A linter for CSS and CSS-like languages that is:
- complete - coverage of all standard CSS syntax
- extensible - multiple points of extension
- configurable - no defaults and options to tailor the linter
- robust - comprehensive test coverage and a wide range of fixtures
- consistent - conventions for behavior, naming and documentation
- performant - tools to test and improve performance
Provide built-in rules for standard CSS syntax that:
Provide multiple points of extensions, including:
- custom syntaxes - use any PostCSS-compatible syntax to support other CSS-like languages and containers
- extendable configs - extend and share configurations
- formatters - format Stylelint result objects
- plugins - build community rules to support methodologies, toolsets, non-standard CSS features, other languages (like SCSS) or very specific use cases
Provide a robust tool with a comprehensive test suite, including:
- high coverage, currently over 95%
- a wide range of fixtures for rules
Provide consistency throughout, including consistent rules.
Provide a fast tool and the means to test and improve performance, including benchmarking of an individual rule's performance.