').css('height', '200px');
this.mapConfig = {
updated_at: 'cachebuster',
diff --git a/vendor/backbone.js b/vendor/backbone.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c924965621..0000000000
--- a/vendor/backbone.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1894 +0,0 @@
-// Backbone.js 1.2.3
-// (c) 2010-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
-// Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
-// For all details and documentation:
-// http://backbonejs.org
-(function(factory) {
- // Establish the root object, `window` (`self`) in the browser, or `global` on the server.
- // We use `self` instead of `window` for `WebWorker` support.
- var root = (typeof self == 'object' && self.self == self && self) ||
- (typeof global == 'object' && global.global == global && global);
- // Set up Backbone appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'exports'], function(_, $, exports) {
- // Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with
- // others that may still expect a global Backbone.
- root.Backbone = factory(root, exports, _, $);
- });
- // Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module.
- } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
- var _ = require('underscore'), $;
- try { $ = require('jquery'); } catch(e) {}
- factory(root, exports, _, $);
- // Finally, as a browser global.
- } else {
- root.Backbone = factory(root, {}, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$));
- }
-}(function(root, Backbone, _, $) {
- // Initial Setup
- // -------------
- // Save the previous value of the `Backbone` variable, so that it can be
- // restored later on, if `noConflict` is used.
- var previousBackbone = root.Backbone;
- // Create a local reference to a common array method we'll want to use later.
- var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
- // Current version of the library. Keep in sync with `package.json`.
- Backbone.VERSION = '1.2.3';
- // For Backbone's purposes, jQuery, Zepto, Ender, or My Library (kidding) owns
- // the `$` variable.
- Backbone.$ = $;
- // Runs Backbone.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `Backbone` variable
- // to its previous owner. Returns a reference to this Backbone object.
- Backbone.noConflict = function() {
- root.Backbone = previousBackbone;
- return this;
- };
- // Turn on `emulateHTTP` to support legacy HTTP servers. Setting this option
- // will fake `"PATCH"`, `"PUT"` and `"DELETE"` requests via the `_method` parameter and
- // set a `X-Http-Method-Override` header.
- Backbone.emulateHTTP = false;
- // Turn on `emulateJSON` to support legacy servers that can't deal with direct
- // `application/json` requests ... this will encode the body as
- // `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` instead and will send the model in a
- // form param named `model`.
- Backbone.emulateJSON = false;
- // Proxy Backbone class methods to Underscore functions, wrapping the model's
- // `attributes` object or collection's `models` array behind the scenes.
- //
- // collection.filter(function(model) { return model.get('age') > 10 });
- // collection.each(this.addView);
- //
- // `Function#apply` can be slow so we use the method's arg count, if we know it.
- var addMethod = function(length, method, attribute) {
- switch (length) {
- case 1: return function() {
- return _[method](this[attribute]);
- };
- case 2: return function(value) {
- return _[method](this[attribute], value);
- };
- case 3: return function(iteratee, context) {
- return _[method](this[attribute], cb(iteratee, this), context);
- };
- case 4: return function(iteratee, defaultVal, context) {
- return _[method](this[attribute], cb(iteratee, this), defaultVal, context);
- };
- default: return function() {
- var args = slice.call(arguments);
- args.unshift(this[attribute]);
- return _[method].apply(_, args);
- };
- }
- };
- var addUnderscoreMethods = function(Class, methods, attribute) {
- _.each(methods, function(length, method) {
- if (_[method]) Class.prototype[method] = addMethod(length, method, attribute);
- });
- };
- // Support `collection.sortBy('attr')` and `collection.findWhere({id: 1})`.
- var cb = function(iteratee, instance) {
- if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) return iteratee;
- if (_.isObject(iteratee) && !instance._isModel(iteratee)) return modelMatcher(iteratee);
- if (_.isString(iteratee)) return function(model) { return model.get(iteratee); };
- return iteratee;
- };
- var modelMatcher = function(attrs) {
- var matcher = _.matches(attrs);
- return function(model) {
- return matcher(model.attributes);
- };
- };
- // Backbone.Events
- // ---------------
- // A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it with
- // a custom event channel. You may bind a callback to an event with `on` or
- // remove with `off`; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in
- // succession.
- //
- // var object = {};
- // _.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
- // object.on('expand', function(){ alert('expanded'); });
- // object.trigger('expand');
- //
- var Events = Backbone.Events = {};
- // Regular expression used to split event strings.
- var eventSplitter = /\s+/;
- // Iterates over the standard `event, callback` (as well as the fancy multiple
- // space-separated events `"change blur", callback` and jQuery-style event
- // maps `{event: callback}`).
- var eventsApi = function(iteratee, events, name, callback, opts) {
- var i = 0, names;
- if (name && typeof name === 'object') {
- // Handle event maps.
- if (callback !== void 0 && 'context' in opts && opts.context === void 0) opts.context = callback;
- for (names = _.keys(name); i < names.length ; i++) {
- events = eventsApi(iteratee, events, names[i], name[names[i]], opts);
- }
- } else if (name && eventSplitter.test(name)) {
- // Handle space separated event names by delegating them individually.
- for (names = name.split(eventSplitter); i < names.length; i++) {
- events = iteratee(events, names[i], callback, opts);
- }
- } else {
- // Finally, standard events.
- events = iteratee(events, name, callback, opts);
- }
- return events;
- };
- // Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind
- // the callback to all events fired.
- Events.on = function(name, callback, context) {
- return internalOn(this, name, callback, context);
- };
- // Guard the `listening` argument from the public API.
- var internalOn = function(obj, name, callback, context, listening) {
- obj._events = eventsApi(onApi, obj._events || {}, name, callback, {
- context: context,
- ctx: obj,
- listening: listening
- });
- if (listening) {
- var listeners = obj._listeners || (obj._listeners = {});
- listeners[listening.id] = listening;
- }
- return obj;
- };
- // Inversion-of-control versions of `on`. Tell *this* object to listen to
- // an event in another object... keeping track of what it's listening to
- // for easier unbinding later.
- Events.listenTo = function(obj, name, callback) {
- if (!obj) return this;
- var id = obj._listenId || (obj._listenId = _.uniqueId('l'));
- var listeningTo = this._listeningTo || (this._listeningTo = {});
- var listening = listeningTo[id];
- // This object is not listening to any other events on `obj` yet.
- // Setup the necessary references to track the listening callbacks.
- if (!listening) {
- var thisId = this._listenId || (this._listenId = _.uniqueId('l'));
- listening = listeningTo[id] = {obj: obj, objId: id, id: thisId, listeningTo: listeningTo, count: 0};
- }
- // Bind callbacks on obj, and keep track of them on listening.
- internalOn(obj, name, callback, this, listening);
- return this;
- };
- // The reducing API that adds a callback to the `events` object.
- var onApi = function(events, name, callback, options) {
- if (callback) {
- var handlers = events[name] || (events[name] = []);
- var context = options.context, ctx = options.ctx, listening = options.listening;
- if (listening) listening.count++;
- handlers.push({ callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || ctx, listening: listening });
- }
- return events;
- };
- // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all
- // callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all
- // callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound
- // callbacks for all events.
- Events.off = function(name, callback, context) {
- if (!this._events) return this;
- this._events = eventsApi(offApi, this._events, name, callback, {
- context: context,
- listeners: this._listeners
- });
- return this;
- };
- // Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or
- // to every object it's currently listening to.
