< construct a complex object from simple objects using step-by-step approach >
- is a creational pattern.
- Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.”
- It is used to construct a complex object step by step and the final step will return the object.
- The process of constructing an object should be generic so that it can be used to create different representations of the same object.
source: www.javatpoint.com/builder-design-pattern
My Dart Code: Click Here
My Dart Code: Click Here
source: https://github.com/scottt2/design-patterns-in-dart/tree/master/builder
- takes the builder in constructor
- depend on that constructor >> Pizza class will return object
class Pizza {
String _crust;
int _diameter;
Set<String> _toppings;
Pizza(PizzaBuilder builder) {
_crust = builder.crust;
_diameter = builder.diameter;
_toppings = builder.toppings;
String get crust => _crust;
int get diameter => _diameter;
String get toppings => _stringifiedToppings();
String _stringifiedToppings() {
var stringToppings = _toppings.join(", ");
var lastComma = stringToppings.lastIndexOf(",");
var replacement = ",".allMatches(stringToppings).length > 1 ? ", and" : " and";
return stringToppings.replaceRange(lastComma, lastComma + 1, replacement);
String toString() {
return "A delicous $_diameter\" pizza with $_crust crust covered in $toppings";
class PizzaBuilder {
String _crust;
int _diameter;
Set<String> _toppings;
String get crust => _crust;
set crust(String newCrust) => _crust = newCrust;
int get diameter => _diameter;
set diameter(int newDiameter) => _diameter = newDiameter;
Set<String> get toppings => _toppings;
set toppings(Set<String> newToppings) {
_toppings = newToppings;
void _ensureCheese() => _toppings.add("cheese");
Pizza build() => Pizza(this);
void main() {
// Create a handy PizzaBuilder with an 8" diameter.
var pizzaBuilder = PizzaBuilder(8);
// Add some attributes to the builder.
pizzaBuilder.crust = "deep dish";
pizzaBuilder.toppings = Set.from(["pepperoni"]);
// Let's make a pizza!
var plainPizza = Pizza(pizzaBuilder);
print("Behold! $plainPizza.");
assert(plainPizza.toString() == "A delicous 8\" pizza with deep dish crust covered in pepperoni and cheese");
//! Making another pizza with same builder
// Now to adjust some things for the next pizza...
pizzaBuilder.crust = "gold plated";
pizzaBuilder.diameter = 72;
pizzaBuilder.toppings = Set.from(["anchovies", "caviar", "diamonds"]);
// The beauty of the build is you can quickly iterate and produce instances of a class.
// For example, we have an early employee of the latest unicorn in line. So much disposable income!
// Also note, we use the .build() function of the builder this time.
var luxuriousPizza = pizzaBuilder.build();
print("Wow! $luxuriousPizza? Someone is rich!");
assert(luxuriousPizza.toString() == "A delicous 72\" pizza with gold plated crust covered in anchovies, caviar, diamonds, and cheese");
1- don't copy the code just convert uml to Dart https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsceweb.sce.uhcl.edu%2Fhelm%2FWEBPAGES-SoftwareDesignPatterns%2Fmyfiles%2FTableContents%2FModule-6%2Fbuilder_pattern_builds_a_complex.html&psig=AOvVaw1LPgqwEqtvU4go8NfLl6as&ust=1648042325557000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKD82KPq2fYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAg
2- buildings form here https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/builder
3- this huge pizza builder https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.javatpoint.com%2Fbuilder-design-pattern&psig=AOvVaw1LPgqwEqtvU4go8NfLl6as&ust=1648042325557000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKD82KPq2fYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAU