monitor PowerShell module, with a retention of 90 days. This log focuses on activities in Azure Resource Manager (related to an Azure subscription) ;
- you can get the Azure DevOps audit log using the Azure DevOps Services REST API, with a retention of 90 days. This log focuses on activities in Azure DevOps (related to an Azure DevOps organization).
This is the recommended way of using DFIR-O365RC
Just type :
sudo docker run --rm -v .:/mnt/host -it anssi/dfir-o365rc:latest
DFIR-O365RC is ready to use:
PowerShell 7.4.2
DFIR-O365RC: PowerShell module for Microsoft 365 and Entra ID log collection
PS /mnt/host/output>
If you would like to build your Docker image manually, clone the repository and use docker compose
(or the legacy docker-compose
) to build the image, run the container and mount a volume (in the output/
sudo docker compose run dfir-o365rc
# using legacy Compose V1
sudo docker-compose run dfir-o365rc
You can install the module on PowerShell Desktop and PowerShell Core.
Please note that the Connect-ExchangeOnline
cmdlet requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.
To install the module from the PowerShell Gallery :
Install-Module -Name DFIR-O365RC
You can also install the module manually by cloning the DFIR-O365RC repository, install the required dependencies (check DFIR-O365RC.psd1) and add the DFIR-O365RC directory in one of your PowerShell's modules path.
Once the module is imported, you will need to create an Entra application, which will handle the log collection process for you.
To do so:
Create a self-signed certificate and get the base64-encoded public part:
On Linux, using PowerShell Core or the Docker container:
openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out exampleDFIRO365RC.crt -keyout exampleDFIRO365RC.key -batch openssl pkcs12 -inkey exampleDFIRO365RC.key -in exampleDFIRO365RC.crt -export -out exampleDFIRO365RC.pfx # Enter a password for the certificate openssl x509 -in exampleDFIRO365RC.crt -outform DER -out - | base64 | tr -d "\n"
On Windows, using PowerShell:
$certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "CN=exampleDFIRO365RC" -KeySpec KeyExchange -NotBefore (Get-Date) -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(365) $certificatePassword = Read-Host -MaskInput "Please enter a password for the certificate" $certificateSecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $certificatePassword -AsPlainText -Force Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certificate -FilePath exampleDFIRO365RC.pfx -Password $certificateSecurePassword Write-Host ([System.Convert]::ToBase64String($certificate.GetRawCertData()))
Use the
cmdlet from the DFIR-O365RC module:$certificateb64="<base64-encoded public part from step 1>" New-Application -certificateb64 $certificateb64
Optionally, if you would like to be able to gather logs in the subscriptions of the tenant (not needed if you do not plan to use
):New-Application -certificateb64 $certificateb64 -subscriptions
Optionally, if you would like to be able to gather logs in the Azure DevOps organizations of the tenant (this can take a long time and is not needed if you do not plan to use
):New-Application -certificateb64 $certificateb64 -organizations
To create the application, you will need to log in to Azure several times, using a highly privileged account.
One the application is created, you will get an output similar to:
Done creating the application with the required permissions Please use the following identifiers: WARNING: AppID: xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx WARNING: Tenant: example.onmicrosoft.com
Once the application is created, you can still, using the Update-Application
cmdlet from the module, update its credentials and permissions:
You can add a new certificate to the application:
Update-Application -certificateb64 <base64-encoded public part>
You can specify new subscriptions in which you would like to be able to gather logs:
Update-Application -subscriptions
You can specify new Azure DevOps organizations in which you would like to be able to gather logs:
Update-Application -organizations
Once you are done with the log collection you can delete the application using the Remove-Application
cmdlet from the module.
To remove the application, you will need to log in to Azure several times, using a highly privileged account.
If the application was able to gather logs of subscriptions or Azure DevOps organizations, you will need to add the -organizations
and/or -subscriptions
Starting with version 2.0.0, the tool is now running in the context of a Service Principal with App-only access / Application permissions.