- Events.stopListening = function(obj, name, callback) {
- var listeningTo = this._listeningTo;
- if (!listeningTo) return this;
- var ids = obj ? [obj._listenId] : _.keys(listeningTo);
- for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
- var listening = listeningTo[ids[i]];
- // If listening doesn't exist, this object is not currently
- // listening to obj. Break out early.
- if (!listening) break;
- listening.obj.off(name, callback, this);
- }
- if (_.isEmpty(listeningTo)) this._listeningTo = void 0;
- return this;
- };
- // The reducing API that removes a callback from the `events` object.
- var offApi = function(events, name, callback, options) {
- if (!events) return;
- var i = 0, listening;
- var context = options.context, listeners = options.listeners;
- // Delete all events listeners and "drop" events.
- if (!name && !callback && !context) {
- var ids = _.keys(listeners);
- for (; i < ids.length; i++) {
- listening = listeners[ids[i]];
- delete listeners[listening.id];
- delete listening.listeningTo[listening.objId];
- }
- return;
- }
- var names = name ? [name] : _.keys(events);
- for (; i < names.length; i++) {
- name = names[i];
- var handlers = events[name];
- // Bail out if there are no events stored.
- if (!handlers) break;
- // Replace events if there are any remaining. Otherwise, clean up.
- var remaining = [];
- for (var j = 0; j < handlers.length; j++) {
- var handler = handlers[j];
- if (
- callback && callback !== handler.callback &&
- callback !== handler.callback._callback ||
- context && context !== handler.context
- ) {
- remaining.push(handler);
- } else {
- listening = handler.listening;
- if (listening && --listening.count === 0) {
- delete listeners[listening.id];
- delete listening.listeningTo[listening.objId];
- }
- }
- }
- // Update tail event if the list has any events. Otherwise, clean up.
- if (remaining.length) {
- events[name] = remaining;
- } else {
- delete events[name];
- }
- }
- if (_.size(events)) return events;
- };
- // Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time
- // the callback is invoked, its listener will be removed. If multiple events
- // are passed in using the space-separated syntax, the handler will fire
- // once for each event, not once for a combination of all events.
- Events.once = function(name, callback, context) {
- // Map the event into a `{event: once}` object.
- var events = eventsApi(onceMap, {}, name, callback, _.bind(this.off, this));
- return this.on(events, void 0, context);
- };
- // Inversion-of-control versions of `once`.
- Events.listenToOnce = function(obj, name, callback) {
- // Map the event into a `{event: once}` object.
- var events = eventsApi(onceMap, {}, name, callback, _.bind(this.stopListening, this, obj));
- return this.listenTo(obj, events);
- };
- // Reduces the event callbacks into a map of `{event: onceWrapper}`.
- // `offer` unbinds the `onceWrapper` after it has been called.
- var onceMap = function(map, name, callback, offer) {
- if (callback) {
- var once = map[name] = _.once(function() {
- offer(name, once);
- callback.apply(this, arguments);
- });
- once._callback = callback;
- }
- return map;
- };
- // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are
- // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name
- // (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to
- // receive the true name of the event as the first argument).
- Events.trigger = function(name) {
- if (!this._events) return this;
- var length = Math.max(0, arguments.length - 1);
- var args = Array(length);
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) args[i] = arguments[i + 1];
- eventsApi(triggerApi, this._events, name, void 0, args);
- return this;
- };
- // Handles triggering the appropriate event callbacks.
- var triggerApi = function(objEvents, name, cb, args) {
- if (objEvents) {
- var events = objEvents[name];
- var allEvents = objEvents.all;
- if (events && allEvents) allEvents = allEvents.slice();
- if (events) triggerEvents(events, args);
- if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, [name].concat(args));
- }
- return objEvents;
- };
- // A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for
- // triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal
- // Backbone events have 3 arguments).
- var triggerEvents = function(events, args) {
- var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2];
- switch (args.length) {
- case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx); return;
- case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx, a1); return;
- case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx, a1, a2); return;
- case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx, a1, a2, a3); return;
- default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); return;
- }
- };
- // Aliases for backwards compatibility.
- Events.bind = Events.on;
- Events.unbind = Events.off;
- // Allow the `Backbone` object to serve as a global event bus, for folks who
- // want global "pubsub" in a convenient place.
- _.extend(Backbone, Events);
- // Backbone.Model
- // --------------
- // Backbone **Models** are the basic data object in the framework --
- // frequently representing a row in a table in a database on your server.
- // A discrete chunk of data and a bunch of useful, related methods for
- // performing computations and transformations on that data.
- // Create a new model with the specified attributes. A client id (`cid`)
- // is automatically generated and assigned for you.
- var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) {
- var attrs = attributes || {};
- options || (options = {});
- this.cid = _.uniqueId(this.cidPrefix);
- this.attributes = {};
- if (options.collection) this.collection = options.collection;
- if (options.parse) attrs = this.parse(attrs, options) || {};
- attrs = _.defaults({}, attrs, _.result(this, 'defaults'));
- this.set(attrs, options);
- this.changed = {};
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- // Attach all inheritable methods to the Model prototype.
- _.extend(Model.prototype, Events, {
- // A hash of attributes whose current and previous value differ.
- changed: null,
- // The value returned during the last failed validation.
- validationError: null,
- // The default name for the JSON `id` attribute is `"id"`. MongoDB and
- // CouchDB users may want to set this to `"_id"`.
- idAttribute: 'id',
- // The prefix is used to create the client id which is used to identify models locally.
- // You may want to override this if you're experiencing name clashes with model ids.
- cidPrefix: 'c',
- // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
- // initialization logic.
- initialize: function(){},
- // Return a copy of the model's `attributes` object.
- toJSON: function(options) {
- return _.clone(this.attributes);
- },
- // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default -- but override this if you need
- // custom syncing semantics for *this* particular model.
- sync: function() {
- return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- // Get the value of an attribute.
- get: function(attr) {
- return this.attributes[attr];
- },
- // Get the HTML-escaped value of an attribute.
- escape: function(attr) {
- return _.escape(this.get(attr));
- },
- // Returns `true` if the attribute contains a value that is not null
- // or undefined.
- has: function(attr) {
- return this.get(attr) != null;
- },
- // Special-cased proxy to underscore's `_.matches` method.
- matches: function(attrs) {
- return !!_.iteratee(attrs, this)(this.attributes);
- },
- // Set a hash of model attributes on the object, firing `"change"`. This is
- // the core primitive operation of a model, updating the data and notifying
- // anyone who needs to know about the change in state. The heart of the beast.
- set: function(key, val, options) {
- if (key == null) return this;
- // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
- var attrs;
- if (typeof key === 'object') {
- attrs = key;
- options = val;
- } else {
- (attrs = {})[key] = val;
- }
- options || (options = {});
- // Run validation.
- if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
- // Extract attributes and options.
- var unset = options.unset;
- var silent = options.silent;
- var changes = [];
- var changing = this._changing;
- this._changing = true;
- if (!changing) {
- this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);
- this.changed = {};
- }
- var current = this.attributes;
- var changed = this.changed;
- var prev = this._previousAttributes;
- // For each `set` attribute, update or delete the current value.
- for (var attr in attrs) {
- val = attrs[attr];
- if (!_.isEqual(current[attr], val)) changes.push(attr);
- if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val)) {
- changed[attr] = val;
- } else {
- delete changed[attr];
- }
- unset ? delete current[attr] : current[attr] = val;
- }
- // Update the `id`.
- this.id = this.get(this.idAttribute);
- // Trigger all relevant attribute changes.
