diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 18e0f0be8..a8256f0c6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -69,27 +69,38 @@ Wordless is an integrated corpus tool with multilingual support for the study of
## Download
-The latest version (**3.3.0**) of Wordless supports **Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11**, **macOS 10.11 or later**, and **Ubuntu 18.04 or later**, all **64-bit only**. Both Intel-based and Apple Silicon-based Macs are supported.
+The latest version (**3.4.0**) of Wordless supports **Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11**, **macOS 10.11 or later**, and **Ubuntu 18.04 or later**, all **64-bit only**. Both Intel-based and Apple Silicon-based Macs are supported.
For a detailed changelog, please see [CHANGELOG.md](/CHANGELOG.md).
-[Latest Release for Windows](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.3.0/wordless_3.3.0_windows.zip)|1. Extract all files
2. Double-click **Wordless/Wordless.exe** to run
-[Latest Release for macOS](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.3.0/wordless_3.3.0_macos.zip)|1. Extract all files
2. Double-click **Wordless.app** to run
-[Latest Release for Linux](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.3.0/wordless_3.3.0_linux.tar.gz)|1. Extract all files
2. Double-click **Wordless/Wordless** to run
3. [Optional] Double-click **Wordless/Wordless - Create Shortucut** to create a shortcut in **Show Applications**
+[Latest Release for Windows](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.4.0/wordless_3.4.0_windows.zip)|1. Extract all files
2. Double-click **Wordless/Wordless.exe** to run
+[Latest Release for macOS](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.4.0/wordless_3.4.0_macos.zip)|1. Extract all files
2. Double-click **Wordless.app** to run
+[Latest Release for Linux](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.4.0/wordless_3.4.0_linux.tar.gz)|1. Extract all files
2. Double-click **Wordless/Wordless** to run
3. [Optional] Double-click **Wordless/Wordless - Create Shortucut** to create a shortcut in **Show Applications**
[Past Releases](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases)|Not recommended
-[Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1--ZzABrDQBZlZagWlVQMbg?pwd=wdls#list/path=%2FWordless%2FWordless%203.3.0)|For Chinese users with unstable connections to Github (**PASSWORD: wdls**)
-**Note 1:** It is recommended that the path to Wordless **not contain any non-ASCII chatacters, such as Chinese characters and letters with diacritics**.
-**Note 2:** If your Mac says that **“Wordless” is damaged and can’t be opened**, please open **Terminal** (Launchpad → Other) and run:
- xattr -rc /Applications/Wordless.app
-remember to replace **/Applications/Wordless.app** with the actual path of Wordless on your computer (you could drag **Wordless.app** to the **Terminal**). Then, **run Wordless again** (the warning prompted in Terminal could be ignored if the program could be successfully opened).
-**Note 3:** If the Linux version won't open after double-clicking, please try **executing the program with the sudo command in terminal**. If the program is still not running, please **contact the author for support**.
+[Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1--ZzABrDQBZlZagWlVQMbg?pwd=wdls#list/path=%2FWordless%2FWordless%203.4.0)|For Chinese users with unstable connections to Github (**PASSWORD: wdls**)
+> **Note 1:** It is recommended that the path to Wordless **not contain any non-ASCII chatacters, such as Chinese characters and letters with diacritics**.
+> **Note 2:** If your Mac says that **“Wordless” is damaged and can’t be opened**, please open **Terminal** (Launchpad → Other) and run:
+> xattr -rc /Applications/Wordless.app
+> remember to replace **/Applications/Wordless.app** with the actual path of Wordless on your computer (you could drag **Wordless.app** to the **Terminal**). Then, **run Wordless again** (the warning prompted in Terminal could be ignored if the program could be successfully opened).
+> **Note 3:** While opening corpora in languages other than English in *Wordless*, extra model files might need to be downloaded from the internet. If you encounter a **Network Error** dialog while downloading the model, chances are that it's a literal network error, so you just need to check your internet connections following the instructions in the error message and try downloading the model once more.
+> Users in China, where connections to Github and Hugging Face Hub are unstable, are recommended to use a proxy and set properly the settings in **Menu - Preferences - Settings - General - Proxy Settings**. Alternatively, Chinese users can choose to manually download model files from [Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1--ZzABrDQBZlZagWlVQMbg?pwd=wdls#list/path=%2FWordless%2Fmodels&parentPath=%2F). The steps of installing models are as follows:
+> 1. Check the error message displayed in the **Network Error** dialog. If **stanza** is found in the error message, you need a *Stanza* model, otherwise you need a *spaCy* model.
