- Removed usage of a number of deprecated functions supplied by Ledger.
- Improved the UI of the credential deployment transaction to be more seamless.
- Bluetooth and airplane mode handling for Nano X. Experimental.
- Updated application to run Ledger's guidelines enforcer.
- Transfer amounts are now prefixed with CCD inline with the amount, instead of (CCD) in the upper line.
- Transfer amounts now show (CCD) in upper line.
- Compare now has accept/reject screens.
- signIpInfo initial screen be part of the 1st public key flow.
- Improved the UI flow for transactions that can contain a memo to make it more seamless, i.e. require fewer "both button clicks".
- Support for chain updates
- Support for old baker transactions
- Support for the Nano S Plus 1.1.0 firmware.
- Support for Ledger Nano S Plus.
- The commission rates UI is now prefixed with a screen that says 'Commission rates'.
- When setting stake amount to 0 the UI now shows 'Stop baking' instead of the 0 value.
- When setting delegation amount to 0 the UI now shows 'Stop delegation' instead of the 0 value.
- Static fractions (numerator/100000), e.g. commission rates for bakers, are now shown as percentages.
- Added flow to verify account address.
- Added support for register data transaction.
- Support for the configure delegation transaction.
- Support for the configure baker transaction.
- Support for version 1 of the "Authorizations" update.
- Support for version 1 of the "Mint distribution" update.
- Support for the "Time parameter" update.
- Support for the "Pool parameter" update.
- Support for the "Cooldown parameter" update.
- References to GTU in exchange rate update and authorization update changed to CCD.
- Support for version 0 of the "Authorizations" update.
- Support for version 0 of the "Mint distribution" update.
- Removed references to GTU in the UI.
- An acceptance step has been added to the export of private key seeds.
- Fixed an issue in the add baker UI, where a response could be sent before signing or declining.
- Improved state validation to deny instruction changes in multi command transactions.
- Support building for the Ledger Nano X.
- Simplified the UI by updating terminology and stopped displaying details that cannot feasibly be verified by a user.
- Export of private key seeds has been changed so that either the PRF key can be exported alone, or the PRF key and the IdCredSec are exported in a single command.
- Added support for transactions with memos.
- Support for the "Add identity provider" update.
- Support for the "Add anonymity revoker" update.
- Improved pagination of account addresses and hexadecimal strings, so that pages are split evenly and consistently.
- Scheduled transfer release time now shows October as '10' instead of '010'.
- Scheduled transfers now display the release time as a human readable date time string.
- Fixed UI bug in remove baker transaction.
Release candidate.
- Stopped showing the hash of attributes for credential deployments.
- Fixed bug in credential deployment where the application version was shown as being the sender, when no sender should be shown.
- Fixed an issue with parsing of GTU amounts that could break on certain amounts.
- Fixed bug in hashing of authorization keys update that made the signature invalid.
- Sender account address is now shown for all account transactions.
- Improved the UI for encrypted transfer and transfer to public account transactions.
- Scheduled transfer 'Timestamp' title renamed to 'Release time'.