- Add the TT1-Blocks FSE theme.
- Adds infrastructure to install themes.
- Add the client-example plugin.
- Add support for MailPoet install.
- Add support for automatic plan provisioning.
- Add support for the Jetpack Debug Helper.
- Add support for licenses.
- Add the Jetpack CRM Plugin.
- Add the AMP Plugin.
- Removed gutenpack feature
- Run wp rewrite after downloading htaccess file
- bump to 4.16.1
- Add htaccess file right away when creating a site
- Bump version to 4.16
- Add VaultPress to the whitelist of plugisn
- Bump to 4.15.2
- Set home and siteurl options on launch for sites using SSL
- bump to 4.15.1
- fix features in text inputs
- Document the action jurassic_ninja_added_rest_api_endpoints
- Bump to 4.15
- Add branch selector for Jetpack beta
- Update build gutenpack script
- Bump version to 4.14.1
- Bump version to 4.14
- Add ability to emulate XML-RPC blocking
- Bump to 4.13.2
- Fix build-gutenpack.sh to fit the calypso monorepo commands
- Merge pull request #165 from Automattic/remove/some-words
- Bump version to 4.13.1
- Remove some words to avoid some messy combinations
- Merge pull request #164 from Automattic/update/bump-4.1.3
- Bump plugin version to 4.13
- Merge pull request #162 from Automattic/fix/favicon-colour-changes
- Make sure that we use the root relative url
- Merge pull request #161 from Automattic/add/guardians-plugins
- Bump version to 4.12
- Add ability to launch with WP Super Cache plugin
- Add ability to launch with WP Job Manager plugin
- Add ability to launch with Crowdsignal plugin
- Adds tab indicator to the build page (#146)
- Merge pull request #160 from Automattic/add/content
- Bump version to 4.10
- Add feature
for allowing pre-generated content to be present on the site on launching
- Merge pull request #159 from Automattic/add/php-7.3
- Bump version to 4.9
- Make default PHP version be PHP 7.2
- Add PHP 7.3 to possible versions for shortlived sites
- Merge pull request #158 from Automattic/add-chimuelo
- bump properly to just 4.8
- move chimuelo up in the list
- Bump to 4.8.0
- add "chimuelo" to nouns list
- Fix Gutenpack script url path (#154)
- Check if branch arg is set for gutenpack feature before evaluating it (#153)
- Add build-gutenpack.sh script in repo (#147)
- Add ability to launch with Classic Editor plugin (#152)
- Add ability to launch with latest stable WordPress 4 (#150)
- Remove feature wordpress-5-beta as WordPress 5.0 has been released already (#149)
- Add ability to launch with a nightly release of Gutenberg (#144)
- Add ability to launch with bleeding edge Gutenberg (master branch) (#143)
- Add ability to launch sites with the WooCommerce Smooth Generator plugin (#142)
- Add ability to launch sites with latest beta release of WordPress 5.0 (#141)
- Fix jetpack branch when gutenpack feature is requested (#139)
- bump to 4.2 beta4
- .
- bump to 4.2-beta3
- mhhh
- move check for jetpack branch into jurassic_ninja_add_features_after_auto_login filter
- Bump to 4.2-beta
- Set priority to 100 for gutenpack filter on REST request
- Add ability to build Gutenberg blocks for Jetpack from Calypso SDK (#136)
- .
- .
- Deal with latest changes in Jetpack master
- .
- .
- more debugging
- oops
- bump to beta
- Add gutenpack feature
- Add gutenpack feature
- Add gutenpack feature
- Merge pull request #134 from Automattic/fix/nojetpack
- bump to 4.0.1
- Fix acknowleding requests for features set to false
- Merge pull request #133 from Automattic/update/bump-4.0
- .
