diff --git a/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument.trn b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument.trn
index efd56e1d96..cd1990fa9f 100644
--- a/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument.trn
+++ b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument.trn
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ End_Group
Group = ExposureDuration
+ Optional
InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, img:Imaging, img:Imaging_Instrument_Parameters)
InputKey = img:exposure_duration
OutputName = ExposureDuration
diff --git a/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument_PSA.trn b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument_PSA.trn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..867325b5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisExportedInstrument_PSA.trn
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Translates CaSSIS xml labels into the Instrument PvlGroup values
+# for the ingested ISIS cube labels.
+# The Dependencies keyword specifies a tag or attribute at the same level as
+# the InputKey that uniquely identifies the InputKey.
+# Consider the following translation group and xml
+# Group = Samples
+# Auto
+# InputPosition = (Array_2D_Image, Axis_Array)
+# Dependencies = "tag@axis_name|Sample"
+# InputKey = elements
+# OutputName = Samples
+# OutputPosition = (Group, Dimensions)
+# Translation = (*, *)
+# End_Group
+# Line
+# 1
+# 2048
+# Sample
+# 2
+# 279
+# There are two Axis_Array tags below Array_2D_Image and both of them have an
+# elements tag. So, the Dependencies keyword specifies to take the value of
+# the elements tag under the second Axis_Array array tag because it also has a
+# axis_name tag with a value of Sample.
+# This translation table is for translating CaSSIS xml labels into pvl cube
+# labels.
+# See $ISISROOT/appdata/translations/XmlExample.trn for an example xml translation table
+# and documentation for the different options.
+# history 2018-05-17 Kaitlyn Lee - Added ObservationId with a placeholder value for now.
+Group = SpacecraftName
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Observing_System, Observing_System_Component)
+ InputKeyDependencies = "tag@type|Host"
+ InputKey = name
+ OutputName = SpacecraftName
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = InstrumentId
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Observing_System, Observing_System_Component)
+ InputKeyDependencies = "tag@type|Instrument"
+ InputKey = name
+ OutputName = InstrumentId
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = Expanded
+ Auto
+ InputDefault = 1
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Observing_System, Observing_System_Component)
+ InputKeyDependencies = "tag@type|Host"
+ InputKey = name
+ OutputName = Expanded
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Instrument)
+ Translation = (1, *)
+Group = ObservationId
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Identification_Area, Alias_List, Alias)
+ InputKey = alternate_id
+ OutputName = ObservationId
+ OutputPosition = (Object, IsisCube, Group, Archive)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = TargetName
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Target_Identification)
+ InputKey = name
+ OutputName = TargetName
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = StartTime
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Time_Coordinates)
+ InputKey = start_date_time
+ OutputName = StartTime
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = ExposureDuration
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Mission_Area, em16_tgo_cas:Cassis_Data, em16_tgo_cas:PEHK_Derived_Data)
+ InputKey = em16_tgo_cas:exposure_time
+ OutputName = ExposureDuration
+ OutputPosition = (Object, IsisCube, Group, Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = Filter
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, img:Imaging, img:Optical_Filter)
+ InputKey = img:filter_name
+ OutputName = Filter
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = FilterName
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, img:Imaging, img:Optical_Filter)
+ InputKey = img:filter_name
+ OutputName = Filter
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,BandBin)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = Center
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, img:Imaging, img:Optical_Filter)
+ InputKey = img:filter_name
+ OutputName = Center
+ OutputPosition = (Object, IsisCube, Group, BandBin)
+ Translation = (675, PAN)
+ Translation = (485, BLU)
+ Translation = (840, RED)
+ Translation = (985, NIR)
+Group = Width
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, img:Imaging, img:Optical_Filter)
+ InputKey = img:filter_name
+ OutputName = Width
+ OutputPosition = (Object, IsisCube, Group, BandBin)
+ Translation = (250, PAN)
+ Translation = (165, BLU)
+ Translation = (100, RED)
+ Translation = (220, NIR)
+Group = Expanded
+ Auto
+ Optional
+ InputPosition = (CaSSIS_Header, DERIVED_HEADER_DATA)
+ InputKey = Expanded
+ OutputName = Expanded
+ OutputPosition = (Object, IsisCube, Group, Instrument)
+ Translation = (*, *)
diff --git a/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisMapping_PSA.trn b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisMapping_PSA.trn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..465eed0cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/TgoCassisMapping_PSA.trn
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Translates CaSSIS xml labels into the Mapping PvlGroup values
+# for the ingested ISIS cube labels.
