Periodically backups Vivaldi's Default profile to Dropbox.
Really, it can be configured to backup just about anything to anywhere, but this is what I built it for.
It will zip (probably should really use tar.gz instead) the profile and put it in the target directory
as well as deleting the oldest archives if the backup folder is larger than the defined max size.
git clone
to a directory.sudo apt install zip
- adjust
variables in./backup
to reflect your filesystem
Under systemd, something like
systemd-run --on-boot=10m --on-unit-active=2h --uid=<<user>> /path/to/vivaldi-profile-backup/backup
would start it running, and would continue to run it until shutdown. Adding to a startup file may preserve it across boots.
Or using a dedicated timer/service would do this too. An example systemd.service/timer is included in the repo.
Sample crontab entry to run twice an hour
*/30 * * * * your_username ~/path/to/vivaldi-profile-backup/backup