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Kotlin workshop

Morten Nygaard Åsnes

Bjørn Hamre


  • Part 1 - Syntax / Functions / Types
    • 25 min. introduction
    • 35 min. exercises
    • 10 min. solutions
  • Part 2 - Classes / Objects / Collection
    • 50 min. theory
    • 45 min. exercises
    • 15 min. solutions

Note: Ikke bruk for mye tid på en enkelt oppgave eller seksjon, prøv å være innom alle seksjonene, og kom heller tilbake til oppgaver

About Kotlin

  • New programming language
  • Developed by Jetbrains
  • Inspired (a lot) by Scala, Groovy and others


  • Lansert i 2011
  • v1.0 regnet som første stabile release kom i 2016
  • Introdusert som et alternativ til Java.
  • Objekt orientert og funksjonelt
  • Språket utvikles av JetBrains, men er Open Source, og har mange eksterne bidragsytere


Note: Spesifikasjon, stdlib doc, tutorials++ på kotlinlang Kotlin Koans kan løses online eller med EduTools plugin i intellij

Why Kotlin

  • Less boilerplate -> Less code -> Fewer bugs
  • More declarative code
  • More functional style
  • Better support for immutability
  • Null safe

Note: Mer konsist Popular on android. Supported by Google. Siden mai 2019 det foretrukne språket på Android

Kotlin compiles to

  • Jvm
  • Javascript
  • Native
  • Android

Getting started

  • Download Kotlin
  • IntelliJ has Kotlin support
  • Maven and gradle support
  • Easy to run scripts (.kts)

Datatypes in Kotlin

"Everything is an object"

  • Double, Float
  • Long, Int
  • Short, Byte
  • String, Char
  • Long[], Array<Long>
  • Any, Unit, Nothing

Note: Not primitive types. Basic types are compiled to native Jvm types where possible.


var, val, type inference, == and no ';'

var changeableName: String = "Variable"
val finalName: String = "Value"

changeableName = "Can be changed"
//finalName = "Immutable"   -> compiler error

val typeInferred = "Compiler recognizes the String"

println("Value" == finalName)  // java: .equals()
println("Value" === finalName) // java: ==


Semicolons are optional, but are by convention only used to separate multiple statements on the same line.


  • Inline with $ og ${}
  • Multiline
val firstName = "Bjørn"
val lastName = "Hamre"
val fullName = "$lastName, $firstName"
val multiLineString = """
    SELECT *
    FROM my_table
    WHERE id = :id
    -- can use " without escaping

Note: $ is used for single variables, ${} evaluating expressions raw string kan inneholde spesialteng uten escaping. også nyttig for regexp.


  • fun keyword
  • can be top level outside class
fun squareWithBlock(n: Int): Int {
    return n * n
    //always 'return' in a block
fun squareOneLiner(n: Int) =  n * n
println("square(3) == ${square(3)}") //> 9


  • fun keyword
  • return type end of signatur
  • return type inferred in oneliners
  • placement of colon
  • a top level function will be compiled in a class corresponding to the source file on the jvm.

No return value

  • Will actually return an object of type Unit
  • Unit can be inferred
fun printer(n: Int) {
    println("The number is $n")

fun printerWithUnit(n: Int): Unit {
    println("The number is $n")


  • No return
  • No =

Default values

  • Function arguments can have default value
fun printTemperature(degrees: Double, unit: String = "Celcius") {
    println("temperature is $degrees $unit" )
printTemperature(37.0, "Celcius")

> temperature is 37.0 Celcius
> temperature is 37.0 Celcius

Named arguments

  • Confusing with methods having arguments of same type
  • what are the true, true arguments?
fun confusing(name: String, isActive: Boolean, isAdmin: Boolean){}

confusing("Ole", true, true)
confusing(name = "Ole", isAdmin = true, isActive = false)

Note: When a function is called with both positional and named arguments, all the positional arguments should be placed before the first named one. For example, the call f(1, y = 2) is allowed, but f(x = 1, 2) is not.

Nullable types

  • Every type has a complementary nullable type
  • String and String?
  • Compiler prevents assignment of null to "ordinary" types
//val middleName: String = null //will not compile
val middleName: String? = null
if (middleName != null) {
    //No need to .get() as in Optional
    println("Middle name: $middleName")

Nullsafe and Elvis

To be used in "train wrecks"

  • ?.
  • ?:
val middleName: String? = null
val upperMiddleName: String? = middleName?.toUpperCase()
val defaultIfNull: String = middleName?.toUpperCase() ?: ""

!! operator

  • The not-null assertion operator
  • !! converts any value to a non-null type
  • Throws an exception if the value is null.
val l = b!!.length

Smart cast

  • Any is the super class of all classes
  • No need to cast after type is asserted
val something: Any = getAnObject()
if (something is String) {

Note: is = instanceof

Pattern matching

  • Notice the smart casting (is)
val surprise: Any = getSomething()
var whatIsIt: String? = null
when (surprise) {
    is String -> whatIsIt = surprise.toUpperCase()
    42        -> whatIsIt = "Life, the universe and everything"
    3.14      -> whatIsIt = "PI"

But 'var' isn't functional !