- Improve docs
- Bump to 4.0
- Merge pull request #132 from Automattic/update/unify-plugins-feature-for-plugins-in-directory
- use loops instead of array for defaults
- fix spinner
- fixes
- Update features/readme.md
- fixes
- fixes
- remove requires for deleted files
- remove branch default from plugins.php
- unify wp-rollback and plugins
- unify wp-log-viewer and plugins
- unify wp-downgrade and plugins
- unify wordpress-beta-tester and plugins
- unify woocommerce and plugins
- unify gutenberg config-constants code-snippets and plugins
- Merge pull request #131 from Automattic/fix/some-features
- Add missing filters for config-constants and wordpress-beta-tester
- Merge pull request #129 from Automattic/update/move-messages-out-of-js
- Use original gif in README
- Make failure img src be part of markup too
- Move hardcoded success and error messages from JS to the Create Page content
- Merge pull request #128 from Automattic/update/unify-endpoints
- remove unneeded line
- simplify JS api by leaving just one launchSite function
- update comment
- Unify /specialops/create and /create API endpoints
- Merge pull request #127 from Automattic/update/some-defaults
- spaces
- better error message when requesting both multisite types
- Fix exception parameters for multisite
- Bump to 3.7
- Allow multisite from GET parameter
- Add setting to have Gutenberg installed by default
- Bump to 3.6.1
- add script composer changelog
- Add Travis configuration
- Fix some lint issues
- Add linter
- add script composer test
- Add some basic test scaffolding
- Add changelog file
- Add setting for setting the site admin email to the logged in user email address
- Use the email address of the user as admin email address if the user is logged in
- Hook into the jurassic_ninja_rest_specialops_create_request_features for forcing WooCommerce when the WooCommerce Beta Tester is requested as feature from specialops
- Add filter jurassic_ninja_rest_specialops_create_request_features
- Add setting for enabling woocommerce-beta-tester by default
- Add ability to launch with woocommerce-beta-tester
- The repository was moved from oskosk/jurassic.ninja to Automattic/jurassic.ninja
- Update repo url in README
- Remove some adjectives
- Improve the way we handle errors for the jurassic_ninja_rest_create_request_features filter
- Purge MAX_SITES at most so the purge task does not interfere with sites creation a lot
- Mitigate 503 http status coming from PHP-FPM inability to due a fraceful restart
- Rename $runtime to $php_version
- Add ability to launch with Code Snippets plugin
- fix white spaces
- Fix wrong name in reference to return value
- Fix case in WP Rollback
- Add ability to launch with wp-downgrade installed
- Add ability to launch with wp-rollback installed (#109)
- Allow to launch with gutenberg right away (#107)
- Remove some words (#106)
- Docs: minor fixes (#105)
- Major refactor to provide actions and filters instead of having everything done inside the launch_wordpress() function (#99)
- Remove some words (#104)
- Run the purge cron task every fifteen minutes (#102)
- Define subdomain_multiste as default in rest endpoint (#97)
- Add ability to launch sites with SSL (#96)
- Return 400 error instead of 500 if branch fails or is not there (#95)
- Add docker config & update README (#81)
- Fix typo in README (#90)
- Handle WP_Error from filter (#92)
- Add filters and actions to allow for a more modular approach for feature addition (#91)
- Add wp-debug-log GET parameter support and setting for enabling it by default (#89)
- Add feature wp-debug-log for launching with WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG set to true (#88)
- remove some weird nouns (#87)
This was a major refactor and versions weren't bumped at the time
- Add custom random name generator (#84)
- Add possibility to install jetpack PR branch (#74)
- remove exception when options are not there yet (#83)
- Use wp_generate_password (#80)
- Add system username to options (#79)
- Do not use code in exception when sysuser creation fails (#78)
- Do not use code in exception when app creation fails (#77)
- Handle errors better (#76)
- Log user creation too (#72)
- Add debug() function for logging messages if the setting is on (#71)
- Default to PHP 7.0
- Fix typo in js for wordpress-beta-tester feature
- Wait for serverpilot action when creating user
- Allow PHP version selection from Special Ops (#68)
- Extend the random number generation max from 100 to 500 for shortlived sites (#67)
- Do not add Woo by default (#66)
- Replace debug plugin for Config Constants and WP Log Viewer (#65)
- Use $json_params (#62)
- Add/woocommerce get parameter (#61)
- Add jetpack and nojetpack GET parameter support if the page including the JS carries them in the URL (#60)
- Add more randomness to subdomain generation for shortlived sites. A random number is appended to the subdomain (#58)
- Prevent creating ServerPilot apps with the same domain as another existing one. (#54)
- Add ability to launch shortlived sites (#53)
- Add setting to make launched sites have a site title related to their subdomain (#52)
- Rename $errors to $jurassic_ninja_errors (#51)
- Filter out some probably offensive combinations of words for the subdomains (#50)
- Add ability to install and activate Woo (#49)
- Add Gutenberg feature (#44)
