is a Fortran derived type with indices, columns, and values of type integer
, character
, and real(kind=dp)
. Table
is similar but has indices of type character
. With the DataFrame and Table and associated procedures, it is simple to read CSV files and compute and display associated statistics. For example, the program
program xdataframe_stats
use dataframe_mod, only: DataFrame, print_summary, operator(*)
use dataframe_stats_mod, only: simple_ret
use table_stats_mod, only: basic_stats_table, corr_table
use table_mod, only: Table, display
use kind_mod, only: dp
implicit none
character (len=*), parameter :: data_file = "spy_efa_eem_tlt.csv"
type(DataFrame) :: df, df_ret
type(Table) :: ret_stats
print "('data file: ', a)", trim(data_file)
call df%read_csv(data_file)
call print_summary(df, fmt_trailer="()")
df_ret = 100.0_dp*simple_ret(df)
ret_stats = basic_stats_table(df_ret%values, df_ret%columns, &
call display(ret_stats, fmt_trailer="()")
call display(corr_table(df_ret%values,df_ret%columns), &
title="return correlations")
end program xdataframe_stats
reads historical daily closing prices for a few ETFs from a CSV file, which were obtained using the Python script
. (The dates from the downloaded data file were transformed from YYYY-MM-DD format to YYYYMMDD to simplify reading them in Fortran.) The program then computes returns and prints statistics on those returns, including a correlation matrix. The output is
data file: spy_efa_eem_tlt.csv
#rows, columns: 5490 4
first, last indices: 20030414 20250205
first, last columns: SPY TLT
mean 0.0492 0.0363 0.0469 0.0180
sd 1.1693 1.3104 1.7245 0.9159
skew -0.0872 -0.0650 0.5054 0.0797
kurt 15.2201 14.3123 18.2294 3.4888
min -10.9424 -11.1633 -16.1661 -6.6682
max 14.5198 15.8880 22.7700 7.5195
return correlations
SPY 1.0000 0.8832 0.8183 -0.3127
EFA 0.8832 1.0000 0.8679 -0.2848
EEM 0.8183 0.8679 1.0000 -0.2662
TLT -0.3127 -0.2848 -0.2662 1.0000
The ETFs are
SPY -- S&P 500 (U.S. stocks)
EFA -- iShares MSCI EAFE (foreign developed market stocks)
EEM -- iShares MSCI Emerging Markets (emerging market stocks)
TLT -- iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond (U.S. long-term government bonds)
The pairwise correlations of returns of all the stock ETFs (SPY, EFA, EEM) all exceed 0.8, while they are negatively correlated to TLT.