You can discuss the roadmap here: #1756.
- clean up contributor guides
- Work through a bunch of PRs
- Various spelling and code style fixes: #1785, #1858, #1856, #1814, #1876, #1838, #1424
- #1883 Fix infinite loop
- #1900 Add repository info to package.json
- #1770 Allow package file to expose CSS
- #1077 .center class hangs around when responsive options
- #1978 - Fix empty child auto width
- #1942 - Improving autoplay behavior
- #1915 - Fixing: #1750 Passive event listeners, chrome and touch events
- #1704 - viewport width detection
- #1717 - keyboard control
- update progress in #1538
- move repo to company account (
- #1330 - finish moving to gulp
- ditto for moving to assemble for docs
- #1666 - RTL center mode
- #1613 - generic plugin integration
- #1602 - CSS transitions fail except for default
- worker cleanup
- clone computation fix (and provide consistent access to slides)
- #1575 & #1621 - AutoHeight fixes
- #1511 - do not disable nav when center = true & length == items
- clean up code ToDos
- fix code style
- check whether we want to support velocity.js (at least optionally)
- close not-yet-tagged issues older than 8 month
- #1518 - slide change event issues (not cancelling events etc.)
- #1563 - slide offset on last if loop = false
- #1633 & #1627 - (merged items) swipe/autoplay (mostly testing whether the worker/clone fixes in 2.5 solved this)
- #1647 - 1px from prev. slide on current
- #1523 - autoplay vs. video autoplay issue
- #1343 - timeout per slide
- TypeScript refactoring
- remove css-mimicking settings (such as margins) and use CSS instead
- overlay plugin (to support overlay transitions etc.)