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File metadata and controls

302 lines (228 loc) · 7.9 KB

TentSYS v3 Developments Documents

Created: 2018-11-22 13:43:17 by Cstom

Version: 3.1.1

Last Update: 2018-11-22 13:43:56

Project Description

A RESTful API system base ThinkPHP.

  • API Authorization
  • Resource ORM
  • RESTful style practict
  • Additional debug info

Module dependencies

ThinkPHP v5.1.27 (LTS)

Get Started

# After cloned the project:

# Install dependencies
$ composer install

# Quick start PHP build-in http server and specific ./public/ as document root directory.
$ php -S -t ./public/


www  WEB部署目录(或者子目录)
├─application                     应用目录 (可修改,模块功能主要在该目录开发)
│  ├─common                       公共模块目录(可以更改)
│  ├─api                          API 模块目录
│  │  ├─common.php                模块函数文件
│  │  ├─controller                API控制器,以目录作版本控制
│  │  │  ├─v2                     v2 版本API(deprecate)
│  │  │  └─v3                     v3 版本API
│  │  │    ├─Api.php              v3 版本API基类,所有API继承该类
│  │  │    ├─oauth                Oauth认证模块
│  │  │    │  ├─Auth.php          API权限认证模块
│  │  │    │  └─Token.php         Access Token 生成与验证模块
│  │  │    └─module               API模块目录,不同模块分目录存放,目录名称使用小写加下划线
│  │  │       └─controller.php    API资源控制器,以PascalCase命名
│  │  └─model                     模型目录,所有模型存放在该目录下,模型直接继承 `think\Model` 
└─ ...                            其他目录同ThinkPHP一致


Route and URL

The route in {root}/route/route.php had register a global route rule:


You can visit link {host}/api/v3/module/controller by GET or POST method, or visit link {host}/api/v3/module/controller/:id by PUT or DELETE method.

Method and Route Relationship of Resource Controller

Request Method Route Rule Related method in controller
GET blog index
GET blog/create create
POST blog save
GET blog/:id read
GET blog/:id/edit edit
PUT blog/:id update
DELETE blog/:id delete

TentSYS using Resource Route of ThinkPHP as resource mapping, see the details about using resource route in 资源控制器 .


All API controller extend app\api\controller\v3\Api .

API Authorization

The API base class app\api\controller\v3\Api has included Auth class app\api\controller\v3\oauth\Auth . API doesn't check authorization by default, you just need to call $this->auth() to check api authorization and get the user info.

You can put $this->auth() in the method you need:

public function index()
    return $this->responseData($this->Auth()->getUserInfo());

Or if all method required authorization, you can put it in initialize method of controller:

function initialize()

$this->auth() will return an instance of Auth class, you can get user info by:

$this->Auth()->getUserInfo(); //Array return

When access token is invalid(authorize fail) , system will respond an error with status code 401:

    "errMsg": "Unauthorized, login required."

Authorization process will check access control by default, you can disable it by declare in API property:

namespace app\api\controller\v3\admin;
use app\api\controller\v3\Api;
class User extends Api
    //Disable access control checking.
    protected $checkAccessControl = false;

If the user can not access the API, system will respond an error with status code 403 :

    "errMsg": "Unauthorized operation."

Defined Main Model (Deprecated)

This method has deprecated.

The model of ThinkPHP 5.1 return an instance of each chain operation(链式操作), the method above was unavailable, using bindModel replace.

namespace app\api\controller\v3\admin;
use app\api\controller\v3\Api;
use app\api\model\AdminGroup as MainModel; //Require a MainModel

class Group extends Api
    function initialize()
        $this->model = new MainModel(); // Defined a MainModel

    public function index()
        //Case in ThinkPHP 5
        $this->model->where('status', 1); // Operate MainModel
        //Case in ThinkPHP 5.1
        $this->model = $this->model->where('status', 1);
        return $this->getList();
    //... Any other method...

Bind Main Model

Operating properties of controller class directly is not standard and elegance. Use bindModel method to set main model for resource operation.


namespace app\api\controller\v3\jobdata;
use app\api\controller\v3\Api;
use app\api\model\JobData as MainModel;

class Job51 extends Api
    function initialize()
        $this->bindModel(new MainModel()); //Bind a mian model instances.

    public function index()
        //You can still operate main model by $this->model
        $query = $this->model->order('updatedAt desc');
        //Or using another model:
        $query = new OtherModel();
        //The target resource model depend on the latest bind Model.
        return $this->bindModel($query)->getList();
    //... Any other method...

Set Allow Fields

You can declare $allowCreateFields and $allowUpdateFields in each API class. Those two properties is default with value true , and it's recommend to set it for each API to keep system security.


namespace app\api\controller\v3\admin;

use app\api\controller\v3\Api;

class User extends Api
    protected $allowCreateFields = ['username', 'password'];
    protected $allowUpdateFields = ['password', 'nickname', 'group'];


Each database has those 4 fields by default:

  • id
  • status 0: disable, 1: normal, -1: deleted
  • create_time int unixtimetamp
  • update_time int unixtimetamp


CREATE TABLE `admin_user` (
  `some_field` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `status` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
  `create_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `update_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Reserved Params

Some keyword is reserved for URL query string.

List API

  • page int
  • pageSize int
  • search string


Return Debug Info in Response Body

$debugInfo = "This is some debug info.";
$this->debug($debugInfo); //$debugInfo could be String, Int or Array.

The debug information will return in debugInfo field of response body:

    "totalCount": 27,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "list": [...],
    "debugInfo": "This is some debug info."

Get Last SQL

//A get list method of a resource controller.
public function index()
    $this->model->order('create_time desc');
    return $this->getLastSql()->getList();

The last SQL will return in lastSql field of response body:

    "totalCount": 27,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "list": [...],
    "lastSql": "SELECT * FROM `table_name` ORDER BY create_time desc LIMIT 0,10"