- if (!silent) {
- if (changes.length) this._pending = options;
- for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
- this.trigger('change:' + changes[i], this, current[changes[i]], options);
- }
- }
- // You might be wondering why there's a `while` loop here. Changes can
- // be recursively nested within `"change"` events.
- if (changing) return this;
- if (!silent) {
- while (this._pending) {
- options = this._pending;
- this._pending = false;
- this.trigger('change', this, options);
- }
- }
- this._pending = false;
- this._changing = false;
- return this;
- },
- // Remove an attribute from the model, firing `"change"`. `unset` is a noop
- // if the attribute doesn't exist.
- unset: function(attr, options) {
- return this.set(attr, void 0, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
- },
- // Clear all attributes on the model, firing `"change"`.
- clear: function(options) {
- var attrs = {};
- for (var key in this.attributes) attrs[key] = void 0;
- return this.set(attrs, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
- },
- // Determine if the model has changed since the last `"change"` event.
- // If you specify an attribute name, determine if that attribute has changed.
- hasChanged: function(attr) {
- if (attr == null) return !_.isEmpty(this.changed);
- return _.has(this.changed, attr);
- },
- // Return an object containing all the attributes that have changed, or
- // false if there are no changed attributes. Useful for determining what
- // parts of a view need to be updated and/or what attributes need to be
- // persisted to the server. Unset attributes will be set to undefined.
- // You can also pass an attributes object to diff against the model,
- // determining if there *would be* a change.
- changedAttributes: function(diff) {
- if (!diff) return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false;
- var old = this._changing ? this._previousAttributes : this.attributes;
- var changed = {};
- for (var attr in diff) {
- var val = diff[attr];
- if (_.isEqual(old[attr], val)) continue;
- changed[attr] = val;
- }
- return _.size(changed) ? changed : false;
- },
- // Get the previous value of an attribute, recorded at the time the last
- // `"change"` event was fired.
- previous: function(attr) {
- if (attr == null || !this._previousAttributes) return null;
- return this._previousAttributes[attr];
- },
- // Get all of the attributes of the model at the time of the previous
- // `"change"` event.
- previousAttributes: function() {
- return _.clone(this._previousAttributes);
- },
- // Fetch the model from the server, merging the response with the model's
- // local attributes. Any changed attributes will trigger a "change" event.
- fetch: function(options) {
- options = _.extend({parse: true}, options);
- var model = this;
- var success = options.success;
- options.success = function(resp) {
- var serverAttrs = options.parse ? model.parse(resp, options) : resp;
- if (!model.set(serverAttrs, options)) return false;
- if (success) success.call(options.context, model, resp, options);
- model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
- };
- wrapError(this, options);
- return this.sync('read', this, options);
- },
- // Set a hash of model attributes, and sync the model to the server.
- // If the server returns an attributes hash that differs, the model's
- // state will be `set` again.
- save: function(key, val, options) {
- // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
- var attrs;
- if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') {
- attrs = key;
- options = val;
- } else {
- (attrs = {})[key] = val;
- }
- options = _.extend({validate: true, parse: true}, options);
- var wait = options.wait;
- // If we're not waiting and attributes exist, save acts as
- // `set(attr).save(null, opts)` with validation. Otherwise, check if
- // the model will be valid when the attributes, if any, are set.
- if (attrs && !wait) {
- if (!this.set(attrs, options)) return false;
- } else {
- if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
- }
- // After a successful server-side save, the client is (optionally)
- // updated with the server-side state.
- var model = this;
- var success = options.success;
- var attributes = this.attributes;
- options.success = function(resp) {
- // Ensure attributes are restored during synchronous saves.
- model.attributes = attributes;
- var serverAttrs = options.parse ? model.parse(resp, options) : resp;
- if (wait) serverAttrs = _.extend({}, attrs, serverAttrs);
- if (serverAttrs && !model.set(serverAttrs, options)) return false;
- if (success) success.call(options.context, model, resp, options);
- model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
- };
- wrapError(this, options);
- // Set temporary attributes if `{wait: true}` to properly find new ids.
- if (attrs && wait) this.attributes = _.extend({}, attributes, attrs);
- var method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : (options.patch ? 'patch' : 'update');
- if (method === 'patch' && !options.attrs) options.attrs = attrs;
- var xhr = this.sync(method, this, options);
- // Restore attributes.
- this.attributes = attributes;
- return xhr;
- },
- // Destroy this model on the server if it was already persisted.
- // Optimistically removes the model from its collection, if it has one.
- // If `wait: true` is passed, waits for the server to respond before removal.
- destroy: function(options) {
- options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
- var model = this;
- var success = options.success;
- var wait = options.wait;
- var destroy = function() {
- model.stopListening();
- model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options);
- };
- options.success = function(resp) {
- if (wait) destroy();
- if (success) success.call(options.context, model, resp, options);
- if (!model.isNew()) model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
- };
- var xhr = false;
- if (this.isNew()) {
- _.defer(options.success);
- } else {
- wrapError(this, options);
- xhr = this.sync('delete', this, options);
- }
- if (!wait) destroy();
- return xhr;
- },
- // Default URL for the model's representation on the server -- if you're
- // using Backbone's restful methods, override this to change the endpoint
- // that will be called.
- url: function() {
- var base =
- _.result(this, 'urlRoot') ||
- _.result(this.collection, 'url') ||
- urlError();
- if (this.isNew()) return base;
- var id = this.get(this.idAttribute);
- return base.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') + encodeURIComponent(id);
- },
- // **parse** converts a response into the hash of attributes to be `set` on
- // the model. The default implementation is just to pass the response along.
- parse: function(resp, options) {
- return resp;
- },
- // Create a new model with identical attributes to this one.
- clone: function() {
- return new this.constructor(this.attributes);
- },
- // A model is new if it has never been saved to the server, and lacks an id.
- isNew: function() {
- return !this.has(this.idAttribute);
- },
- // Check if the model is currently in a valid state.
- isValid: function(options) {
- return this._validate({}, _.defaults({validate: true}, options));
- },
- // Run validation against the next complete set of model attributes,
- // returning `true` if all is well. Otherwise, fire an `"invalid"` event.
- _validate: function(attrs, options) {
- if (!options.validate || !this.validate) return true;
- attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes, attrs);
- var error = this.validationError = this.validate(attrs, options) || null;
- if (!error) return true;
- this.trigger('invalid', this, error, _.extend(options, {validationError: error}));
- return false;
- }
- });
- // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Model, mapped to the
- // number of arguments they take.
- var modelMethods = { keys: 1, values: 1, pairs: 1, invert: 1, pick: 0,
- omit: 0, chain: 1, isEmpty: 1 };
- // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Model#attributes`.
- addUnderscoreMethods(Model, modelMethods, 'attributes');
- // Backbone.Collection
- // -------------------
- // If models tend to represent a single row of data, a Backbone Collection is
- // more analogous to a table full of data ... or a small slice or page of that
- // table, or a collection of rows that belong together for a particular reason
- // -- all of the messages in this particular folder, all of the documents
- // belonging to this particular author, and so on. Collections maintain
- // indexes of their models, both in order, and for lookup by `id`.
- // Create a new **Collection**, perhaps to contain a specific type of `model`.
- // If a `comparator` is specified, the Collection will maintain
- // its models in sort order, as they're added and removed.
