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Gradle wrapper for ARKLib, for usage in Android projects


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ArkLib for Android

This is a wrapper of ArkLib which enables you to build Android apps, powered by resource indexing, previews generation and user metadata support such as tags or scores.

The following information is only for developers.

Importing the library

Github packages with credentials is a workaround since JCenter is shutdown

Add the following script to project's build.gradle:

allprojects {
        maven {
            name = "GitHubPackages"
            url = ""
            credentials {
                username = "token"
                password = "\u0037\u0066\u0066\u0036\u0030\u0039\u0033\u0066\u0032\u0037\u0033\u0036\u0033\u0037\u0064\u0036\u0037\u0066\u0038\u0030\u0034\u0039\u0062\u0030\u0039\u0038\u0039\u0038\u0066\u0034\u0066\u0034\u0031\u0064\u0062\u0033\u0064\u0033\u0038\u0065"

And add arklib-android dependency to app module's build.gradle:

implementation 'dev.arkbuilders:arklib:0.3.1'

Development of the library


  • Rust toolchain
  • Kotlin toolchain
  • Android SDK + NDK r24 (latest)

Build Rust library

You need to have Rust targets installed:

rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android
rustup target add i686-linux-android
rustup target add x86_64-linux-android

Compile Rust (option 1)

For checking if Rust code compiles without problems, you can use this command:

./gradlew cargoBuild

The above command should generates file inside ./arklib/target/<arch>/<buildVariant> folder. If the build is failed, which leads to no generated .so files, there's a build alternative which doesn't require you to install extra dependencies:

Compile Rust (option 2)

Using cargo-ndk, you can generate the files in two steps:

- cd arklib
- cargo ndk -o ./jniLibs build

Running the above two commands outputs same .so files as ./gradlew cargoBuild does.

Build AAR

Before make a release build, ensure you have set profile = "release" in cargo config.

./gradlew lib:assemble

The generated release build is lib/build/outputs/aar/lib-release.aar

Publish New Version

Ensure you have committed your changes.

./gradlew release

Then simply push to the repo.


Make sure you have switch to debug profile in cargo config, which could be found at lib/build.gradle

Run the command to build

./gradlew lib:assemble

Connect to a device or setup an AVD and check the functionality.

./gradlew appmock:connectedCheck

Unit tests

Unit tests require native ARK library file for host machine in project root directory.

  • for Linux
  • libarklib.dylib for Mac
  • libarklib.dll for Windows

Unit tests depend on buildRustLibForHost gradle task (Linux, Mac)

But you can do it manually:

  • Find out host architecture rustc -vV | sed -n 's|host: ||p'
  • Change to arklib directory and build the library cargo build --target $host_arch
  • Copy library from arklib/target/$host_arch/debug/libarklib.(so|dylib|dll) to project root directory

Shortcut for Linux:

ARCH=$(rustc -vV | sed -n 's|host: ||p') cargo build --target $ARCH && cp arklib/target/$ARCH/debug/ .