Plugin allows you to manage banners on your shop. You can create time limited Ad and add to it banners with specific sections and locale. Thanks that you can plan your marketing action a few moths forwards and don't worry about nothing
The plugin allows you to display and change the way images are displayed on the website from the administrator level.
It consists of three elements:
- a section,
- an advertisement,
- a banner.
The section identifies the potential location of the image. It is the section code that is placed in the twig files where the image is to appear.
Example of placing sections in twig files:
For example in layout.html.twig
// templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/layout.html.twig
<div class="ui container">
{% block header %}
{{ sylius_template_event('') }}
{% endblock %}
// adding line below
{% include '@SyliusShop/Homepage/_banner.html.twig'%}
// -----------------------------------------------------
{% include '@SyliusShop/_flashes.html.twig' %}
{{ sylius_template_event('') }}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
{{ sylius_template_event('') }}
// templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle/Homepage/_banner.html.twig
{% set banners = getActiveAdsBanners("TEST-SECTION", 'en_US' ) %}
<div class="banners">
{% for banner in banners %}
<a href="{{}}">
<img class="ui fluid image" src="{{ asset(banner.path) }}" alt="{{banner.alt}}" data-order="{{loop.index}}">
{% endfor %}
The ad specifies the time and language in which the image is displayed
Here, a image is added along with a link, and the predefined section and ad are selected.