- var Collection = Backbone.Collection = function(models, options) {
- options || (options = {});
- if (options.model) this.model = options.model;
- if (options.comparator !== void 0) this.comparator = options.comparator;
- this._reset();
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- if (models) this.reset(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
- };
- // Default options for `Collection#set`.
- var setOptions = {add: true, remove: true, merge: true};
- var addOptions = {add: true, remove: false};
- // Splices `insert` into `array` at index `at`.
- var splice = function(array, insert, at) {
- at = Math.min(Math.max(at, 0), array.length);
- var tail = Array(array.length - at);
- var length = insert.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) tail[i] = array[i + at];
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) array[i + at] = insert[i];
- for (i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) array[i + length + at] = tail[i];
- };
- // Define the Collection's inheritable methods.
- _.extend(Collection.prototype, Events, {
- // The default model for a collection is just a **Backbone.Model**.
- // This should be overridden in most cases.
- model: Model,
- // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
- // initialization logic.
- initialize: function(){},
- // The JSON representation of a Collection is an array of the
- // models' attributes.
- toJSON: function(options) {
- return this.map(function(model) { return model.toJSON(options); });
- },
- // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default.
- sync: function() {
- return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- // Add a model, or list of models to the set. `models` may be Backbone
- // Models or raw JavaScript objects to be converted to Models, or any
- // combination of the two.
- add: function(models, options) {
- return this.set(models, _.extend({merge: false}, options, addOptions));
- },
- // Remove a model, or a list of models from the set.
- remove: function(models, options) {
- options = _.extend({}, options);
- var singular = !_.isArray(models);
- models = singular ? [models] : _.clone(models);
- var removed = this._removeModels(models, options);
- if (!options.silent && removed) this.trigger('update', this, options);
- return singular ? removed[0] : removed;
- },
- // Update a collection by `set`-ing a new list of models, adding new ones,
- // removing models that are no longer present, and merging models that
- // already exist in the collection, as necessary. Similar to **Model#set**,
- // the core operation for updating the data contained by the collection.
- set: function(models, options) {
- if (models == null) return;
- options = _.defaults({}, options, setOptions);
- if (options.parse && !this._isModel(models)) models = this.parse(models, options);
- var singular = !_.isArray(models);
- models = singular ? [models] : models.slice();
- var at = options.at;
- if (at != null) at = +at;
- if (at < 0) at += this.length + 1;
- var set = [];
- var toAdd = [];
- var toRemove = [];
- var modelMap = {};
- var add = options.add;
- var merge = options.merge;
- var remove = options.remove;
- var sort = false;
- var sortable = this.comparator && (at == null) && options.sort !== false;
- var sortAttr = _.isString(this.comparator) ? this.comparator : null;
- // Turn bare objects into model references, and prevent invalid models
- // from being added.
- var model;
- for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
- model = models[i];
- // If a duplicate is found, prevent it from being added and
- // optionally merge it into the existing model.
- var existing = this.get(model);
- if (existing) {
- if (merge && model !== existing) {
- var attrs = this._isModel(model) ? model.attributes : model;
- if (options.parse) attrs = existing.parse(attrs, options);
- existing.set(attrs, options);
- if (sortable && !sort) sort = existing.hasChanged(sortAttr);
- }
- if (!modelMap[existing.cid]) {
- modelMap[existing.cid] = true;
- set.push(existing);
- }
- models[i] = existing;
- // If this is a new, valid model, push it to the `toAdd` list.
- } else if (add) {
- model = models[i] = this._prepareModel(model, options);
- if (model) {
- toAdd.push(model);
- this._addReference(model, options);
- modelMap[model.cid] = true;
- set.push(model);
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove stale models.
- if (remove) {
- for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- model = this.models[i];
- if (!modelMap[model.cid]) toRemove.push(model);
- }
- if (toRemove.length) this._removeModels(toRemove, options);
- }
- // See if sorting is needed, update `length` and splice in new models.
- var orderChanged = false;
- var replace = !sortable && add && remove;
- if (set.length && replace) {
- orderChanged = this.length != set.length || _.some(this.models, function(model, index) {
- return model !== set[index];
- });
- this.models.length = 0;
- splice(this.models, set, 0);
- this.length = this.models.length;
- } else if (toAdd.length) {
- if (sortable) sort = true;
- splice(this.models, toAdd, at == null ? this.length : at);
- this.length = this.models.length;
- }
- // Silently sort the collection if appropriate.
- if (sort) this.sort({silent: true});
- // Unless silenced, it's time to fire all appropriate add/sort events.
- if (!options.silent) {
- for (i = 0; i < toAdd.length; i++) {
- if (at != null) options.index = at + i;
- model = toAdd[i];
- model.trigger('add', model, this, options);
- }
- if (sort || orderChanged) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
- if (toAdd.length || toRemove.length) this.trigger('update', this, options);
- }
- // Return the added (or merged) model (or models).
- return singular ? models[0] : models;
- },
- // When you have more items than you want to add or remove individually,
- // you can reset the entire set with a new list of models, without firing
- // any granular `add` or `remove` events. Fires `reset` when finished.
- // Useful for bulk operations and optimizations.
- reset: function(models, options) {
- options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
- for (var i = 0; i < this.models.length; i++) {
- this._removeReference(this.models[i], options);
- }
- options.previousModels = this.models;
- this._reset();
- models = this.add(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
- if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options);
- return models;
- },
- // Add a model to the end of the collection.
- push: function(model, options) {
- return this.add(model, _.extend({at: this.length}, options));
- },
- // Remove a model from the end of the collection.
- pop: function(options) {
- var model = this.at(this.length - 1);
- return this.remove(model, options);
- },
- // Add a model to the beginning of the collection.
- unshift: function(model, options) {
- return this.add(model, _.extend({at: 0}, options));
- },
- // Remove a model from the beginning of the collection.
- shift: function(options) {
- var model = this.at(0);
- return this.remove(model, options);
- },
- // Slice out a sub-array of models from the collection.
- slice: function() {
- return slice.apply(this.models, arguments);
- },
- // Get a model from the set by id.
- get: function(obj) {
- if (obj == null) return void 0;
- var id = this.modelId(this._isModel(obj) ? obj.attributes : obj);
- return this._byId[obj] || this._byId[id] || this._byId[obj.cid];
- },
- // Get the model at the given index.
- at: function(index) {
- if (index < 0) index += this.length;
- return this.models[index];
- },
- // Return models with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of
- // `filter`.
- where: function(attrs, first) {
- return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](attrs);
- },
- // Return the first model with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases
- // of `find`.
- findWhere: function(attrs) {
- return this.where(attrs, true);
- },
- // Force the collection to re-sort itself. You don't need to call this under
- // normal circumstances, as the set will maintain sort order as each item
- // is added.
- sort: function(options) {
- var comparator = this.comparator;
- if (!comparator) throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator');
- options || (options = {});
- var length = comparator.length;
- if (_.isFunction(comparator)) comparator = _.bind(comparator, this);
- // Run sort based on type of `comparator`.
- if (length === 1 || _.isString(comparator)) {
- this.models = this.sortBy(comparator);
- } else {
- this.models.sort(comparator);
- }
- if (!options.silent) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
- return this;
- },
- // Pluck an attribute from each model in the collection.
- pluck: function(attr) {
- return _.invoke(this.models, 'get', attr);
- },
- // Fetch the default set of models for this collection, resetting the
- // collection when they arrive. If `reset: true` is passed, the response
- // data will be passed through the `reset` method instead of `set`.
