The application consists of two pages. The first page lists the satellites along with the active passive informations. The second page shows detail informations from the source selected on the first page.
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose Navigation
- Dagger Hilt
- Room
- Coroutines - Flows
- Mvvm
- Clean Architecture (with missing strategies, mentioned below)
- Single Compose Activity
Of course, this repo could not be prepared in the best way due to the limited time. Here are some steps to make this repo more professional;
- Usecases could be added to domain layer
- Multimodule structure could be used
- Some data mappers and result classes could be implemented to data layers (also error handling)
- With multimodule structure, Compose Navigation will be implemented better, in accordance with the SOLID principles
- Unit tests and Portrait mode could be added
- Emitting the position informations could be implemented better(via a manager or separate repo)
The UI-UX never cared