The following graphs are meant to understand the aftermath of the war on the differents populations. The dot plot allow to grasp how much people died during the war. The circulars barplots brings back this huge numbers to a more intuitive level, and helps figures out the impact on the war on contemporaries, their daily life and societies, even in the smallest countries. This is just numbers of course, please refers to works of historian, such as the ones of Christian Ingrao, to see the cultural impact of the war.
This subset of data has been extracted from wikipedia. When several numbers were given, I selected the highest.
Regarding the graph in the tab Deaths, absolute count, I choose to use a dot plot rather than a bar plot to avoid the long bars, in a principale somewhat similar to the one of the proportional ink, as developped here in the book Fundamentals of Data Visualization. Also, a simple dot, conveying the information, was less morbide than a bar.
Who is off-chart ? Serbia. Wiki data I used said the percentage of population killed range from 16 % to 27 % (!). I choose to let it the way it is, as a testimony of the uncertainty of such percentage, and a remembering of where the war started in the first place.