- fetch: function(options) {
- options = _.extend({parse: true}, options);
- var success = options.success;
- var collection = this;
- options.success = function(resp) {
- var method = options.reset ? 'reset' : 'set';
- collection[method](resp, options);
- if (success) success.call(options.context, collection, resp, options);
- collection.trigger('sync', collection, resp, options);
- };
- wrapError(this, options);
- return this.sync('read', this, options);
- },
- // Create a new instance of a model in this collection. Add the model to the
- // collection immediately, unless `wait: true` is passed, in which case we
- // wait for the server to agree.
- create: function(model, options) {
- options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
- var wait = options.wait;
- model = this._prepareModel(model, options);
- if (!model) return false;
- if (!wait) this.add(model, options);
- var collection = this;
- var success = options.success;
- options.success = function(model, resp, callbackOpts) {
- if (wait) collection.add(model, callbackOpts);
- if (success) success.call(callbackOpts.context, model, resp, callbackOpts);
- };
- model.save(null, options);
- return model;
- },
- // **parse** converts a response into a list of models to be added to the
- // collection. The default implementation is just to pass it through.
- parse: function(resp, options) {
- return resp;
- },
- // Create a new collection with an identical list of models as this one.
- clone: function() {
- return new this.constructor(this.models, {
- model: this.model,
- comparator: this.comparator
- });
- },
- // Define how to uniquely identify models in the collection.
- modelId: function (attrs) {
- return attrs[this.model.prototype.idAttribute || 'id'];
- },
- // Private method to reset all internal state. Called when the collection
- // is first initialized or reset.
- _reset: function() {
- this.length = 0;
- this.models = [];
- this._byId = {};
- },
- // Prepare a hash of attributes (or other model) to be added to this
- // collection.
- _prepareModel: function(attrs, options) {
- if (this._isModel(attrs)) {
- if (!attrs.collection) attrs.collection = this;
- return attrs;
- }
- options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
- options.collection = this;
- var model = new this.model(attrs, options);
- if (!model.validationError) return model;
- this.trigger('invalid', this, model.validationError, options);
- return false;
- },
- // Internal method called by both remove and set.
- _removeModels: function(models, options) {
- var removed = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
- var model = this.get(models[i]);
- if (!model) continue;
- var index = this.indexOf(model);
- this.models.splice(index, 1);
- this.length--;
- if (!options.silent) {
- options.index = index;
- model.trigger('remove', model, this, options);
- }
- removed.push(model);
- this._removeReference(model, options);
- }
- return removed.length ? removed : false;
- },
- // Method for checking whether an object should be considered a model for
- // the purposes of adding to the collection.
- _isModel: function (model) {
- return model instanceof Model;
- },
- // Internal method to create a model's ties to a collection.
- _addReference: function(model, options) {
- this._byId[model.cid] = model;
- var id = this.modelId(model.attributes);
- if (id != null) this._byId[id] = model;
- model.on('all', this._onModelEvent, this);
- },
- // Internal method to sever a model's ties to a collection.
- _removeReference: function(model, options) {
- delete this._byId[model.cid];
- var id = this.modelId(model.attributes);
- if (id != null) delete this._byId[id];
- if (this === model.collection) delete model.collection;
- model.off('all', this._onModelEvent, this);
- },
- // Internal method called every time a model in the set fires an event.
- // Sets need to update their indexes when models change ids. All other
- // events simply proxy through. "add" and "remove" events that originate
- // in other collections are ignored.
- _onModelEvent: function(event, model, collection, options) {
- if ((event === 'add' || event === 'remove') && collection !== this) return;
- if (event === 'destroy') this.remove(model, options);
- if (event === 'change') {
- var prevId = this.modelId(model.previousAttributes());
- var id = this.modelId(model.attributes);
- if (prevId !== id) {
- if (prevId != null) delete this._byId[prevId];
- if (id != null) this._byId[id] = model;
- }
- }
- this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- });
- // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Collection.
- // 90% of the core usefulness of Backbone Collections is actually implemented
- // right here:
- var collectionMethods = { forEach: 3, each: 3, map: 3, collect: 3, reduce: 4,
- foldl: 4, inject: 4, reduceRight: 4, foldr: 4, find: 3, detect: 3, filter: 3,
- select: 3, reject: 3, every: 3, all: 3, some: 3, any: 3, include: 3, includes: 3,
- contains: 3, invoke: 0, max: 3, min: 3, toArray: 1, size: 1, first: 3,
- head: 3, take: 3, initial: 3, rest: 3, tail: 3, drop: 3, last: 3,
- without: 0, difference: 0, indexOf: 3, shuffle: 1, lastIndexOf: 3,
- isEmpty: 1, chain: 1, sample: 3, partition: 3, groupBy: 3, countBy: 3,
- sortBy: 3, indexBy: 3};
- // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Collection#models`.
- addUnderscoreMethods(Collection, collectionMethods, 'models');
- // Backbone.View
- // -------------
- // Backbone Views are almost more convention than they are actual code. A View
- // is simply a JavaScript object that represents a logical chunk of UI in the
- // DOM. This might be a single item, an entire list, a sidebar or panel, or
- // even the surrounding frame which wraps your whole app. Defining a chunk of
- // UI as a **View** allows you to define your DOM events declaratively, without
- // having to worry about render order ... and makes it easy for the view to
- // react to specific changes in the state of your models.
- // Creating a Backbone.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM,
- // if an existing element is not provided...
- var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
- this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
- _.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
- this._ensureElement();
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- // Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`.
- var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
- // List of view options to be set as properties.
- var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events'];
- // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.View** properties and methods.
- _.extend(View.prototype, Events, {
- // The default `tagName` of a View's element is `"div"`.
- tagName: 'div',
- // jQuery delegate for element lookup, scoped to DOM elements within the
- // current view. This should be preferred to global lookups where possible.
- $: function(selector) {
- return this.$el.find(selector);
- },
- // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
- // initialization logic.
- initialize: function(){},
- // **render** is the core function that your view should override, in order
- // to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. The
- // convention is for **render** to always return `this`.
- render: function() {
- return this;
- },
- // Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any
- // applicable Backbone.Events listeners.
- remove: function() {
- this._removeElement();
- this.stopListening();
- return this;
- },
- // Remove this view's element from the document and all event listeners
- // attached to it. Exposed for subclasses using an alternative DOM
- // manipulation API.
- _removeElement: function() {
- this.$el.remove();
- },
- // Change the view's element (`this.el` property) and re-delegate the
- // view's events on the new element.
- setElement: function(element) {
- this.undelegateEvents();
- this._setElement(element);
- this.delegateEvents();
- return this;
- },
- // Creates the `this.el` and `this.$el` references for this view using the
- // given `el`. `el` can be a CSS selector or an HTML string, a jQuery
- // context or an element. Subclasses can override this to utilize an
- // alternative DOM manipulation API and are only required to set the
- // `this.el` property.
- _setElement: function(el) {
- this.$el = el instanceof Backbone.$ ? el : Backbone.$(el);
- this.el = this.$el[0];
- },
- // Set callbacks, where `this.events` is a hash of
- //
- // *{"event selector": "callback"}*
- //
- // {
- // 'mousedown .title': 'edit',
- // 'click .button': 'save',
- // 'click .open': function(e) { ... }
- // }
- //
- // pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly.
- // Uses event delegation for efficiency.
- // Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`.
