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Docker Core Concepts



The course project involved learning about the different approaches to deploying docker and your application inside the project directory is source code for each approach:

  1. Using AWS EC2
  2. Using AWS ECS
    • For this lesson, I added a stretch goal for myself to provision resources using Terraform.

Practically, the approach depends on a team's capacity and how much they need to balance between Control and Ease-of-Use

Key Docker Commands

1. docker build

This command creates a Docker image from a Dockerfile and the specified build context (usually the current directory). The image can then be run as a container.

docker build -t NAME:TAG .
  • -t NAME:TAG: Assigns a name and tag (version) to the image being built. The tag is optional but useful for versioning the image (e.g., my-app:1.0).
    • Example: docker build -t my-app:1.0 . would create an image named my-app with a version tag of 1.0.
  • .: The build context, which is the directory containing the Dockerfile and any files referenced in the image build (like source code or configuration). Here, . represents the current directory.
    • Docker uses this context to access files needed to assemble the image.

Additional options for docker build include:

  • --no-cache: Build the image without using any cached layers, forcing Docker to rebuild everything from scratch.
    • Example: docker build --no-cache -t my-app:1.0 .
  • -f Dockerfile.custom: Use a Dockerfile other than the default one in the build context.
    • Example: docker build -t my-app:1.0 -f Dockerfile.custom .

2. docker run

This command runs a container from a Docker image. It creates and starts the container and can be customized with various options.

docker run --name NAME --rm -d IMAGE
  • --name NAME: Specifies the name of the container. This makes it easier to reference the container for management (e.g., stopping or viewing logs). If not provided, Docker assigns a random name.

    • Example: docker run --name my-container my-image will run a container named my-container from the image my-image.
  • --rm: Automatically removes the container when it stops. This is useful for temporary or one-off containers where you don’t need to keep any data after they exit.

    • Example: docker run --rm my-image will delete the container once it stops.
  • -d: Runs the container in detached mode, meaning it runs in the background without tying up the terminal. To interact with or view the logs from the container, you would need to use commands like docker logs or docker exec.

    • Example: docker run -d my-image starts the container in the background, and you can later check its logs with docker logs.

Additional useful options:

  • -p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT: Maps a port from the host to a port in the container, allowing external access to services running inside the container.

    • Example: docker run -p 8080:80 my-image exposes port 80 in the container to port 8080 on the host.
  • -e "ENV_VAR=value": Passes an environment variable into the container.

    • Example: docker run -e "ENV=prod" my-image sets an environment variable ENV to prod inside the container.

3. docker push

This command pushes a locally built image to a Docker registry, such as Docker Hub or a private registry, making it available for others or for use in production environments.

  • REGISTRY_URL: The URL of the Docker registry you are pushing to. For Docker Hub, you can omit the registry URL, and for private registries, it might look something like

    • Example: docker push
  • NAME:TAG: The name and tag of the image to push. The tag allows you to specify a version or other identifier (like latest or v2.0).

    • Example: docker push my-app:1.0 pushes the image tagged 1.0.

If you're using a private registry, make sure you're logged in using docker login before pushing images.

4. docker pull

This command retrieves (pulls) an image from a Docker registry, allowing you to use it to run containers on your local machine.

  • REGISTRY_URL: The URL of the registry from which you're pulling the image. For Docker Hub, this can be omitted, and it will default to pulling from Docker Hub.

    • Example: docker pull
  • NAME:TAG: The name and tag of the image to pull. If no tag is provided, Docker defaults to pulling the latest tag.

    • Example: docker pull my-app:1.0 pulls the version tagged 1.0.
    • Example: docker pull my-app pulls the image tagged latest.

Pulled images are stored locally and can be viewed using the docker images command.

Data, Volumes, and Networking

By default, containers are isolated and stateless.

  • Isolation means that containers don’t share processes, files, or networks with the host or other containers by default.
  • Statelessness means that any data created inside a container is lost once the container stops, unless steps are taken to persist it (such as using volumes or bind mounts).

