- Android Upload Service version:
- Android version and API version:
- HTTP stack (e.g. HurlStack or OkHttpStack):
// the code you wrote in your Application subclass here
// the code you wrote to create the upload request
- Activity
- Service
- Other class (add additional info about it)
LogCat output (please set log level to DEBUG first)
// your LogCat output here
Which server did you use (e.g. node.js demo server provided in the examples, php script provided in the examples, own implementation)?
// your server side script (if applicable)
// do not write any passwords or personal data here.
// If you need to show some code, replace sensible values
// your server side log here
Write some additional information about the error here. Upload also screenshots or other information which may help to reproduce your error or spot a possible bug. Thank you :)