Hardware compatible:
- Bornay Wind+ MPPT.
- 1.01 or higher.
- Bornay USB cable.
/DC/0/Current Current in Amps. Value/10
/DC/0/Power Power in watts
/DC/0/Voltage Voltage in volts. Value/10
/Flags/ChargedBattery 0=No; 1=Yes If the battery is charged sets this flag
/Flags/FanState 0=Off; 1=On Status of the fan
/Flags/ElevatedVoltage 0=No; 1=Yes
/Flags/ElevatedWind 0=No; 1=Yes
/Flags/EmergencyButton 0=Off; 1=On Status of emergency button
/Flags/Extrem 0=No; 1=Yes flag to elevated speed
/Flags/ExternSupply 0=No; 1=Yes Fail of extern supply
/History/Overall/MaxRPM Maximum revolutions reached in revolutions per minute
/Mppt/AbsortionTime Time in absorbtion in seconds
/Mppt/BoxTemp Temperature of the box in degrees /10
/Mppt/ChargerState 0=standby; 1=charging; 2=charged.
/Mppt/DutyCycle Duty cycle 0 to 100%
/Mppt/Phase Phase of Full-Bridge 0 to 100%
/Mppt/RefMEF Bat Power Reference in watts
/Mppt/SinkTemp Temperature of sink in degrees /10
/Mppt/StatusMEF State of the states machine
/Turbine/AvailablePower Calculated available power in watts
/Turbine/BatPowerLastHour Calculated Batery Power charged last hour in watts.
/Turbine/BatPowerLastMin Calculated Batery Power charged last minute in watts.
/Turbine/BreakerPowerLastMin Calculated Braker Power derivated to resistors last minute in watts.
/Turbine/EstimatedWind Wind speed estimated value/10
/Turbine/IBrk Current of the braker in Amps
/Turbine/RPM Revolutions of the turbine in revolutions per minute
/Turbine/Stop Wind Turbine Brake 0=Run; 1=Stop Writable value.
/Turbine/VDC Voltage of DC system in volts Value/10
/Turbine/WindSpeed Wind speed (m/s) Value /100
/Turbine/WindSpeedLastHour Calculated Wind speed last hour in m/s
/Turbine/WindSpeedLastMin Calculated Wind speed last minute in m/s
Paths to show in Color Control GX
/Turbine/WindSpeed (if there are anemomemeter)
Paths to adjust.
/Turbine/Stop Wind Turbine Brake 0=Run; 1=Stop Writable value.```