  • brukes hvor en ellers ville brukt switch, else if
  • smart casting
  • sjekk type og verdi på variabel
  • tilordning inne i when -> må være var
  • prøv alltid å bruke val

Pattern to avoid var

  • Use when as expression
  • Must cover all possibilities (be exhaustive)
  • can have a default part (else)
val surprise: Any = getSomething()
val whatIsIt: String = when (surprise) {
    is String -> surprise.toUpperCase()
    42        -> "Life, the universe and everything"
    3.14      -> "PI"
    else      -> "Whatever"


  • result from when assigned directly -> val

When without arguments

  • Can replace long if-else if blocks with when
  • Used as expressen -> must be exhaustive
val result = when {
    char == 'A' || char == 'a' -> 1
    else -> -1


  • can have more complex expressions

Pattern to avoid var

  • use if as an expression
val random = Random().nextInt()
val absolute = if (random < 0) -random else random

Pattern to avoid var

  • try catch as an expression
  • Implicit return
val value = try {
    getSomething() as String
} catch (e: Exception) {
    "Not a string"


  • as is casting

Exercises - Part 1

Part 2


...and friends

A Java example

public class Person {
    private final String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;
    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;
    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;


  • Two fields
  • One final, one mutable
  • Constructor
  • Getter and setter


  • Primary constructor
  • Default public
  • No new when instantiating
  • Getters and Setters (for vars) generated
class Person(val firstName: String, var lastName: String) {

val bjorn = Person("Bjørn", "Hamre")
bjorn.lastName = "Something Else"


  • LastName is var
  • From Kotlin code, uses property name
    • In byte code -> generated as get set
    • Boilerplate removed for ease of reading
  • From java use getter and setter

Class Person in byte code

$ javap Classes\$Person.class
Compiled from "classes.kts"
public final class no.hamre.Classes$Person {
  public final java.lang.String getFirstName();
  public final java.lang.String getLastName();
  public final void setLastName(java.lang.String);
  public no.hamre.Classes$Person(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);


  • Firstname val -> only getter()

Nice class features

  • Default values
  • Named arguments
class Person(val lastName: String,
             val firstName: String,
             val middleName: String = "") {
    fun fullName() = "$firstName $middleName $lastName"

val defaultMiddleName = Person("Hamre", "Bjørn" )
val namedArguments = Person(
    firstName = "Bjørn",
    middleName = "Håkonsen",
    lastName = "Hamre")

println(defaultMiddleName.fullName()) //> Bjørn Hamre
println(namedArguments.fullName())    //> Bjørn Håkonsen Hamre


  • Default values -> fewer constructors
  • Put default values at the end of the signature
  • When using named arguments to the constructor it looks a lot like a builder


  • Superclass must be open
  • Using ':'
  • Must call constructor on superclass
open class Person(val name: String)
class IdentifiablePerson(val ssn: String, name: String) 
    : Person(name)

val citizen = IdentifiablePerson("01017012345", "Bjørn")
println("Name: ${}, ssn: ${citizen.ssn}")
> Name: Bjørn, ssn: 01017012345


  • Classes are closed by default
  • Also:
    • private
    • protected
    • internal
    • sealed

Implement interface

  • Using ':' as inheritance
  • Must have override on methods
interface PersonService {
    fun addPerson(personToAdd: Person)

class PersonServiceImpl : PersonService {
    override fun addPerson(personToAdd: Person) {
        println("Persisting to database: $personToAdd")

Note: Skal vi si noe om sealed? Sealed classes must have all subclasses implemented in the same file. All possible implementations of a seal class are known

Data class

  • When data matters
  • immutable (if val)
  • copy(), toString(), equals()
data class Person(
        val firstName: String,
        val lastName: String,
        val age: Int,
        val sex: String = "Not given"
val bjorn = Person("Bjørn", "Hamre", 46)
> Person(firstName=Bjørn, lastName=Hamre, age=46, sex=Not given)
val otherBjorn = bjorn.copy(sex = "Male", age = 29)
> Person(firstName=Bjørn, lastName=Hamre, age=29, sex=Male)


  • Can implement methods
  • Inheritance: A data class can extend but not be extended
  • Copy with named parameters is usefull for making a copy with a few parameters changed. Usefull for keeping objects immutable. Make a modified copy instead of modifying.


enum class Direction {

//Can have properties
enum class Color(val rgb: Int) {


  • properties much simpler than java
    • no constructor
    • no getters


  • immutable "by default"
val list = listOf("Bjørn", "Erik", "Thomas")
val set  = setOf("Bjørn", "Erik", "Thomas")
val map  = mapOf("B" to "Bjørn", "E" to "Erik")
val modifiedList = list + "The Bear"
println(list) //[Bjørn, Erik, Thomas]
println(modifiedList) //[Bjørn, Erik, Thomas, The Bear]

Note: Collections i Kotlin er Java stdlib collections, med utvidelser og tillegsfunksjoner som gjør de lettere å jobbe med. Kan utveksle kollections mellom java og kotlin kode uten noe konvertering


  • can be mutable
val arrayList  = arrayListOf("Bjørn", "Erik", "Thomas")
val array      = arrayOf("Bjørn", "Erik", "Thomas")

val mlist = mutableListOf("Bjørn", "Erik", "Thomas")
val mset  = mutableSetOf("Bjørn", "Erik", "Thomas")
val mmap  = mutableMapOf("B" to "Bjørn", "E" to "Erik")

Note: //todo: .toMutable //ikke immutable i bytekode/java Kompilatoren overholder at man ikke modifiserer en immutable collection, men siden det er en java collection "bak" som er mutable, er det ingen garantier for at den ikke kan endres.