- delegateEvents: function(events) {
- events || (events = _.result(this, 'events'));
- if (!events) return this;
- this.undelegateEvents();
- for (var key in events) {
- var method = events[key];
- if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[method];
- if (!method) continue;
- var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter);
- this.delegate(match[1], match[2], _.bind(method, this));
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Add a single event listener to the view's element (or a child element
- // using `selector`). This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`,
- // `blur`, and not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer.
- delegate: function(eventName, selector, listener) {
- this.$el.on(eventName + '.delegateEvents' + this.cid, selector, listener);
- return this;
- },
- // Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view by `delegateEvents`.
- // You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple
- // Backbone views attached to the same DOM element.
- undelegateEvents: function() {
- if (this.$el) this.$el.off('.delegateEvents' + this.cid);
- return this;
- },
- // A finer-grained `undelegateEvents` for removing a single delegated event.
- // `selector` and `listener` are both optional.
- undelegate: function(eventName, selector, listener) {
- this.$el.off(eventName + '.delegateEvents' + this.cid, selector, listener);
- return this;
- },
- // Produces a DOM element to be assigned to your view. Exposed for
- // subclasses using an alternative DOM manipulation API.
- _createElement: function(tagName) {
- return document.createElement(tagName);
- },
- // Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
- // If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
- // matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create
- // an element from the `id`, `className` and `tagName` properties.
- _ensureElement: function() {
- if (!this.el) {
- var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes'));
- if (this.id) attrs.id = _.result(this, 'id');
- if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className');
- this.setElement(this._createElement(_.result(this, 'tagName')));
- this._setAttributes(attrs);
- } else {
- this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'));
- }
- },
- // Set attributes from a hash on this view's element. Exposed for
- // subclasses using an alternative DOM manipulation API.
- _setAttributes: function(attributes) {
- this.$el.attr(attributes);
- }
- });
- // Backbone.sync
- // -------------
- // Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists
- // models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the
- // model in question. By default, makes a RESTful Ajax request
- // to the model's `url()`. Some possible customizations could be:
- //
- // * Use `setTimeout` to batch rapid-fire updates into a single request.
- // * Send up the models as XML instead of JSON.
- // * Persist models via WebSockets instead of Ajax.
- //
- // Turn on `Backbone.emulateHTTP` in order to send `PUT` and `DELETE` requests
- // as `POST`, with a `_method` parameter containing the true HTTP method,
- // as well as all requests with the body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
- // instead of `application/json` with the model in a param named `model`.
- // Useful when interfacing with server-side languages like **PHP** that make
- // it difficult to read the body of `PUT` requests.
- Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
- var type = methodMap[method];
- // Default options, unless specified.
- _.defaults(options || (options = {}), {
- emulateHTTP: Backbone.emulateHTTP,
- emulateJSON: Backbone.emulateJSON
- });
- // Default JSON-request options.
- var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'};
- // Ensure that we have a URL.
- if (!options.url) {
- params.url = _.result(model, 'url') || urlError();
- }
- // Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
- if (options.data == null && model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch')) {
- params.contentType = 'application/json';
- params.data = JSON.stringify(options.attrs || model.toJSON(options));
- }
- // For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
- if (options.emulateJSON) {
- params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- params.data = params.data ? {model: params.data} : {};
- }
- // For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
- // And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
- if (options.emulateHTTP && (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE' || type === 'PATCH')) {
- params.type = 'POST';
- if (options.emulateJSON) params.data._method = type;
- var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
- options.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type);
- if (beforeSend) return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- // Don't process data on a non-GET request.
- if (params.type !== 'GET' && !options.emulateJSON) {
- params.processData = false;
- }
- // Pass along `textStatus` and `errorThrown` from jQuery.
- var error = options.error;
- options.error = function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- options.textStatus = textStatus;
- options.errorThrown = errorThrown;
- if (error) error.call(options.context, xhr, textStatus, errorThrown);
- };
- // Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options.
- var xhr = options.xhr = Backbone.ajax(_.extend(params, options));
- model.trigger('request', model, xhr, options);
- return xhr;
- };
- // Map from CRUD to HTTP for our default `Backbone.sync` implementation.
- var methodMap = {
- 'create': 'POST',
- 'update': 'PUT',
- 'patch': 'PATCH',
- 'delete': 'DELETE',
- 'read': 'GET'
- };
- // Set the default implementation of `Backbone.ajax` to proxy through to `$`.
- // Override this if you'd like to use a different library.
- Backbone.ajax = function() {
- return Backbone.$.ajax.apply(Backbone.$, arguments);
- };
- // Backbone.Router
- // ---------------
- // Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are
- // matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically.
- var Router = Backbone.Router = function(options) {
- options || (options = {});
- if (options.routes) this.routes = options.routes;
- this._bindRoutes();
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- // Cached regular expressions for matching named param parts and splatted
- // parts of route strings.
- var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;
- var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
- var splatParam = /\*\w+/g;
- var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
- // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.Router** properties and methods.
- _.extend(Router.prototype, Events, {
- // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
- // initialization logic.
- initialize: function(){},
- // Manually bind a single named route to a callback. For example:
- //
- // this.route('search/:query/p:num', 'search', function(query, num) {
- // ...
- // });
- //
- route: function(route, name, callback) {
- if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route);
- if (_.isFunction(name)) {
- callback = name;
- name = '';
- }
- if (!callback) callback = this[name];
- var router = this;
- Backbone.history.route(route, function(fragment) {
- var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment);
- if (router.execute(callback, args, name) !== false) {
- router.trigger.apply(router, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
- router.trigger('route', name, args);
- Backbone.history.trigger('route', router, name, args);
- }
- });
- return this;
- },
- // Execute a route handler with the provided parameters. This is an
- // excellent place to do pre-route setup or post-route cleanup.
- execute: function(callback, args, name) {
- if (callback) callback.apply(this, args);
- },
- // Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.
- navigate: function(fragment, options) {
- Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
- return this;
- },
- // Bind all defined routes to `Backbone.history`. We have to reverse the
- // order of the routes here to support behavior where the most general
- // routes can be defined at the bottom of the route map.
- _bindRoutes: function() {
- if (!this.routes) return;
- this.routes = _.result(this, 'routes');
- var route, routes = _.keys(this.routes);
- while ((route = routes.pop()) != null) {
- this.route(route, this.routes[route]);
- }
- },
- // Convert a route string into a regular expression, suitable for matching
- // against the current location hash.
- _routeToRegExp: function(route) {
- route = route.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
- .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
- .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
- return optional ? match : '([^/?]+)';
- })
- .replace(splatParam, '([^?]*?)');
- return new RegExp('^' + route + '(?:\\?([\\s\\S]*))?$');
- },
- // Given a route, and a URL fragment that it matches, return the array of
- // extracted decoded parameters. Empty or unmatched parameters will be
- // treated as `null` to normalize cross-browser behavior.
- _extractParameters: function(route, fragment) {
- var params = route.exec(fragment).slice(1);
- return _.map(params, function(param, i) {
- // Don't decode the search params.
- if (i === params.length - 1) return param || null;
- return param ? decodeURIComponent(param) : null;
- });
- }
- });
- // Backbone.History
- // ----------------
- // Handles cross-browser history management, based on either
- // [pushState](http://diveintohtml5.info/history.html) and real URLs, or
- // [onhashchange](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.onhashchange)
- // and URL fragments. If the browser supports neither (old IE, natch),
- // falls back to polling.
- var History = Backbone.History = function() {
- this.handlers = [];
- this.checkUrl = _.bind(this.checkUrl, this);
- // Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser.
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
- this.location = window.location;
- this.history = window.history;
- }
- };
- // Cached regex for stripping a leading hash/slash and trailing space.
