The showcase is being updated to change where the data is being stored. Right now the data is on the github repo and auto builds when a new layer is added. Soon the data will be on
Sadly all existing layers will need to be readded but with the website it has been made a lot easier.
To add your layer to the Layers Showcase you will need to sign up at click "submit a layer" and fill in the form. After that you can view all your submissions, delete a layer, edit a layers info or submit another layer. Admin users can accept layer submissions to be showed in the showcase
To add your layers to the new "Layers Showcase" you need to issue a pull request with your json files added to your subfolder in the src folder. Below is a template of the info your json file will have.
Use the link below for the form.
Want to be carefull and make sure your json is formatted correctly use to validate your file
icons = H=256 x W=256
screenshots = H=1920.
promo_header = W=1598 x H=1052
"title": "Light MIUI 6",
"description": "Light MIUI 6 theme is here to bring you the closest look of MIUI 6 to your phone",
"author": "Luke Walczak",
"link": "",
"backup_link": false,
"icon": "",
"promo": "",
"screenshot_1": "",
"screenshot_2": "",
"screenshot_3": "",
"googleplus": "",
"version": "3.0.3",
"toolbar_background_color": "757575",
"donate_link": false,
"donate_version": false,
"bootani": false,
"font": false,
"wallpaper": false,
"plugin_version": "1",
"for_L": true,
"for_M": false,
"basic": true,
"basic_m": false,
"type2": true,
"type3": false,
"type3_m": false,
"touchwiz": false,
"lg": false,
"sense": false,
"xperia": false,
"zenui": false,
"hdpi": true,
"mdpi": false,
"xhdpi": true,
"xxhdpi": true,
"xxxhdpi": true,
"free": false,
"donate": false,
"paid": true,
"needs_update": false,
"will_update": true,
"iconpack": "false"
Inside the src folder each themer has their own subfolder filled with their own layers json files. To add another layer to the showcase you will need to...
• Each layer has its own json file so just copy the content of one of your already made json files
"title": "Layers 1",
• Paste all the layers content to a new json file and edit it
"title": "Layers 2",
• Once your done rename you json files to the layers title name. Please remove spaces from the file name
• At the end you should have src/authors_name/Layers_1.json and src/authors_name/Layers_2.json