amaisonn 42 cursus minishell Score -
amaisonn 42 piscine BSQ Score -
- Go to and sign in!
- Generate code snippet for your profile card
- Copy-paste this into your markdown content, and that's it. Simple 🥳
- Clone project.
- Create Mysql DB.
- Create 42 Intra API access and Github API access.
- Edit .env.sample file and rename .env.
- Edit next.config.js file with your URL app.
yarn install && yarn db:generate && yarn db:push && yarn build && yarn start
or use Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml (For docker hosting runyarn db:push
after container run).- Go to your url app and sign in!
- Generate code snippet for your profile card
- Copy-paste this into your markdown content, and that's it. Simple 🥳
Special thanks original creator :
JaeSeoKim 💻
And thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Sungwoo Park 🐛 |
Peer de Bakker 🐛 |
David Rodríguez Elipe 🤔 |
Oles 🐛 |
JKCTech 🐛 |
Arsen Abajyan 💻 🐛 |
leeoocca 💻 🐛 |
ricardoreves 💻 🐛 |
Nicolas Simon 🐛 |
Guillaume 👀 🤔 |
Riccardo Accomando 👀 🤔 |
gabcollet 🐛 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!