A docker image containing both docker and kubernetes. Used by the author to run k8s inside a Jenkins pipeline with the Jenkins-Kubernetes plugin.
- kubectl v1.6.4, docker v18
This image extends a docker image and adds an executable kubectl
. kubectl
still needs to be configured, however. You'll need
to copy a kubectl
config into the container and either move it to ~/.kube/config
or run kubectl
with the --kubeconfig
Assuming you're using the Jenkins k8s plugin, with your config file saved in Jenkins as a credential:
//'dockerk8s' is defined at the start of the pipeline.
container('dockerk8s') {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'kube-config', variable: 'k8sconfig')]) {
sh "cp $env.{k8sconfig} ~/.kube/config"
sh "kubectl get pods" //(or whatever command you want)
Assuming your configuration is in a file called kubeconfig
In one terminal:
docker pull alexpruss/dockerandkubectl:1.6.4
docker run -it alexpruss/dockerandkubectl:1.64
In a second terminal:
docker ps
(find the container id)
docker cp kubeconfig $containerId:~/.kube/config
In the first terminal again:
kubectl get pods
(or whatever command you want)