- Introduce managed_sites()
- Use REST_API_NAMESPACE constant for definiin companion_api_base_Url
- Make feature commands be in a single line
- Make the JS only load on creating pages
- Add docs to some functions
- Rename table creation function
- Rename cron task callback
- introduce page_is_launching_page()
- rename to add_settings_page()
- polish main plugin file with comments and ordering stuff
- Check for presence of ABSPATH (#34)
- Add filter for the list of apps returned by ServerPilot (#41)
- Check if RationalOptionPages class exists before including it (#40)
- Add feature debug for installing the Debug plugin (#39)
- Make launch_wordpress accept an array of features instead of multiple arguments (#38)
- Use admin_url() instead of menu_page_url which is not present in the frontend (#37)
- Add WordPress Beta Tester Plugin to launching options
- say launch instead of create
- Remove unnecessary arguments
- Fix resolution of main domain for subdomain-based multisite when loggin its creation
- Fix mapping of checkboxes to post data
- Make enable_subdomain_multisite be based on the filter
- Make enable_subdir_multisite be based on the filter
- Use --activate option for wp instead of running install and activate
- Make add_jetpack_beta_plugin be based on the filter
- Make add_jetpack be based on the filter
- Make add_auto_Login work via filters
- Remove unused function add_companion_plugin
- Run a single command for adding auto login
- Run a single command for subdir-based multisite enabling
- Run a single command for domain-based multisite enabling
- Remove unnecessary dir template
- Create wrapper for ServerPilot Calls
- Add admin bar link
- Update inline URLs for constants
- Update column header
- Make the main menu item be the sites admin item
- Say permission_callback instead of options
- Include special ops functionality (JS+PHP)
- properly forward exception on serverpilot client instantiation as WP_Error
- Add Special Ops endpoint only for authenticated users
- Update menu icon
- Check if dependencies are installed and avoid crashing on activation if they are not
- Link to sysuser screen in serverpilots manage dashboard
- Do not check serverpilot credentials on each page
- rename what was called server_pilot to serverpilot
- Say settings instead of config
- Say settings problems instead of config errors
- Say notices instead of errors
- Update menu titles and slugs
- Fix localization of strings
- Check if ServerPilot settings allow us to do actual stuff
- Show admin notices and block some functionality if settings are not configured
- remove reference to master string in path (#26)
- Fix declaration of primary key. Weird. See https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/dbdelta/#comment-1329 (#25)
- Add setting to restrict site creation to authenticated users (#24)
- add ability to create subdomain-based multisite sites (#23)
- Better readme again
- Remove no longer used tests
- Add default intervals in the code
- Add setting for installing Jetpack Beta Tester plugin by default
- add setting for disabling site launching
- Call add_companion_plugin from add_auto_login instead
- Add better installation instructions (#9)
- remove old config file
- show total running instances
- use sshpass appropriately
- add .striped to sites table
- Add option for disabling purging on cron
- provision api url into an option
- remove companion plugin from this repo
- Add option for installing Jetpack by default
- Move some functions out of stuff.php for clarity
- add error helpers
- remove unnecesary access to global $wpdb
- Better description and namings in Settings page fields
- Add default values for some options
- Add am/pm to dates
- Show system username column instead of app name
- Add checked in and last_logged_in dates
- Better formatting and localization for created date
- Better data in the sites table
- consolidate calculation for expired sites and sites where the admin never logged in with credentials
- Factor out cron callable
- Better manage the serverpilot class instance
- Add JSDOc to some functions
- rename wait_for_action to wait_for_serverpilot_action
- Sort functions by name
- Update page headers
- Improve styles on sites table
- Improve plugin description
- Improve unuseful installation isntuactions
- Remove unnecesary dependencies now that this is a WordPress plugin
- Remove files that are not needed anymore now that this is a WordPress plugin
- Move cron stuff to lib file
- Move db stuff to lib file
- Move settings stuff to lib file
- Use wp_safe_redirect() instead
- Add custom page for listing launched sites
- Use $wpdb instead of external database for logging. Create tables on plugin activation
- Add cron job to purge sites
- Add /checkin endpoint
- Add /extend endpoint
- Add -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no to ssh runner
- move running stuff to main plugin file
- Add basic /create endpoint
- Add scripts
- Add options page
- Update db instantiation
- Add plugin
- Install companion plugin from github (#8)
- Redirect to wp-admin only the first time so the redirect_to can be respected on further logins (#7)
- Introduce namespace and move intervals definition to config.inc.php (#5)
- Update the way in which the code access the config (#4)
- Fix most lint issues (#3)
- Initial commit