Accessing elements

  • Accessed by [index] or .get(index)
  • + appends an element (last/to the right)
  • Can be copied to mutable
val fruits = listOf("Apple", "Banana")
val apple = fruits[0]
val banana = fruits.get(1)

val moreFruits = fruits + "Orange"
val mixedUp: String = "Orange" + fruits
val mutableFruits = moreFruits.toMutableList()

Note: .get notasjonen er nyttig hvis val som holder collection er nullable, da kan man bruke collection?.get(i) men ikke collection[i]

Filter and Map collections

  • Like in Java
  • No .stream() or .collect()
  • Implicit parameter is named 'it'
data class Employee(val name: String, val salary: Long)

val employees = listOf(
    Employee("Bjørn", 1_000_000),
    Employee("Junior", 300_000),
    Employee("The Boss", 5_000_000)

val highSalaries: List<Long> =
    employees.filter { emp -> emp.salary > 500_000 }
        .filter { it.salary > 500_000 }
        .map { it.salary }
val average = highSalaries.average()

Note: Vi kommer tilbake til syntax for lambda utrykk

Reduce a collection

  • reduce/reduceRight
    • Starts with first two elements
    • Reduces to the same type
val sumReduced = { it.salary }
    .reduce { it, sum -> sum + it }

val sumReducedRight = { it.salary }


  • Direction is different.
  • Reduces from List of Long to Long

Fold a collection

  • fold/foldRight
    • Starts with an initial value and first element
    • Can be applied to empty collections
employees.foldRight(0L) { it, sum -> it.salary + sum }

employees.fold(0L) { sum, it -> it.salary + sum }


  • Fold works on Long and Employee (forskjellige typer, går ikke med reduce)
  • Fold tar 2 argument, initial value og lambda. lambda som siste argument kan stå utenfor parantesene


  • Function style: (params) -> returnType
  • Types can be inferred in one position
val concatenator: (s1: String, s2: String) -> String 
    = { s1: String, s2: String -> s1+s2}
val concatenator: (s1: String, s2: String) -> String 
    = { s1, s2 -> s1+s2}
val concatenator = { s1: String, s2: String -> s1+s2}

val name = concatenator("First", "Last")

Pass lambda as argument to function

  • Lambda as last parameter
  • Use separate block when calling
fun intOperator(v1: Int, v2: Int, op: (Int, Int) -> Int ): Int 
    = op(v1, v2)
val sum = intOperator(2, 3) { n1, n2 -> n1 + n2 }
val sum2 = intOperator(2, 3, Int::plus)

Return lambda from function

  • Return type is a lambda
fun times(base: Int): (Int) -> Int = { value -> base * value }
val doubler = times(2)
val trippler: (Int) -> Int = times(3)
println("2 x 4 = ${doubler(4)}")
> 2 x 4 = 8


  • to / Pair
  • destructuring
val tuple = 42 to "The meaning"
val pair = Pair(42, "The meaning")
val theSecret = tuple.first

val (secret, message) = tuple


  • to er en infix funksjon som returnerer et Pair

Data class is tuple

  • Can be destructured
  • _ for unused values
  • Order is important
data class Person(val name: String, 
                  val age: Int, 
                  val occupation: String)
val bjorn = Person("Bjørn", 46, "Programmer")
val (na, _, occ) = bjorn


  • destucturing virker for klasser som implementerer component1, component2...
  • lister implementerer component1..5
  • data classer for alle properties

Exercises - Part 2

Part 3

More about classes

  • Can be abstract, sealed, open
  • Can have several constructors
  • Can implement interfaces
  • supports inheritance
  • ...whatever java classes can do

Singletons (utility classes)

  • No private constructor and hassle
object Utilities{
    fun toUpper(text: String) = text.toUpperCase()

val upperCase = Utilities.toUpper("Bjørn")


  • Utililites object we created using the object declaration is a singleton.
  • We can’t create objects of Utilities — it’s not considered to be a class
    • it’s already an object.
  • Think of it like a class with a private constructor and only static methods
    • but with less code.
  • "static" utility classes
  • Not static in the byte code

Companion object

  • object inside class
  • Eg. factory
class MyClass private constructor() {
    companion object {
        fun create(): MyClass = MyClass()
val instance = MyClass.create()


  • methods in companion object accessed with classname in Kotlin

  • private constructor

  • If a group of functions are high level, general, and widely useful then place them directly within a package.

  • If on the other hand, a few functions are more closely related to each other than the other functions, like create() and configure(), are more closely related to each other than to milesToKm() ,then place them within a singleton.