- var routeStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g;
- // Cached regex for stripping leading and trailing slashes.
- var rootStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
- // Cached regex for stripping urls of hash.
- var pathStripper = /#.*$/;
- // Has the history handling already been started?
- History.started = false;
- // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.History** properties and methods.
- _.extend(History.prototype, Events, {
- // The default interval to poll for hash changes, if necessary, is
- // twenty times a second.
- interval: 50,
- // Are we at the app root?
- atRoot: function() {
- var path = this.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/');
- return path === this.root && !this.getSearch();
- },
- // Does the pathname match the root?
- matchRoot: function() {
- var path = this.decodeFragment(this.location.pathname);
- var root = path.slice(0, this.root.length - 1) + '/';
- return root === this.root;
- },
- // Unicode characters in `location.pathname` are percent encoded so they're
- // decoded for comparison. `%25` should not be decoded since it may be part
- // of an encoded parameter.
- decodeFragment: function(fragment) {
- return decodeURI(fragment.replace(/%25/g, '%2525'));
- },
- // In IE6, the hash fragment and search params are incorrect if the
- // fragment contains `?`.
- getSearch: function() {
- var match = this.location.href.replace(/#.*/, '').match(/\?.+/);
- return match ? match[0] : '';
- },
- // Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug
- // in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded.
- getHash: function(window) {
- var match = (window || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
- return match ? match[1] : '';
- },
- // Get the pathname and search params, without the root.
- getPath: function() {
- var path = this.decodeFragment(
- this.location.pathname + this.getSearch()
- ).slice(this.root.length - 1);
- return path.charAt(0) === '/' ? path.slice(1) : path;
- },
- // Get the cross-browser normalized URL fragment from the path or hash.
- getFragment: function(fragment) {
- if (fragment == null) {
- if (this._usePushState || !this._wantsHashChange) {
- fragment = this.getPath();
- } else {
- fragment = this.getHash();
- }
- }
- return fragment.replace(routeStripper, '');
- },
- // Start the hash change handling, returning `true` if the current URL matches
- // an existing route, and `false` otherwise.
- start: function(options) {
- if (History.started) throw new Error('Backbone.history has already been started');
- History.started = true;
- // Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe?
- // Is pushState desired ... is it available?
- this.options = _.extend({root: '/'}, this.options, options);
- this.root = this.options.root;
- this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false;
- this._hasHashChange = 'onhashchange' in window && (document.documentMode === void 0 || document.documentMode > 7);
- this._useHashChange = this._wantsHashChange && this._hasHashChange;
- this._wantsPushState = !!this.options.pushState;
- this._hasPushState = !!(this.history && this.history.pushState);
- this._usePushState = this._wantsPushState && this._hasPushState;
- this.fragment = this.getFragment();
- // Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash.
- this.root = ('/' + this.root + '/').replace(rootStripper, '/');
- // Transition from hashChange to pushState or vice versa if both are
- // requested.
- if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState) {
- // If we've started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled
- // browser, but we're currently in a browser that doesn't support it...
- if (!this._hasPushState && !this.atRoot()) {
- var root = this.root.slice(0, -1) || '/';
- this.location.replace(root + '#' + this.getPath());
- // Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url
- return true;
- // Or if we've started out with a hash-based route, but we're currently
- // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead...
- } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot()) {
- this.navigate(this.getHash(), {replace: true});
- }
- }
- // Proxy an iframe to handle location events if the browser doesn't
- // support the `hashchange` event, HTML5 history, or the user wants
- // `hashChange` but not `pushState`.
- if (!this._hasHashChange && this._wantsHashChange && !this._usePushState) {
- this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
- this.iframe.src = 'javascript:0';
- this.iframe.style.display = 'none';
- this.iframe.tabIndex = -1;
- var body = document.body;
- // Using `appendChild` will throw on IE < 9 if the document is not ready.
- var iWindow = body.insertBefore(this.iframe, body.firstChild).contentWindow;
- iWindow.document.open();
- iWindow.document.close();
- iWindow.location.hash = '#' + this.fragment;
- }
- // Add a cross-platform `addEventListener` shim for older browsers.
- var addEventListener = window.addEventListener || function (eventName, listener) {
- return attachEvent('on' + eventName, listener);
- };
- // Depending on whether we're using pushState or hashes, and whether
- // 'onhashchange' is supported, determine how we check the URL state.
- if (this._usePushState) {
- addEventListener('popstate', this.checkUrl, false);
- } else if (this._useHashChange && !this.iframe) {
- addEventListener('hashchange', this.checkUrl, false);
- } else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
- this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval);
- }
- if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl();
- },
- // Disable Backbone.history, perhaps temporarily. Not useful in a real app,
- // but possibly useful for unit testing Routers.
- stop: function() {
- // Add a cross-platform `removeEventListener` shim for older browsers.
- var removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener || function (eventName, listener) {
- return detachEvent('on' + eventName, listener);
- };
- // Remove window listeners.
- if (this._usePushState) {
- removeEventListener('popstate', this.checkUrl, false);
- } else if (this._useHashChange && !this.iframe) {
- removeEventListener('hashchange', this.checkUrl, false);
- }
- // Clean up the iframe if necessary.
- if (this.iframe) {
- document.body.removeChild(this.iframe);
- this.iframe = null;
- }
- // Some environments will throw when clearing an undefined interval.
- if (this._checkUrlInterval) clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval);
- History.started = false;
- },
- // Add a route to be tested when the fragment changes. Routes added later
- // may override previous routes.
- route: function(route, callback) {
- this.handlers.unshift({route: route, callback: callback});
- },
- // Checks the current URL to see if it has changed, and if it has,
- // calls `loadUrl`, normalizing across the hidden iframe.
- checkUrl: function(e) {
- var current = this.getFragment();
- // If the user pressed the back button, the iframe's hash will have
- // changed and we should use that for comparison.
- if (current === this.fragment && this.iframe) {
- current = this.getHash(this.iframe.contentWindow);
- }
- if (current === this.fragment) return false;
- if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current);
- this.loadUrl();
- },
- // Attempt to load the current URL fragment. If a route succeeds with a
- // match, returns `true`. If no defined routes matches the fragment,
- // returns `false`.
- loadUrl: function(fragment) {
- // If the root doesn't match, no routes can match either.
- if (!this.matchRoot()) return false;
- fragment = this.fragment = this.getFragment(fragment);
- return _.some(this.handlers, function(handler) {
- if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
- handler.callback(fragment);
- return true;
- }
- });
- },
- // Save a fragment into the hash history, or replace the URL state if the
- // 'replace' option is passed. You are responsible for properly URL-encoding
- // the fragment in advance.
- //
- // The options object can contain `trigger: true` if you wish to have the
- // route callback be fired (not usually desirable), or `replace: true`, if
- // you wish to modify the current URL without adding an entry to the history.
- navigate: function(fragment, options) {
- if (!History.started) return false;
- if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: !!options};
- // Normalize the fragment.
- fragment = this.getFragment(fragment || '');
- // Don't include a trailing slash on the root.
- var root = this.root;
- if (fragment === '' || fragment.charAt(0) === '?') {
- root = root.slice(0, -1) || '/';
- }
- var url = root + fragment;
- // Strip the hash and decode for matching.
- fragment = this.decodeFragment(fragment.replace(pathStripper, ''));
- if (this.fragment === fragment) return;
- this.fragment = fragment;
- // If pushState is available, we use it to set the fragment as a real URL.