To persist data or share files between the host and containers, Docker provides Bind Mounts and Volumes.

Bind Mounts

Bind mounts allow you to mount a file or directory from your host system into a container. This is useful in development environments where you want changes made on your host to immediately reflect in the container, and vice versa. However, bind mounts are tied to the host filesystem, making them less portable.

  • Example:

    docker run -v /host/path:/container/path <image>

    In this example, the directory /host/path from your host machine is mounted inside the container at /container/path.

  • You can also mount directories as read-only by adding :ro at the end:

    docker run -v /host/path:/container/path:ro <image>


Volumes are a better option for data persistence, especially in production environments. Unlike bind mounts, Docker manages volumes, and they are stored in a Docker-controlled part of the host filesystem (usually /var/lib/docker/volumes/). Volumes are useful because they are portable, easier to back up, and can be shared across containers. Docker automatically handles the lifecycle of volumes, making them easier to work with at scale.

  • Example:

    docker volume create my-volume
    docker run -v my-volume:/container/path <image>

    In this example, the named volume my-volume is created and mounted into the container at /container/path.

  • Alternatively, you can use the --mount option, which provides more flexibility and clarity in the syntax:

    docker run --mount type=volume,source=my-volume,target=/container/path <image>

Volumes are typically preferred for production environments because they are decoupled from the host’s filesystem and offer better portability and management options.

When to Use Bind Mounts vs. Volumes

  • Bind Mounts: Ideal for development when you need a live connection between your local files and the container, allowing immediate reflection of file changes.
  • Volumes: Preferred in production environments for data persistence, as Docker manages their lifecycle, and they are more portable and easier to back up.


By default, Docker containers run in isolated networks. Each container gets its own virtual network interface, and containers can communicate with each other or the host using Docker's networking capabilities. You can configure different types of networks based on your needs:

  • Bridge Network: The default network for containers, allowing them to communicate with each other via container names.
  • Host Network: Allows the container to use the host’s network directly (useful for performance but removes network isolation).
  • Custom Networks: You can create custom networks for more advanced setups, allowing for better control over how containers communicate with each other and external systems.

Example of creating and using a custom network:

docker network create my-network
docker run --network=my-network <image>

Docker vs. Docker Compose

As applications grow more complex, especially when building multi-container applications (e.g., a web server, database, and caching service), managing individual containers with basic Docker commands can become cumbersome and difficult to orchestrate. For example, manually running and linking multiple containers would require several docker run commands, as well as managing network configurations and environment variables.

Docker Compose simplifies this process by allowing you to define, build, and manage multiple containers in a single configuration file, making it easier to orchestrate complex environments.

Docker Compose uses a docker-compose.yaml (or docker-compose.yml) file to describe the services, networks, and volumes that your application needs, and can start everything with one simple command.

Key Differences:

  • Docker: Good for running single containers or manually controlling individual containers. For simple, one-off tasks, Docker’s CLI commands (docker run, docker build, etc.) are sufficient.
  • Docker Compose: Ideal for multi-container applications where several services need to work together. Instead of manually starting, stopping, and linking multiple containers, Docker Compose can handle all of this through a YAML configuration file.

Docker Compose Workflow

With Docker Compose, you write a YAML configuration file (docker-compose.yml) that defines all the services ( containers) your application requires, including the build context, network configuration, environment variables, and dependencies.

For example, a docker-compose.yml file for a web app with a database might look like this:

version: "3"
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      - .:/app
      - db
    image: postgres
      POSTGRES_USER: user
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password

This file defines two services:

  • web: A container built from the current directory that runs a web application, exposes port 5000, and has a volume mapping the host directory to /app inside the container.
  • db: A container running a Postgres database image, with environment variables for user and password.

With this single YAML file, you can now manage both containers as a group, simplifying the process of launching and linking services.

