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309 lines (246 loc) · 7.98 KB

File metadata and controls

309 lines (246 loc) · 7.98 KB

Coding Guidelines

Table of contents

  1. Understanding the directory structure
  2. General Guidelines
  3. References

Understanding the directory structure


├── apps                # Contains all the applications
│   └── desktop             # CySync desktop application, contains all electron code
│   └── cli                 # CySync cli application
├── packages            # All packages required for apps
│   └── ui                  # UI library for cysync containing all components
│   └── interfaces          # Contains all `types` which needs to be shared between packages
│   └── desktop-ui          # Renderer part of desktop application
│   └── coins               # Static coin information
│   └── coin-support-*      # Coin support functionalities
│   └── cysync-core         # Contains all business logic of cysync, like pages, context etc
│   └── db-interfaces       # Interface for `database`
│   └── database            # Database implementation for electron
│   └── util-*              # Common utilities shared between packages
├── submodules          # Packages used by cysync but exist on different repository
│   └── sdk                 # SDK for communicating with Cypherock hardware
├── scripts             # Contains scripts to be used by the build system

├── package.json

Purpose of different packages

General Guidelines

NOTE: There might be cases where these guidelines do not apply. It is upto the developer and the maintainer to make sure these guidelines are followed whereever possible, and ignore the ones that don't apply at a particualar case.


  • Follow DRY, KISS, and YAGNI

Naming convention

  • Use PascalCase for type names.
  • Use PascalCase for enum values.
  • Use camelCase for function names.
  • Use camelCase for property names and local variables.
  • Use camelCase for file names. Except for react components, which should be in PascalCase.
  • Do not use _ as a prefix for private properties.
  • Use whole words in names when possible.
  • boolean variables should start with is, has, do or similar, to indicate it's a boolean value.
  • function name should indicate an action.
    • example:
      • ❌: isPasswordCorrect
      • ✅: checkPassword, createUser, showSnakbar, validateInput, getConfig

null and undefined

  • Use undefined. Do not use null.

Recommended file length

  • Try to keep your files under 250 lines of code.

Nesting levels

Try to avoid nesting code too many levels deep. For example, in the loop, it’s sometimes a good idea to use the continue directive to avoid extra nesting.

For example, instead of adding a nested if conditional like this:

// ❌
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  if (cond) {
    ... // <- one more nesting level

We can write:

// ✅
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  if (!cond) continue;
  ...  // <- no extra nesting level

A similar thing can be done with if/else and return.

Function breakdown

Try to create sections in your functions by using line breaks.

// ❌
const runAlgorithm = () => {
  const config = getConfig();
  const userInputs = getUserInputs();
  const { error, inputs } = validateInputs(userInputs);
  if (error) {
    throw new ValidationError();
  let result = [];
  for (const key in inputs) {
    // ... algorithm code
  return result;
// ✅
const runAlgorithm = () => {
  // Section to declare variables
  const config = getConfig();
  const userInputs = getUserInputs();

  // Section to validate inputs
  const { error, inputs } = validateInputs(userInputs);
  if (error) {
    throw new ValidationError();

  // Section to execute the algorithm
  let result = [];
  for (const key in inputs) {
    // ... algorithm code

  // Section to return result
  return result;

NOTE: The comments above are just to explain the different sections and should not exist in the actual code.


  • Do not ❌
    • comment out code that is not used.
    • comment what the code already states
      • Example
      i = i + 1;     // Add one to i
    • explain unclear code in comments, rather refactor the code to make it clear.
  • Do ✅
    • use comments explain why this code is necessary.
    • explain unidiomatic code in comments.
    • provide links to the original source of copied code.
    • include links to external references where they will be most helpful.
    • add comments when fixing bugs which explains the edge case that caused the bug.
    • use comments to mark incomplete implementations.

Conditional values

  • Prefer using nullish coalescing operator over of ternary or && / || operators.

    // ❌
    const displayName = user.firstName ? user.firstName : user.lastName;
    // ❌
    const displayName = user.firstName || user.lastName;
    // ✅
    const displayName = user.firstName ?? user.lastName;
  • Do not use ternary operator for more than one condition

    // ✅
    const connectionState = device.connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected';
    // ❌
    const connectionState = device.connected ? 'connected' : device.isBootloader ? 'bootloader' : 'disconnected';
    // ✅
    let connectionState = 'disconnected';
    if (device.connected) {
        connectionState = 'connected';
    } else if(device.isBootloader) {
        connectionState = 'bootloader';
  • Use object for mapping variables into different format.

    // ❌
    let fontWeightNumber: number;
    if(fontWeight === 'light') {
        fontWeightNumber = 300;
    } else if (fontWeight === 'normal') {
        fontWeightNumber = 400;
    } else if (fontWeight === 'bold') {
        fontWeightNumber = 700;
    } else {
        fontWeightNumber = 400;
    // ✅
    const fontWeightMap = {
        light: 300,
        normal: 400,
        bold: 700
    const fontWeightNumber = fontWeightMap[fontWeight] ?? fontWeightMap.normal;



  • Use styled-components while creating UI components.

  • Use props on UI components to modify the styling, over directly changing the css.

    // ❌
    <Button variant="primary" style={{ border: 'none' }}>Continue</Button>
    // ✅
    <Button variant="primary" noBorder={true}>Continue</Button>


  • Create reusable hooks where possible.

  • Global states should be defined in Redux store.

  • Separate business logic from UI.

    // ❌
    const SetPassword = () => {
        const handleSetPassword = (password: string) => {
            const db = getDB();
            const passwordHash = createHash(password);
        return (
              {/* ... */}
    // ✅
    import { setDatabasePassword } from '~/database';
    const SetPassword = () => {
        const handleSetPassword = (password: string) => {
        return (
              {/* ... */}
