This project aims to solve a problem of travel expense tracker. This is a collabarative feature where we solve a problem of keeping track of your money and split it with friends.
- Signup
- Login
- Dashboard where you can see all your groups
- Add expense
- create group
- see list of transactions
- see how much money you owe someone and someone owes you
- Smart settle the amount
- First clone the repo by using
git clone
- You need node to run the project
- open 2 terminals
- in one terminal do
cd travel-expense-tracker-be
and in another docd travel-expense-tracker-fe
- do this in both
ornpm i
- setup
file in both - Create a mongodb database and put all necessary variables in
of backend - now you can run it on dev by
yarn dev
on both terminal - Visit http://localhost:3000
- Nodejs
- Express
- Mongodb (cloud atlas)
- React
- Bootstrap
- bcryptjs to store crypted password
- expressjwt
- Typescript
We have a folder structure defined in a way so that we can put different things in it's own folder to keep things clean.
- db
- middlewares
- models
- public
- routes
- utils
- public
- src
- api
- assets
- components
- context
- pages
- types
- We have deployed it using render and Netlify.
- FE URL is :
- BE url is : ttps://
- Mauli Makadiya