Key Docker Compose Commands

  1. docker compose up

    docker compose up
    • Builds missing images and starts all containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
    • If any images are missing (for example, if the image has not been built locally), Docker Compose will automatically build them using the instructions provided in the build section of the YAML file.
    • Starts the services: All containers (services) defined in the YAML file will be started together. Docker Compose also ensures the correct startup order of services (for instance, the web service may depend on the db service being up first).
    • Example: Running docker compose up in the example file would start the web app and Postgres database in separate containers, with the web app automatically linked to the database.

    Additional options:

    • -d: Runs the services in detached mode (in the background), similar to running docker run -d.

      docker compose up -d
    • --build: Forces a rebuild of the images, even if they already exist. This is useful if you’ve made changes to the Dockerfile or source code.

      docker compose up --build
  2. docker compose down

    docker compose down
    • Stops all running containers started by docker compose up and removes them, along with any networks or volumes defined by the docker-compose.yml file.
    • This ensures a clean shutdown of all containers, clearing up system resources without leaving unused containers or networks behind.
    • Example: Running docker compose down will stop both the web and database containers, removing any associated networks.

    Additional options:

    • -v: Removes the volumes associated with the containers. This is helpful if you want to clear out any data stored in volumes and start with a fresh environment the next time.
      docker compose down -v

When to Use Docker Compose

  • Multi-container applications: If your application requires multiple services (like a web server, database, cache, etc.), Docker Compose makes it easy to manage and link those services together.
  • Environment configuration: Docker Compose allows you to define environment variables, volumes, and network configurations in a structured YAML file, ensuring consistency across different environments (development, testing, production).
  • Simplified management: With one command (docker compose up), you can start all your services, and with another ( docker compose down), you can shut them all down, making it easier to manage complex setups.

Benefits of Docker Compose

  • Orchestration: Docker Compose orchestrates the startup order of containers, ensuring that dependencies (like a database) are started before other services that depend on them (like a web app).
  • Reproducibility: The docker-compose.yml file ensures your environment is consistent, making it easy to share and replicate setups across different machines and teams.
  • Networking: Docker Compose automatically sets up networks, allowing containers to communicate with each other using simple container names. You don’t need to manually configure links or network settings.
  • Volume Management: Compose helps manage persistent data by defining volumes in the YAML file, ensuring data persists even when containers are restarted or removed.

Local vs. Remote Development Using Docker

Docker provides a consistent environment for developing, testing, and running applications, whether locally on a developer’s machine or remotely on a production server. This portability ensures that what works in your local environment will work identically in a remote or production environment.

Local Development with Docker

When working locally, Docker helps developers create isolated, reproducible environments that eliminate common issues such as dependency conflicts or the need to install software globally. This results in a more efficient and consistent development experience.

  • Isolated, encapsulated, and reproducible environments: Docker allows you to create a containerized environment for each project, completely isolated from other applications running on your machine. This means that each project can have its own versions of programming languages, libraries, and tools without interfering with other projects.

    • Example: You could have one container running a Python 3.9 app and another running a Python 2.7 app, without causing any conflicts or requiring changes to your local system.
  • No dependency or software clashes: Because Docker containers are isolated from each other and the host system, you don’t need to worry about version mismatches or conflicting dependencies between different projects. All necessary dependencies are bundled within the container, ensuring that your local environment remains clean and consistent.

    • Example: Instead of installing Node.js or Postgres globally, Docker containers can include those dependencies, ensuring that each project gets the correct versions without affecting your system.
  • Faster onboarding and setup: Using Docker in local development makes it easy for new team members to get started. They only need Docker and Docker Compose installed to run the project’s containerized environment, eliminating complex setup processes or manual installation of dependencies.

Remote Host / Production with Docker

When moving to remote environments, such as staging, testing, or production servers, Docker simplifies deployment by ensuring that the same containers used in local development can be used in these environments. Docker provides a seamless transition from local to remote environments, minimizing deployment risks and reducing the "it works on my machine" problem.

  • What worked locally will work on a remote environment as well: Docker containers ensure that your code runs in the same environment regardless of where it's executed. Since the environment and dependencies are encapsulated within the container, there are no surprises when moving from local development to production. This consistency simplifies debugging and reduces the risk of errors due to environmental differences.

