webonyx/graphql-php includes the basic GraphQL types.
This library has many other types that are primarily used to map Doctrine types to GraphQL types.
GraphQL and Doctrine | PHP | Javascript |
bigint | string | integer or string |
blob | string (binary) | Base64 encoded string |
boolean | boolean | boolean |
date | DateTime | string as Y-m-d |
date_immutable | DateTimeImmutable | string as Y-m-d |
datetime | DateTime | ISO 8601 date string |
datetime_immutable | DateTimeImmutable | ISO 8601 date string |
datetimetz | DateTime | ISO 8601 date string |
datetimetz_immutable | DateTimeImmutable | ISO 8601 date string |
decimal | string | float |
float | float | float |
int & integer | integer | integer |
json | string | string of json |
simple_array | array of strings | array of strings |
smallint | integer | integer |
string | string | string |
text | string | string |
time | DateTime | string as H:i:s or H:i:s.u |
time_immutable | DateTimeImmutable | string as H:i:s or H:i:s.u |
See also Doctrine Mapping Types.
You may use any of the above types freely such as a blob for an input type.
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\ORM\GraphQL\Type\TypeContainer;
$schema = new Schema([
'mutation' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'mutation',
'fields' => [
'uploadFile' => [
'type' => $driver->type(ArtistFile::class),
'args' => [
'file' => $driver->type('blob'),
'resolve' => function ($root, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info) use ($driver) {
* $args['file'] will be sent base64 encoded then
* unencoded in the PHP type so by the time it gets
* here it is already an uploaded file
// ...save to doctrine blob column
If your schema has a timestamp
type, that data type is not supported
by this library. But adding the type is just a matter of creating a
new Timestamp type extending GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType
then adding
the type to the type container.
$driver->get(TypeContainer::class) ->set('timestamp', fn() => new Timestamp());
See also Serve a CSV Field as a GraphQL Array.