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Czara Game Engine => Czara Engine => Czengine

Kenneth Cornett (Czara) Project


Czengine is a Vulkan SDL project. Originally, Czengine started as a passion project to build the same game engine in C#, C++, and Rust. I decided to focus mainly on C++, because, I am building it with the intent to design my own game. Czengine is currently written using the C++23 standard from GNU. I am developing it on Windows using MinGW. I am using Premake5 to build the makefiles used to build the executable of the project. Forewarning though, I am illiterate with Lua, so my Premake5 file is relatively rough to look at, currently.

The project is using Dear ImGui for implementing an interface, and I'm utilizing the Viewport + Docking branch of Dear ImGui. I am using TOML++ and PugiXML to process documents. I wrote my own logging library which outputs to log files. Log files generated are either time-based or size-based.


Library Version Source Code Built in Project
C++ 23 -
Python 3.12 -
Premake 5 -
Vulkan No
SDL2 2.30.0 No
SDL2_ttf 2.22.0 No
Dear ImGui 1.90.8 Yes
TOML++ 3.4.0 Yes
PugiXML 1.14 Yes
GoogleTest 1.15.2 Yes
JoMock - Yes

Setup (Work in Progress)

  1. After cloning repository locally, also execute git submodule update --init --recursive to recursively install submodules.
    • I plan to add this to the at some point, but it isn't necessary just yet.
  2. Install Premake5
  3. Install MinGW
  4. Create a symlink for MinGW's mingw32-make.exe to a file named make.exe in the same directory.
  5. Install Python 3.12, After Python 3.12 is installed, follow sub-steps below
    1. Execute python scripts/src/setup/ and follow text prompts.
      • This installs dependencies used by project. (Excluding git submodules)
    2. Run the command python -m pip install ./scripts. This installs the czengine command line tool for building and launching Czengine.
    3. Now try czengine --help. It should print out the commands [czengine] can execute.
    4. Now try czengine build --help. It should print out the help guide for the build command.
  6. Open CLI Utility (Terminal on Unix) and execute czengine build --target CzenginePlusPlus
    • This should execute premake5 gmake2 and make CzenginePlusPlus CXX=g++ config=debug_win64
  7. Ensure Vulkan library can be found by Premake5's makefiles


  • Review Dear ImGui Vulkan Implementation. (I should be able to pull windows out of window.) <---- Next task(s)
  • Start writing unit tests for key features (In Progress)
  • Integrate Linear Math library (most likely Eigen)
  • Work on Render Pipeline
  • Replace usage of with another Python script/flag (Finished)
  • Add installs for Python and Premake5
  • Combine Python as another command in


C++ Game Engine with SDL2, Vulkan, and Dear ImGui






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