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github-actions[bot] edited this page Feb 4, 2025 · 4 revisions
API / IReadOnlyFormCollection<TForm, TValidationError> interface

Represents a read-only configurable observable collection of form sections. Callbacks can be configured for setting up individual form sections for cases where validation and other aspects are based on the state of an entity or the form itself.

Extends IValidatable<TValidationError>, IReadOnlyObservableCollection<TForm>, IConfigurableFormCollection<TForm, TValidationError>.

interface IReadOnlyFormCollection<TForm extends Form<TValidationError>, TValidationError = string>
    extends IValidatable<TValidationError>, IReadOnlyObservableCollection<TForm>, IConfigurableFormCollection<TForm, TValidationError>

Source reference: src/forms/IReadOnlyFormCollection.ts:14.

Generic Parameters

  • TForm - The concrete type of the form section.

    Type constraints: Form<TValidationError>.

  • TValidationError - The concrete type for representing validation errors (strings, enums, numbers etc.).

    Default value: string.


  • readonly validation - Gets the validation configuration for the form. Fields have their own individual validation config as well.
  • inherited readonly collectionChanged - An event that is raised when the collection changed by adding or removing items.
  • inherited readonly collectionReordered - An event that is raised when the collection changed.
  • inherited error - Gets or sets the error message when the object is invalid.
  • inherited readonly isInvalid - A flag indicating whether the object is invalid.
  • inherited readonly isValid - A flag indicating whether the object is valid.
  • inherited readonly length - Gets the number of items in the collection.
  • inherited readonly propertiesChanged - An event that is raised when one or more properties may have changed.


  • reset - Resets the sections collection and all contained items.


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