- if (this._usePushState) {
- this.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, url);
- // If hash changes haven't been explicitly disabled, update the hash
- // fragment to store history.
- } else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
- this._updateHash(this.location, fragment, options.replace);
- if (this.iframe && (fragment !== this.getHash(this.iframe.contentWindow))) {
- var iWindow = this.iframe.contentWindow;
- // Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a
- // history entry on hash-tag change. When replace is true, we don't
- // want this.
- if (!options.replace) {
- iWindow.document.open();
- iWindow.document.close();
- }
- this._updateHash(iWindow.location, fragment, options.replace);
- }
- // If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange-
- // based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh.
- } else {
- return this.location.assign(url);
- }
- if (options.trigger) return this.loadUrl(fragment);
- },
- // Update the hash location, either replacing the current entry, or adding
- // a new one to the browser history.
- _updateHash: function(location, fragment, replace) {
- if (replace) {
- var href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, '');
- location.replace(href + '#' + fragment);
- } else {
- // Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #.
- location.hash = '#' + fragment;
- }
- }
- });
- // Create the default Backbone.history.
- Backbone.history = new History;
- // Helpers
- // -------
- // Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain for subclasses.
- // Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
- // class properties to be extended.
- var extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) {
- var parent = this;
- var child;
- // The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
- // (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
- // by us to simply call the parent constructor.
- if (protoProps && _.has(protoProps, 'constructor')) {
- child = protoProps.constructor;
- } else {
- child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); };
- }
- // Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
- _.extend(child, parent, staticProps);
- // Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
- // `parent` constructor function.
- var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; };
- Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype;
- child.prototype = new Surrogate;
- // Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
- // if supplied.
- if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps);
- // Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed
- // later.
- child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
- return child;
- };
- // Set up inheritance for the model, collection, router, view and history.
- Model.extend = Collection.extend = Router.extend = View.extend = History.extend = extend;
- // Throw an error when a URL is needed, and none is supplied.
- var urlError = function() {
- throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified');
- };
- // Wrap an optional error callback with a fallback error event.
- var wrapError = function(model, options) {
- var error = options.error;
- options.error = function(resp) {
- if (error) error.call(options.context, model, resp, options);
- model.trigger('error', model, resp, options);
- };
- };
- return Backbone;
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this.pushStack(d.apply(this,arguments))},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},eq:function(a){var b=this.length,c=+a+(0>a?b:0);return this.pushStack(c>=0&&b>c?[this[c]]:[])},end:function(){return this.prevObject||this.constructor(null)},push:f,sort:c.sort,splice:c.splice},n.extend=n.fn.extend=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g=arguments[0]||{},h=1,i=arguments.length,j=!1;for("boolean"==typeof g&&(j=g,g=arguments[h]||{},h++),"object"==typeof g||n.isFunction(g)||(g={}),h===i&&(g=this,h--);i>h;h++)if(null!=(a=arguments[h]))for(b in a)c=g[b],d=a[b],g!==d&&(j&&d&&(n.isPlainObject(d)||(e=n.isArray(d)))?(e?(e=!1,f=c&&n.isArray(c)?c:[]):f=c&&n.isPlainObject(c)?c:{},g[b]=n.extend(j,f,d)):void 0!==d&&(g[b]=d));return g},n.extend({expando:"jQuery"+(m+Math.random()).replace(/\D/g,""),isReady:!0,error:function(a){throw new Error(a)},noop:function(){},isFunction:function(a){return"function"===n.type(a)},isArray:Array.isArray,isWindow:function(a){return null!=a&&a===a.window},isNumeric:function(a){return!n.isArray(a)&&a-parseFloat(a)+1>=0},isPlainObject:function(a){return"object"!==n.type(a)||a.nodeType||n.isWindow(a)?!1:a.constructor&&!j.call(a.constructor.prototype,"isPrototypeOf")?!1:!0},isEmptyObject:function(a){var b;for(b in a)return!1;return!0},type:function(a){return null==a?a+"":"object"==typeof a||"function"==typeof a?h[i.call(a)]||"object":typeof a},globalEval:function(a){var b,c=eval;a=n.trim(a),a&&(1===a.indexOf("use strict")?(b=l.createElement("script"),b.text=a,l.head.appendChild(b).parentNode.removeChild(b)):c(a))},camelCase:function(a){return a.replace(p,"ms-").replace(q,r)},nodeName:function(a,b){return a.nodeName&&a.nodeName.toLowerCase()===b.toLowerCase()},each:function(a,b,c){var d,e=0,f=a.length,g=s(a);if(c){if(g){for(;f>e;e++)if(d=b.apply(a[e],c),d===!1)break}else for(e in a)if(d=b.apply(a[e],c),d===!1)break}else if(g){for(;f>e;e++)if(d=b.call(a[e],e,a[e]),d===!1)break}else for(e in a)if(d=b.call(a[e],e,a[e]),d===!1)break;return a},trim:function(a){return null==a?"":(a+"").replace(o,"")},makeArray:function(a,b){var c=b||[];return null!=a&&(s(Object(a))?n.merge(c,"string"==typeof a?[a]:a):f.call(c,a)),c},inArray:function(a,b,c){return null==b?-1:g.call(b,a,c)},merge:function(a,b){for(var c=+b.length,d=0,e=a.length;c>d;d++)a[e++]=b[d];return a.length=e,a},grep:function(a,b,c){for(var d,e=[],f=0,g=a.length,h=!c;g>f;f++)d=!b(a[f],f),d!==h&&e.push(a[f]);return e},map:function(a,b,c){var d,f=0,g=a.length,h=s(a),i=[];if(h)for(;g>f;f++)d=b(a[f],f,c),null!=d&&i.push(d);else for(f in a)d=b(a[f],f,c),null!=d&&i.push(d);return e.apply([],i)},guid:1,proxy:function(a,b){var c,e,f;return"string"==typeof b&&(c=a[b],b=a,a=c),n.isFunction(a)?(e=d.call(arguments,2),f=function(){return a.apply(b||this,e.concat(d.call(arguments)))},f.guid=a.guid=a.guid||n.guid++,f):void 0},now:Date.now,support:k}),n.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" 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0,b.target||(b.target=d),c=null==c?[b]:n.makeArray(c,[b]),o=n.event.special[q]||{},e||!o.trigger||o.trigger.apply(d,c)!==!1)){if(!e&&!o.noBubble&&!n.isWindow(d)){for(i=o.delegateType||q,X.test(i+q)||(g=g.parentNode);g;g=g.parentNode)p.push(g),h=g;h===(d.ownerDocument||l)&&p.push(h.defaultView||h.parentWindow||a)}f=0;while((g=p[f++])&&!b.isPropagationStopped())b.type=f>1?i:o.bindType||q,m=(L.get(g,"events")||{})[b.type]&&L.get(g,"handle"),m&&m.apply(g,c),m=k&&g[k],m&&m.apply&&n.acceptData(g)&&(b.result=m.apply(g,c),b.result===!1&&b.preventDefault());return b.type=q,e||b.isDefaultPrevented()||o._default&&o._default.apply(p.pop(),c)!==!1||!n.acceptData(d)||k&&n.isFunction(d[q])&&!n.isWindow(d)&&(h=d[k],h&&(d[k]=null),n.event.triggered=q,d[q](),n.event.triggered=void 0,h&&(d[k]=h)),b.result}},dispatch:function(a){a=n.event.fix(a);var 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