Automatically add and keep up to date your latest games from
Type | Rapid ⏲️ | Blitz ⚡ | Bullet 🔫 |
Current | 2805 | 3207 | 3300 |
Best | 2927 | 3332 | 3570 |
White ⚪ | Black ⚫ | Result 🏆 | Date 📅 | Position 🗺️ |
Mykola-Bortnyk | Hikaru | win 🥇 | 28/7/2022 | Link |
Hikaru | Mykola-Bortnyk | win 🥇 | 28/7/2022 | Link |
Mykola-Bortnyk | Hikaru | win 🥇 | 28/7/2022 | Link |
Hikaru | Mykola-Bortnyk | repetition ⏸️ | 28/7/2022 | Link |
NikoTheodorou | Hikaru | win 🥇 | 27/7/2022 | Link |
Hikaru | NikoTheodorou | win 🥇 | 27/7/2022 | Link |
NikoTheodorou | Hikaru | repetition ⏸️ | 27/7/2022 | Link |
smallxhafa | Hikaru | repetition ⏸️ | 27/7/2022 | Link |
Knukleks | Hikaru | win 🥇 | 27/7/2022 | Link |
blyp | Hikaru | win 🥇 | 27/7/2022 | Link |
Add these two placeholders somewhere in your
, they will get replaced by the action.
Create a GitHub Action in your repository, you can call it chess-stats-action.yml
name: Chess Games & Stats Action
- cron: '0 0 * * *' # Runs at 00:00 UTC every day
name: Update readme with your chess stats and games
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: Balastrong/chess-stats-action@main
CHESS_USERNAME: <Your Username>
There are a few configuration options you can use in your GitHub Action.
Parameter | Description | Default | Required |
CHESS_USERNAME | Your username | hikaru | Yes |
COMMIT_EMAIL | Commit email used while committing to the repo | 41898282+github-actions[bot] | No |
COMMIT_MSG | Commit message used while committing to the repo | ♟️ Updated README with your chess games | No |
COMMIT_USERNAME | Commit username used while committing to the repo | chess-stats-bot | No |
GAMES_SIZE | How many games to load | 10 | No |
SHOW_DATE | Toggle the Date column | true | No |
SHOW_FEN | Toggle the Position column | true | No |
FILE_NAME | Define a specific file in your repo | | No |
SHOW_STATS | Show stats | true | No |
SHOW_TIME_CLASS | Toggle the game type column | true | No |
There are many possible ways to expand the functionalities or improve the current logic. Feel free to have a look at the open issues or create a new one youself if something is missing.
PRs are also welcome!
More details on how to setup and contribute in