To use version 2.0.0 and up, you will need to create an application.
Once the application is created, the script will run using the application's credentials and permissions.
The application will be created with the least possible required permission set:
for theOffice 365 Exchange Online
API (required to be able to run Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets)AuditLog.Read.All
for theMicrosoft Graph
API (required for Microsoft Entra log collection)AuditLogsQuery.Read.All
for theMicrosoft Graph
API (required for Unified Audit Log collection using Purview)Application.Read.All
for theMicrosoft Graph
API (required for the enrichment of Microsoft Entra logs related to applications and service principals)Device.Read.All
for theMicrosoft Graph
API (required for the enrichment of Microsoft Entra logs related to devices)Organization.Read.All
for theMicrosoft Graph
API (required for getting general information on the tenant)View-only audit logs
inExchange Online
(required to use theSearch-UnifiedAuditLog
Optionally (if using the -subscriptions
- For the selected subset of subscriptions:
role onMicrosoft.Insights/eventtypes/*
(required to get the Azure Monitor Activity log)
Optionally (if using the -organizations
- For the selected subset of Azure DevOps subscriptions:
View audit log
(required to get the Azure DevOps audit log)
In order to retrieve Microsoft Entra logs with the Microsoft Graph API you need at least one user with a Microsoft Entra ID P1 license. This license can be purchased for a single user or can be included in some license plans such as the Microsoft 365 Business Premium plan.
The module has 9 functions:
Function | Data Source | Retention | Performance | Completeness | Details |
Get-O365Full |
Unified Audit Log | 90 days / 180 days* | Poor | All Unified Audit Log | By default, retrieve the whole Unified Audit Log. This should only be used on a small tenant or a short period of time. You can also use this cmdlet to gather events for some specific record types. |
Get-O365Light |
Unified Audit Log | 90 days / 180 days* | Good | A subset of Unified Audit Log only | Only a subset of operations, which are considered of interest, are retrieved. |
Get-O365Defender |
Unified Audit Log | 90 days / 180 days* | Good | A subset of Unified Audit Log only | Retrieves Microsoft Defender for Microsoft 365 related events. Requires at least one Office 365 E5 license or a license plan which includes Microsoft Defender for Office 365. |
Get-AADLogs |
Microsoft Entra Logs | 30 days | Good | All Microsoft Entra Logs | Get tenant information and all Microsoft Entra logs: sign-ins logs and audit logs. |
Get-AADApps |
Microsoft Entra Logs + Entra ID | 30 days | Good | A subset of Microsoft Entra Logs only | Get Microsoft Entra audit logs related to Entra applications and service principals only. The logs are enriched with application or service principal object information. |
Get-AADDevices |
Microsoft Entra Logs + Entra ID | 30 days | Good | A subset of Microsoft Entra Logs only | Get Microsoft Entra audit logs related to Entra ID joined or registered devices only. The logs are enriched with device object information. |
Search-O365 |
Unified Audit Log / Mailbox Audit Log** | 90 days / 180 days* | Poor | A subset of Unified Audit Log only | Search for activity related to specific users, IP addresses or free texts. |
Get-AzRMActivityLogs |
Azure Monitor Activity log | 90 days | Good | All Azure Monitor Activity log | Get all Azure Monitor Activity log for a selected subset of subscriptions. |
Get-AzDevOpsActivityLogs |
Azure DevOps audit log | 90 days | Good | All Azure DevOps audit log | Get all Azure DevOps audit log for a selected subset of Azure DevOps organizations. |
* You can get 180 days of retention using Purview, compared to the default 90 days of retention using Exchange Online.
** When searching for users, the Search-O365
cmdlet will also search in the Mailbox Audit Log.
Each function as a comment-based help which you can invoke with the Get-Help cmdlet.
