- Generalize activation logic so that it works with all JS/TS language packages (@Aerijo)
- Delay package activation until needed to improve Atom startup time (@laughedelic)
- Prevent error after package deactivation
The underlying language server has been changed to the Theia IDE typescript-language-server. This resolves a number of important issues around module resolution, performance, version of TypeScript, tsconfig feature support etc.
Thanks to the Theia IDE team for their language server and @mattlyons0 for helping figure out how to use it and push the necessary required changes upstream!
- Changed language server to Theia IDE
- Code Format now supported
- No longer prints "Server failed to shutdown" on package deactivation
- Many issues are likely resolved
- Prevent initialization failure caused by spread operator on some versions of Atom
- Prevent error when opening a file without first opening a directory/folder (project)
Note: It is recommended that you always open the root of your project as a folder in order for the language server to correctly identify your projects tsconfig etc.
- Update atom-languageclient to 0.9.7 to fix prompts, log messages, improve AutoComplete etc.
- Setting to ignore flow projects
- Setting to configure autocomplete suggestion priority
- Compatibility with Atom's experimental tree-sitter parsing
- Log messages from the language server are now shown in the Atom IDE UI Console window
- Removed redundant fuzzaldrin-plus dependency
- Update atom-languageclient to 0.9.1 to address missing trigger characters on some completions
- Update atom-languageclient for much improved autocomplete
- Update language server to make use of TypeScript 2.7.2
- Update atom-languageclient for better language server stability
- Update atom-language-client
- Resolved autocomplete suggestions retain while filtering
- Return type processing works again
- Update language server
- Update atom-language-client
- Now resolves autocomplete suggestions
- Force server shutdown after 2 seconds during quit
- Add configuration switch to turn off diagnostics
- Update language server
- Update atom language client
- Enable signature help
- Update language server
- Support document format if available
- Dependency updates
- README updates
- Various README changes
- Fix currentsuggestions errors #18
- Add support for tsx/typescript react, fixes #15
- Various README updates
- Dependency updates
- Do not throw when editing non-JS/TS files
- Switch off streaming by upgrading to language server 2.2.1
- Simplify English setting descriptions
- Remove
as a split condition for method sigs
- Choice of left or right for return types in autocomplete
- Ensure functions not messed up by skipping
- Split return and param signatures into left/right, fixes #7
- Multi-project autocomplete filtering
- Allow disabling of JavaScript support, fixes #5
- Fix fuzzy-find autocomplete
- First published release