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File metadata and controls

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User Guide

This section provides short instructions and examples so that you can get started with using the cloud-storage-etl-udfs.

Table of contents

Deployment guide

In order to use the cloud-storage-etl-udfs, you should deploy the jar file and create UDF scripts.

Please follow the steps from deployment guide.

Getting started

The cloud-storage-etl-udfs allows you to import data from external cloud storage filesystems or Apache Kafka cluster into Exasol table. Similarly, it allows you to export data from Exasol table to cloud storage filesystems.

Therefore, the next step is to create a table inside the Exasol.

In this guide, we are going to create a RETAIL schema with SALES_POSITIONS table. Then we will use this table to demonstrate the import and export features of the cloud-storage-etl-udfs.

Create a retail schema:


Then create a sales positions table:


    PRICE       DECIMAL(9,2),


Here we are going to show an excerpt from a simple example that will import Avro formatted data from Azure Blob Storage into SALES_POSITIONS table and export from it into Amazon S3 bucket as Parquet formatted data.

Import Avro data from Azure Blob store container:

  DATA_FORMAT        = 'AVRO'
  PARALLELISM        = 'nproc()';

The same can be achieved by using the secret key connection object. Please check the supported cloud storage systems for more details.

  DATA_FORMAT        = 'AVRO'
  PARALLELISM      = 'nproc()';

When running the import, it will first execute the IMPORT_METADATA udf in order to calculate the number of files in the user provided path. Then it will distribute these files in round-robin fashion into number of PARALLELISM virtual machines that then will be importing data from their list of files.

In the example above, PARALLELISM property value is set to nproc() which defines the number of physical datanodes in the Exasol cluster. Therefore, each datanode will be running single virtual machine (VM) to import data from files.

However, you can increase the parallelism by setting it to different value. For example, in order to start four VMs in each datanode, you can set the PARALLELISM to nproc()*4. Or similarly, to higher static number as PARALLELISM = '16' that will use 16 virtual machines in total.

Once the process is finished, make sure that data is imported:

SELECT * FROM retail.sales_positions LIMIT 10;

SELECT count(*) FROM retail.sales_positions;

Similarly, to export table rows into Amazon S3 bucket as Parquet data:

  BUCKET_PATH    = 's3a://<S3_BUCKET>/data/parquet/sales_positions/'
  S3_ENDPOINT    = 's3.<REGION>'
  PARALLELISM    = 'iproc(), floor(random()*4)';

Under the hoods, the EXPORT_PATH entry point UDF will call the EXPORT_TABLE user defined function we created in the deployment guide.

You might have noticed the different value for PARALLELISM in the export SQL statement. This is due to fact that when exporting an Exasol table, the PARALLELISM property value will be used internally in a GROUP BY clause to distribute table rows into many virtual machines.

In the example above, iproc() will return the sequence numbers of Exasol datanodes. Thus, setting parallelism to iproc() only will create a single VM per each physical datanode. Therefore, we can add additional number to iproc() to increase parallel running VMs for exporting data.

Please be aware that setting the PARALLELISM to a static number, for instance 16 or nproc(), when exporting will only start a single virtual machine in total.

Finally, please change the placeholder parameters accordingly for your use case.


Several properties should be provided by users in order cloud-storage-etl-udfs to work properly. As you have seen from examples they are required parameters such as path to storage filesystem, access control credentials or optional parameters such as parallelism.

Please note that properties are provided as strings, S3_ENDPOINT = ''.

Storage Properties

These property names related to accessing various cloud storage filesystems for importing or exporting data.

Required Properties

  • BUCKET_PATH - It specifies a path to the cloud storage filesystem. Additionally, it should start with storage specific schema, such as s3a. You can check out the currently supported list of cloud storage systems.

  • DATA_FORMAT - It defines the data file format in the user provided path. Currently, we support importing data from Avro, Orc and Parquet file formats and exporting to only Parquet format.

  • Additional storage related properties that enable accessing storage filesystems. Please refer to the supported cloud storage systems documentation for more information.

Optional Properties

These are optional parameters that usually have default values.

  • PARALLELISM - It defines the number of parallel virtual-machine instances that will be started to import or export data. Default value in import SQL statement: nproc(). Default value in export SQL statement: iproc(). As mentioned before, you can changes these values to increase the parallelism. For example, multiply with a number when importing PARALLELISM = 'nproc()*4' or append additional numbers when exporting PARALLELISM = 'iproc(), floor(random()*4)'. Please check out the supported cloud storage systems for more examples.

  • PARQUET_COMPRESSION_CODEC - This property is only used in export SQL statement. It defines the compression codec to use when exporting data into Parquet formatted files. Default value is uncompressed. Other compression options are snappy, gzip and lzo.

  • EXPORT_BATCH_SIZE - This property is only used in export SQL statement. It defines the number of records per file from each virtual machine. Default value is 100000. That is, if a single VM gets 1M rows to export, it will create 10 files with default value 100000 records in each file.

Kafka Import Properties

The following properties are related to UDFs when importing data from Kafka clusters. Most of these properties are exactly same as Kafka consumer configurations.

Required Properties

  • BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS - It is a comma separated host-port pairs of Kafka brokers. These addresses will be used to establish the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.

  • SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL - It specifies an URL to the Confluent Schema Registry which stores Avro schemas as metadata. Schema Registry will be used to parse the Kafka topic Avro data schemas.

  • TOPICS - It defines Kafka topic name that we want to import data from. Currently, we only support single topic data imports. Therefore, it should not contain comma separated list of more than one topic names.

  • TABLE_NAME - It defines the Exasol table name the data will be imported. This is required as user provided parameter since unfortunately we cannot obtain table name from inside UDF even though we are importing data into it.

Please note that we do not have PARALLELISM when importing from Kafka cluster. The number of parallel running virtual machine instances are defined by the Kafka topic partitions. That is, when importing data from Kafka topic, we will be importing from each topic partition in parallel. Therefore, it is important to configure Kafka topics with several partitions.

Please check out the Kafka import examples for more information.

Optional Properties

These are optional parameters with their default values.

  • GROUP_ID - It defines the id for this type of consumers. Default value is EXASOL_KAFKA_UDFS_CONSUMERS. It is a unique string that identifies the consumer group this consumer belongs to.

  • POLL_TIMEOUT_MS - It defines the timeout value that is the number of milliseconds to wait for the consumer poll function to return any data. Default value is 30000 milliseconds.

  • MIN_RECORDS_PER_RUN - It is an upper bound on the minimum number of records to consumer per UDF run. Default value is 100. That is, if the pull function returns fewer records than this number, we consume returned records and finish the UDF process. Otherwise, we continue polling more data until total number of records reaches certain threshold, for example, MAX_RECORD_PER_RUN.

  • MAX_RECORD_PER_RUN - It is a lower bound on the maximum number of records to consumer per UDF run. Default value is 1000000. When the returned number of records from poll is more than MIN_RECORDS_PER_RUN, we continue polling for more records until total number reaches this number.

  • MAX_POLL_RECORDS - It is the maximum number of records returned in a single call from the consumer poll method. Default value is 500.

  • FETCH_MIN_BYTES - It is the minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. If insufficient data is available the request will wait for that much data to accumulate before answering the request. Default value is 1.

  • FETCH_MAX_BYTES - It is the maximum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. Default value is 52428800.

  • MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES - It is the maximum amount of data per partition the server will return. Default value is 1048576.

The following properties should be provided to enable secure connection to the Kafka clusters.

  • SSL_ENABLED - It is a boolean property that should be set to true in order to use the secure connections to the Kafka cluster. Default value is 'false'.

  • SECURITY_PROTOCOL - It is the protocol used to communicate with Kafka servers. Default value is PLAINTEXT.

  • SSL_KEY_PASSWORD - It represents the password of the private key inside the keystore file.

  • SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - It the store password for the keystore file.

  • SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION - It represents the location of the keystore file. This location value should point to the keystore file that is available via Exasol bucket in BucketFS.

  • SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - It is the password for the truststore file.

  • SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION - It is the location of the truststore file, and it should refer to the truststore file stored inside bucket in Exasol BucketFS.

  • SSL_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ALGORITHM - It is the endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate. Default value is https.