# Display comment-based help
PS> Get-Help Get-O365Full
# Display comment-based help with examples
PS> Get-Help Get-O365Full -Examples
Each function takes as a parameter:
- a start date (
) ; - an end date (
) ; - the application identifier of the application (
), which is obtained when creating the application ; - the tenant name (
) ; - the path to the certificate in PFX format (
), which is obtained when creating the application.
For readability, we will assume that:
$appId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
$tenant = "example.onmicrosoft.com"
$certificatePath = "./example.pfx"
On a real case, those parameters are gathered when creating the application.
In order to retrieve Microsoft Entra Logs from the past 30 days as well as general information on the tenant:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-30)
Get-AADLogs -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
Get Microsoft Entra audit logs related to Entra applications and service principals from the past 30 days:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-30)
Get-AADApps -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
Get Microsoft Entra audit logs related to Entra ID joined or registered devices from the past 30 days:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-30)
Get-AADDevices -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
Retrieve Unified Audit log events considered of interest from the past 30 days, except those related to Entra ID, which were already retrieved by the first command:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-30)
Get-O365Light -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath -operationsSet "allButAzureAD"
Retrieve Unified Audit log events considered of interest in a time window between -90 days and -30 days from now:
$endDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
$startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
Get-O365Light -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
If mailbox audit is enabled you can also retrieve MailboxLogin
operations using the dedicated switch:
Beware of a global limit of 50.000 events per search
Get-O365Light -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath -mailboxLogin
If there are users with Office 365 E5 licenses or if there is a Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan in the tenant you can retrieve Microsoft Defender related logs from the past 90 days:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-90)
Get-O365Defender -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
To retrieve all Unified Audit Log events between Christmas Eve 2020 and Boxing day 2020:
Beware that performance using that cmdlet is poor
$endDate = Get-Date "12/26/2020"
$startdate = Get-Date "12/24/2020"
Get-O365Full -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
You can use the search function to look for IP addresses, activity related to specific users or perform a freetext search in the Unified Audit Log:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-90)
# Retrieve events which contains the "Python" or "Python3" free text
Search-O365 -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath -freeTexts "Python","Python3"
# Retrieve events related to the IP adresses and
Search-O365 -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath -IPAddresses "",""
# Retrieve events related to users [email protected] and [email protected]
Search-O365 -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath -userIds "[email protected]","[email protected]"
When searching for specific users, Search-O365
will also search in the Mailbox Audit Log. That's because, depending on the user's license level and settings, some of the mailbox logs might not be present in the Unified Audit Log.
To retrieve all Azure Resource Manager activity logs from the subscriptions the application has access to:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-90)
Get-AzRMActivityLogs -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
To retrieve all Azure DevOps activity logs from the organizations the application has access to:
$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-90)
Get-AzDevOpsActivityLogs -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -appId $appId -tenant $tenant -certificatePath $certificatePath
All files generated are in JSON format.
Launching several cmdlet which uses Purview and will write to the same output file can result in an invalid JSON because of a "naive" concatenation
will create in theazure_ad_apps
folder:- a JSON file containing deleted applications:
; - a JSON file containing existing applications:
; - a JSON file containing existing service principals:
; - a JSON file containing the enriched events:
- a JSON file containing deleted applications:
will create in theazure_ad_devices
folder:- a JSON file containing joined or registered devices:
; - a JSON file containing the enriched events:
- a JSON file containing joined or registered devices:
will create:-
in the
folder:- a JSON file containing general information on the tenant:
- a JSON file containing general information on the tenant:
in the
folder:- JSON files containing Microsoft Entra audit logs:
- JSON files containing Microsoft Entra audit logs:
in the
folder:- JSON files containing Microsoft Entra sign-in logs:
- JSON files containing Microsoft Entra sign-in logs:
will create:-
in the
folder:- a JSON file containing general information on the subscriptions:
- a JSON file containing general information on the subscriptions:
in the
folder:- JSON files containing Azure Monitor Activity logs:
- JSON files containing Azure Monitor Activity logs:
will create:-
in the
folder:- a JSON file containing general information on the Azure DevOps organizations:
- a JSON file containing general information on the Azure DevOps organizations:
in the
folder:- JSON files containing Azure DevOps audit logs:
- JSON files containing Azure DevOps audit logs:
will create in theO365_unified_audit_logs
folder (respectivelyO365_unified_audit_logs_purview
when using Purview):- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs:
when using Purview); - JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for specified RecordTypes:
when using Purview).
- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs:
will create in theO365_unified_audit_logs
folder (respectivelyO365_unified_audit_logs_purview
when using Purview):- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for a subset of operations, which are considered of interest:
when using Purview).
- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for a subset of operations, which are considered of interest:
will create in theO365_unified_audit_logs
folder (respectivelyO365_unified_audit_logs_purview
when using Purview):- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for the RecordTypes associated with Defender:
when using Purview).
- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for the RecordTypes associated with Defender:
will create:-
in the
folder (respectivelyO365_unified_audit_logs_purview
when using Purview):- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for the specified
, orUserIds
when using Purview).YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS
represents the time when the collect was done. When searching forFreeText
, an additional_%i
is added at the end, which indicates this is the result from the search of the%i
-th free text.
- JSON files containing Unified Audit logs for the specified
in the
folder:- JSON files containing Mailbox Audit logs (only when searching for UserIDs):
represents the time when the collect was done.%UserID%
indicates this is the result from the search of this UserID.
- JSON files containing Mailbox Audit logs (only when searching for UserIDs):
Launching the various functions will generate a directory structure similar to this one:
│ Get-AADApps.log
│ Get-AADDevices.log
│ Get-AADLogs.log
│ Get-AzDevOpsActivityLogs.log
│ Get-AzRMActivityLogs.log
│ Get-O365Defender.log
│ Get-O365Full.log
│ Get-O365Light.log
│ Search-O365.log
│ AADApps_example.onmicrosoft.com.json
│ AADApps_example.onmicrosoft.com_deleted_applications_raw.json
│ AADApps_example.onmicrosoft.com_existing_applications_raw.json
│ AADApps_example.onmicrosoft.com_service_principals_raw.json
│ AADAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD.json
│ [...]
│ AADDevices_example.onmicrosoft.com.json
│ AADDevices_example.onmicrosoft.com_devices_raw.json
│ ├───YYYY-MM-DD
│ │ AADSigninLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00.json
│ │ [...]
│ │
│ ├───[...]
│ AADTenant_example.onmicrosoft.com.json
│ ├───YYYY-MM-DD
│ │ AzDevOps_example.onmicrosoft.com_%AzureDevOpsOrg%_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00.json
│ │ [...]
│ │
│ ├───[...]
│ AzdevopsOrgs_example.onmicrosoft.com.json
│ ├───YYYY-MM-DD
│ │ AzRM_example.onmicrosoft.com_%SubscriptionID%_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00.json
│ │ [...]
│ │
│ ├───[...]
│ AzRMsubscriptions_example.onmicrosoft.com.json
│ └───YYYY-MM-DD
│ │ MailboxAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_UserIds_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_%UserID%.json
│ │ [...]
│ │
│ ├───[...]
│ ├───YYYY-MM-DD
│ │ UnifiedAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_%RecordType%.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_UserIds_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_IPAddresses_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLog_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_FreeText_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_%i.json
│ │ [...]
│ │
│ ├───[...]
│ ├───YYYY-MM-DD
│ │ UnifiedAuditLogPurview_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLogPurview_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_%RecordType%.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLogPurview_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_UserIds_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLogPurview_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_IPAddresses_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.json
│ │ UnifiedAuditLogPurview_example.onmicrosoft.com_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-00-00_FreeText_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_%i.json
│ │ [...]
│ │
│ ├───[...]