+> 2. Download model files for the language of your corpus from the above link and **extract all files**.
+> 3. For Windows and Linux users, put *spaCy* models under **Wordless/libs** and *Stanza* models under **Wordless/libs/stanza_resources**. For macOS users, right click on **Wordless.app**, select **Show Package Contents**, then put *spaCy* models under **Contents/Frameworks** and *Stanza* models under **Contents/Frameworks/stanza_resources**.
+> 4. If your corpora are in different languages or both *spaCy* and *Stanza* models are required, repeat step 1 ~ 3 until the **Network Error** dialog disappears.
+> 5. Try opening corpora in *Wordless* again, the model downloading process should be skipped now.
+> If the problem persists or the model you need is missing from the above link, please contact the author for further support.
## Need Help?
@@ -110,11 +121,11 @@ If you are going to publish a work that uses Wordless, please cite as follows.
APA (7th edition):
Ye, L. (2023). Wordless (Version 3.3.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless
+Ye, L. (2023). Wordless (Version 3.4.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless
MLA (8th edition):
-Ye Lei. Wordless, version 3.3.0, 2023. Github, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.
+Ye Lei. Wordless, version 3.4.0, 2023. Github, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.
## License
diff --git a/README_zho_cn.md b/README_zho_cn.md
index 163c307a7..2f80b273e 100644
--- a/README_zho_cn.md
+++ b/README_zho_cn.md
@@ -69,27 +69,38 @@ Wordless 是一款拥有多语种支持的语料库集成工具,其可用于
## 下载
-Wordless 最新版(**3.3.0**)支持 **Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11**、**macOS 10.11 或更高版本**及 **Ubuntu 18.04 或更高版本**,**均仅支持**64位操作系统**。英特尔和 Apple 芯片的苹果电脑均有支持。
+Wordless 最新版(**3.4.0**)支持 **Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11**、**macOS 10.11 或更高版本**及 **Ubuntu 18.04 或更高版本**,**均仅支持**64位操作系统**。英特尔和 Apple 芯片的苹果电脑均有支持。
如需完整的更新日志,请参阅 [CHANGELOG.md](/CHANGELOG.md)(待翻译)。
-[Windows 最新版](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.3.0/wordless_3.3.0_windows.zip)|1. 解压缩所有文件xattr -rc /Applications/Wordless.app
Ye, L. (2023). Wordless (Version 3.3.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless
+Ye, L. (2023). Wordless (Version 3.4.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless
-Ye Lei. Wordless, version 3.3.0, 2023. Github, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.
+Ye Lei. Wordless, version 3.4.0, 2023. Github, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.
## 许可
diff --git a/README_zho_tw.md b/README_zho_tw.md
index 2c52f1304..c7df1fb86 100644
--- a/README_zho_tw.md
+++ b/README_zho_tw.md
@@ -69,27 +69,37 @@ Wordless 是一款擁有多語種支援的語料庫整合工具,其可用於
## 下載
-Wordless 最新版(**3.3.0**)支援 **Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11**、**macOS 10.11 或更高版本**及 **Ubuntu 18.04 或更高版本**,均僅支援**64位作業系統**。英特爾和 Apple 晶片的蘋果電腦均有支援。
+Wordless 最新版(**3.4.0**)支援 **Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11**、**macOS 10.11 或更高版本**及 **Ubuntu 18.04 或更高版本**,均僅支援**64位作業系統**。英特爾和 Apple 晶片的蘋果電腦均有支援。
如需完整的更新日誌,請參閱 [CHANGELOG.md](/CHANGELOG.md)(待翻譯)。
-[Windows 最新版](https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless/releases/download/3.3.0/wordless_3.3.0_windows.zip)|1. 解壓縮所有檔案xattr -rc /Applications/Wordless.app
Ye, L. (2023). Wordless (Version 3.3.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless
+Ye, L. (2023). Wordless (Version 3.4.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless
-Ye Lei. Wordless, version 3.3.0, 2023. Github, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.
+Ye Lei. Wordless, version 3.4.0, 2023. Github, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.
## 許可
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 859fe1a43..054c858ce 100644
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
# along with this program. If not, see