+# The Dependencies keyword specifies a tag or attribute at the same level as
+# the InputKey that uniquely identifies the InputKey.
+# Consider the following translation group and xml
+# Group = Samples
+# Auto
+# InputPosition = (Array_2D_Image, Axis_Array)
+# Dependencies = "tag@axis_name|Sample"
+# InputKey = elements
+# OutputName = Samples
+# OutputPosition = (Group, Dimensions)
+# Translation = (*, *)
+# End_Group
+# Line
+# 1
+# 2048
+# Sample
+# 2
+# 279
+# history 2018-08-09 Jeannie Backer - Changed group name from MapProjection
+# to ProjectionName.
+Group = ProjectionName
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Map_Projection)
+ InputKey = cart:map_projection_name
+ OutputName = ProjectionName
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = CenterLongitude
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Map_Projection, cart:Equirectangular)
+ InputKey = cart:longitude_of_central_meridian
+ OutputName = CenterLongitude
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = CenterLatitude
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Map_Projection, cart:Equirectangular)
+ InputKey = cart:latitude_of_projection_origin
+ OutputName = CenterLatitude
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+# input has different scales for x and y, but ISIS doesn't distinguish, so use x
+Group = Scale
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Planar_Coordinate_Information, cart:Coordinate_Representation)
+ InputKey = cart:pixel_scale_x
+ OutputName = Scale
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+# input has different pixel resolutions for x and y, but ISIS doesn't distinguish, so use x
+Group = PixelResolution
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Planar_Coordinate_Information, cart:Coordinate_Representation)
+ InputKey = cart:pixel_resolution_x
+ OutputName = PixelResolution
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = MaximumLatitude
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Domain, cart:Bounding_Coordinates)
+ InputKey = cart:north_bounding_coordinate
+ OutputName = MaximumLatitude
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = MinimumLatitude
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Domain, cart:Bounding_Coordinates)
+ InputKey = cart:south_bounding_coordinate
+ OutputName = MinimumLatitude
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = MaximumLongitude
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Domain, cart:Bounding_Coordinates)
+ InputKey = cart:west_bounding_coordinate
+ OutputName = MaximumLongitude
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = MinimumLongitude
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Domain, cart:Bounding_Coordinates)
+ InputKey = cart:east_bounding_coordinate
+ OutputName = MinimumLongitude
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = UpperLeftCornerX
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Geo_Transformation)
+ InputKey = cart:upperleft_corner_x
+ OutputName = UpperLeftCornerX
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = UpperLeftCornerY
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Planar, cart:Geo_Transformation)
+ InputKey = cart:upperleft_corner_y
+ OutputName = UpperLeftCornerY
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = EquatorialRadius
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Geodetic_Model)
+ InputKey = cart:a_axis_radius
+ OutputName = EquatorialRadius
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = PolarRadius
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Geodetic_Model)
+ InputKey = cart:c_axis_radius
+ OutputName = PolarRadius
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = LatitudeType
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Geodetic_Model)
+ InputKey = cart:latitude_type
+ OutputName = LatitudeType
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (Planetocentric, planetocentric)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+Group = LongitudeDirection
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Discipline_Area, cart:Cartography, cart:Spatial_Reference_Information, cart:Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition, cart:Geodetic_Model)
+ InputKey = cart:longitude_direction
+ OutputName = LongitudeDirection
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (PositiveEast, "Positive East")
+ Translation = (PositiveWest, "Positive West")
+Group = TargetName
+ Auto
+ InputPosition = (Observation_Area, Target_Identification)
+ InputKey = name
+ OutputName = TargetName
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
+# Does not exist in xml label
+Group = LongitudeDomain
+ Auto
+ InputDefault = 360
+ InputPosition = (Nothing, Nothing)
+ InputKey = Nothing
+ OutputName = LongitudeDomain
+ OutputPosition = (Object,IsisCube,Group,Mapping)
+ Translation = (*, *)
diff --git a/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/tgocassis2isis.cpp b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/tgocassis2isis.cpp
index e886a24efd..7059b992dd 100644
--- a/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/tgocassis2isis.cpp
+++ b/isis/src/tgo/apps/tgocassis2isis/tgocassis2isis.cpp
@@ -56,8 +56,16 @@ namespace Isis {
Cube *outputCube = importer.SetOutputCube(ui.GetFileName("TO"), att);