    • Example: If a container running locally includes Node.js version 14 and MongoDB, the same container will run with the same dependencies in production, regardless of the host server’s OS or installed software.
  • Easy updates and rollbacks: Docker makes updating production environments much simpler. Instead of manually updating software or dependencies on a remote server, you can simply replace the existing container with an updated one. If an issue arises, rolling back to a previous version is as simple as redeploying the old container.

    • Example: If you need to update your web app, you can build a new image and deploy it by stopping the old container and starting a new one. Rolling back is just as easy by restarting the previous container version.
  • Scalability and consistency: In production, Docker containers are highly scalable. Tools like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes can be used to orchestrate and scale Docker containers across multiple servers, ensuring high availability and load balancing. Since Docker containers behave consistently across all environments, scaling becomes a straightforward process of replicating containers.

Deployment Considerations

When moving from development to production deployment with Docker, there are several important considerations to ensure your application is performant, secure, and scalable. While Docker simplifies many aspects of deployment, certain strategies and best practices should be followed to optimize for production environments.

1. Replace Bind Mounts with Volumes or COPY

  • Bind Mounts are often used during local development to link a directory from your host system to a directory inside the container, allowing live changes to reflect immediately in the container. However, this approach is not ideal for production because it depends on the host’s filesystem and could lead to security risks and inconsistent behavior in different environments.

  • Volumes: In production, use Docker volumes for persistent data storage. Volumes are managed by Docker and are more secure, performant, and portable across different environments (local, staging, production). Volumes allow data to be decoupled from the container lifecycle, ensuring persistence even if the container is restarted or replaced.

    • Example: A database container might use a volume to store its data so that it persists across container restarts.
    docker run -v my_volume:/data my_container
  • COPY: For production images, avoid bind mounts for copying application code. Instead, use the COPY instruction in the Dockerfile to copy the necessary files into the image during the build process. This ensures that the application code is bundled inside the container and not dependent on the host filesystem.

    • Example in Dockerfile:
      COPY . /app

    This method makes your Docker image self-contained, reducing the chances of discrepancies between the local and production environments.

2. Multiple Containers Might Need Multiple Hosts

  • For larger, more complex applications, a single server might not be enough to run all your containers efficiently. As your application scales, you may need to distribute containers across multiple hosts for load balancing and high availability.

    • Multi-container, multi-host setups: For applications that rely on several services (e.g., a frontend, backend, database, and caching layer), you might want to run containers on different servers to avoid overloading a single host or to improve redundancy.

    • Orchestration tools: To manage multiple hosts and containers at scale, consider using orchestration tools like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. These platforms help you schedule, manage, and scale containers across clusters of hosts, ensuring that containers are distributed efficiently.

    • Example: A web app might have its web server running on one host, its database on another, and its cache (e.g., Redis) on a third host. Docker Swarm or Kubernetes can automatically distribute and manage these services.

3. Multi-stage Builds

  • Multi-stage builds are a Docker feature that allows you to create lean, optimized production images by splitting the build process into multiple stages. This technique helps you reduce image size, which leads to faster deployments and smaller attack surfaces in production.

    • During development, you may need a lot of dependencies, build tools, and debugging features that are unnecessary in production. With multi-stage builds, you can separate the build environment from the runtime environment.

    • Example: In a multi-stage build for a Go application, the first stage compiles the code with all necessary build dependencies, and the second stage creates a lightweight image with only the compiled binary.

      # First stage: Build the application
      FROM golang:1.16 as builder
      WORKDIR /app
      COPY . .
      RUN go build -o myapp
      # Second stage: Copy the built binary to a minimal image
      FROM alpine:latest
      WORKDIR /root/
      COPY --from=builder /app/myapp .
      CMD ["./myapp"]

    This results in a smaller final image (based on alpine, a lightweight base image) without the build dependencies, leading to faster startup and reduced image bloat.