Here is the link to the video where we talk about the features we added in Phase 3 with a comparison to Phase 2.
Stop letting ideas slip through the cracks. Collect, analyze, and organize feedback and feature requests in your product's feedback board to make better product decisions.
Feature Hunt is a platform that allows you to do just that. Users can share/vote/discuss feature requests and product owners can organize them to make better product decisions 🎯.
The following technologies were used for the development of this project:
React (P.S. we use hooks)
We have started using [MaterialUI] for styled components.
For more information, visit our wiki page on tools, hooks, and services.
The Home Page - It has a list of different products for which you can provide feature requests
The Product Page - It has a list of feature requests added by users
The Comment Section - Each product page has a comment section (Powered by
You can now create an account and mange the products you are a part of! This includes -
SignUp Page - First, if you are a new user, you can create an account to customize your dashboard with projects you are involved in.
Login Page - If yopu are a recurring user, then you can login to your dashboard via this portal.
Project Form - You can instantly add new products to be reviewed by the community.
Seach Bar - You can now search for your project
Tag Management - You can now give feature feedback though tags. Want to say that you are working on a feature? Add a IN DEVELOPMENT
Features with Description! - You can now create an "elevator pitch" for your features to help others vote for your feature (How cool!)
Receive autogenerated email notifications! - Contributors can now receive an email that ranks features based on popularity! Additionally, we provide an attachment listing out all the features suggested for the particular project.
Before you get started, if you are using Windows, please visit our wiki page on Windows development.
There are two ways to install and develop for featurehunt
Using Docker
Using Local machine
git clone
cd feature-hunt
docker-compose up --build (This is only needed when you're running the project for the first time. Upon building once, you can run this command without providing --build option)
This will run two docker containers. The frontend will run on port 3000 and the backend will run on port 5000
git clone
cd feature-hunt
Optional: In the project directory run
git config --local core.hooksPath hooks
to make sure you have access to the Git Hooks. Run the following commands in order:
Installs the dependencies for the React App
Installs the requirements for the Flask API
Runs the frontend React app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
To run backend flask api in development mode:
export DB="mongodb+srv://bot:[email protected]/feature-hunt?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
export ROOT_PATH="./"
Runs the backend flask API in development mode.
The API runs on http://localhost:5000.
Requests made to http://localhost:3000 that don't exist on the react server are automatically forwarded to this API
We use Mongo Cloud Atlas for our project as we find it very convenient. You may choose to use a local mongodb instance or run a docker container
Check out our tutorial to get started with creating and connecting to a database.
You can also connect to the database from your shell using mongosh
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Applies Prettier to all .js files.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
This app has been deployed using Netlify and Heroku. Check it out here!
You can now run and test the project locally and in deployments. More info about our deplyments and switching between production and devlopment can be found in our Wiki
Please refer to the if you want to contrbute to the Feature Hunt source code. Follow all the guidelines mentioned and raise a pull request for the developers to review before the code goes to the main source code.
We believe in the ability to add new features in any project (including our own).