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Zipline State Transition MIPS🦀💣💥

Bootstraped with Rust-Cannon-Template

Building with Docker (Recommended)

Docker can be used for cross-compiling MIPS on any host. First build the docker image by running:

make docker_image
# or for Apple Silicon users
make docker_image_apple_silicon

After this a Cannon ready MIPS binary can be build with:

make build

This will write an out.bin file to the build directory.

Building Locally (Tested Ubuntu 22.04 only)

The build script will cross-compile to the MIPS target and then post-process the resulting elf file into a binary that can be used in the MIPS emulator and proven on-chain.

This has only been tested in Ubuntu 22.04 so milage may vary


sudo apt install \
    build-essential \
    g++-mips-linux-gnu \
    libc6-dev-mips-cross \
    llvm \
    clang \
    python3 python3.8-venv python3-pip 


Build a binary compatible with Ethereum mainnet with


This will write the Cannon compatible binary to build/mainnet_out.bin

You can also build a binary for verifying with the Ethereum spec tests with

SPEC=spec_test ./

which will output to build/spec_test_out.bin

Alternatively if you want to experiment in the build environment you can load up an interactive shell with

make docker_image
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/code zipline-state-transition-mips/builder bash

(replace with your project name as required)

and from there you can run


to produce the output