- PHP 8.x
- Installing via Homebrew would be the easiest option for macOS users.
- If not, all other installation options can be found in the same page.
- MySQL 5.7.5+ or MariaDB 10.2+
First we will setup a WordPress site on top of which we will setup CiviCRM. For creating the WordPress site we will require a database.
Login to the MySQL terminal
mysql -u root -p
From the MySQL terminal, create a database
create database civicrm; exit
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/coloredcow/civicrm.git
Change to project root directory
cd civicrm
Create the WordPress config file (specify the correct database credentials)
wp config create --dbname=civicrm --dbuser=root --dbpass=
Install WordPress and create admin
wp core install --url=civicrm.test --title="CiviCRM" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin [email protected]
Create a virtual host
valet link civicrm
Secure the virtual host
valet secure civicrm
Activate the plugin
wp plugin activate civicrm
Go to
and configure CiviCRM.- Check all the Components
- And click on
Install CiviCRM
You probably don't need to do it. @pokhiii has already done these and pushed it in this repository.
First we will setup a WordPress site on top of which we will setup CiviCRM. For creating the WordPress site we will require a database.
Login to the MySQL terminal
mysql -u root -p
From the MySQL terminal, create a database
create database civicrm; exit
Make project directory
mkdir civicrm
Change to the project diretory
cd civicrm
Download the WordPress core files in the current diretory
wp core download
Create the WordPress config file (specify the correct database credentials)
wp config create --dbname=civicrm --dbuser=root --dbpass=
Install WordPress and create admin
wp core install --url=civicrm.test --title="CiviCRM" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin [email protected]
Create a virtual host
valet link civicrm
Secure the virtual host
valet secure civicrm
Go to
and login using the admin credentials step 7.
In the project directory, run the following command to download the CiviCRM plugin
wp plugin install https://download.civicrm.org/civicrm-5.73.2-wordpress.zip
Activate the plugin
wp plugin activate civicrm
Go to
and configure CiviCRM.- Check all the Components
- And click on
Install CiviCRM