GetProp -> Android System Properties
GetModules -> ?
GetVMStat -> Virtual Memory Statistics
GetPartitions -> ?
GetDevice -> Device Information
GetOS -> OS Information
GetUname -> UNIX Name
GetUptime -> Time since the phone has been turned on
GetMemInfo -> Memory Information
GetDiskFree -> Disk Free
GetCrypto -> ?
GetCPUInfo -> CPU Information
GetDiskStats -> Disk Statistics
GetSimSlotCount -> Sim Slot Count
WhosIS -> Search the public database for information about a specific domain, such as the expiration date, current registrar, registrant information, etc
DNSLookup -> Displays DNS records showing publicly for the domain name being queried
ZoneTransfer -> ?
Traceroute -> Displays the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network
Nmap -> Scan the specific target for Open Ports
URLGrab -> Extractor or grabber for hyperlinks on an HTML page
GeoIP -> Find the approximate geographic location of an IP address
HttpHeader -> Allows you to quickly see the HTTP header information for the current URL
DetLang -> It accepts text and returns result with detected language and score
MyIP -> Check your IP Address
GitHubUser -> Github User
GitHubRepos -> Github Repository
GooglePing -> Ping Search Engines
WhatCMS(key,hostname) -> Detect CMS
Byksw -> ?
Sleep -> Delay
HttpGet -> HTTP Request GET
HttpPost -> HTTP Request POST
GetDate -> Current date
Base64e -> Base64 Encoder
Base64d -> Base64 Decoder
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 26, 2024. It is now read-only.