QString transRawFile = "TgoCassisInstrument.trn";
- QString transExportFile = "TgoCassisExportedInstrument.trn";
+ QFile xmlFile(xmlFileName.expanded());
+ QDomDocument xmlDoc;
+ xmlDoc.setContent(&xmlFile, true);
+ // If any instances of "Optical_Filter" exist, use PSA .trn file
+ QString transExportFile;
+ if (xmlDoc.elementsByTagName("Optical_Filter").size()){
+ transExportFile = "TgoCassisExportedInstrument_PSA.trn";
+ } else {
+ transExportFile = "TgoCassisExportedInstrument.trn";
+ }
// first assume lev1b image
Pvl *outputLabel = outputCube->label();
QString target = "";
@@ -86,17 +94,17 @@ namespace Isis {
if (!outputCube->group("Archive").hasKeyword("ObservationId")){
FileName outputCubeFileName(ui.GetFileName("TO"));
OriginalXmlLabel xmlLabel;
// Write out original label before closing the cube
catch (IException &e) {
@@ -189,8 +197,16 @@ namespace Isis {
//Translate the Mapping Group
try {
QString missionDir = "$ISISROOT/appdata/translations/";
- FileName mapTransFile(missionDir + "TgoCassisMapping.trn");
+ QDomDocument xmlDoc;
+ QFile xmlFile(xmlFileName.expanded());
+ xmlDoc.setContent(&xmlFile, true);
+ // If any instances of "Observing_System_Component" exist, use PSA .trn file
+ FileName mapTransFile;
+ if (xmlDoc.elementsByTagName("cart:a_axis_radius").size()){
+ mapTransFile = FileName(missionDir + "TgoCassisMapping_PSA.trn");
+ } else {
+ mapTransFile = FileName(missionDir + "TgoCassisMapping.trn");
+ }
// Get the translation manager ready for translating the mapping label
XmlToPvlTranslationManager labelXMappinglater(xmlFileName, mapTransFile.expanded());
@@ -309,8 +325,9 @@ namespace Isis {
PvlGroup &inst = outputLabel->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
// Add units of measurement to keywords from translation table
- inst.findKeyword("ExposureDuration").setUnits("seconds");
+ if (inst.hasKeyword("ExposureDuration")){
+ inst.findKeyword("ExposureDuration").setUnits("seconds");
+ }
// Translate BandBin group
FileName bandBinTransFile(missionDir + "TgoCassisBandBin.trn");
XmlToPvlTranslationManager bandBinXlater(inputLabel, bandBinTransFile.expanded());
@@ -514,5 +531,3 @@ namespace Isis {
diff --git a/isis/tests/FunctionalTestsTgocassis2isis.cpp b/isis/tests/FunctionalTestsTgocassis2isis.cpp
index 450b6ce191..e20a678d07 100644
--- a/isis/tests/FunctionalTestsTgocassis2isis.cpp
+++ b/isis/tests/FunctionalTestsTgocassis2isis.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ static QString APP_XML = FileName("$ISISROOT/bin/xml/tgocassis2isis.xml").expand
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestBlu) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/blu_out.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-BLU-03005-B1.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-BLU-03005-B1.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestBlu) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.440e-003");
EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "BLU");
// Archive Group
PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
EXPECT_EQ(archive["DataSetId"][0].toStdString(), "TBD");
EXPECT_EQ(archive["ProductVersionId"][0].toStdString(), "UNK");
- EXPECT_EQ(archive["ProductCreationTime"][0].toStdString(), "2017-10-03T10:50:12");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ProductCreationTime"][0].toStdString(), "2017-10-03T10:50:12");
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ScalingFactor"]), 1.0);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["Offset"]), 0.0);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["PredictMaximumExposureTime"]), 1.5952);
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestBlu) {
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["ImageFrequency"]), 400000);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["NumberOfWindows"]), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["UniqueIdentifier"]), 100799268);
- EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ExposureTimePEHK"]), 1.440e-003);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["PixelsPossiblySaturated"]), 0.00);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["WindowCount"]), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window1Binning"]), 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window1StartSample"]), 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window1StartSample"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window1EndSample"]), 2047);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window1StartLine"]), 354);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window1EndLine"]), 632);
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestBlu) {
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window3StartSample"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window3EndSample"]), 2047);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window3StartLine"]), 1048);
- EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window3EndLine"]), 1302);
+ EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window3EndLine"]), 1302);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window4Binning"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window4StartSample"]), 1024);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["Window4EndSample"]), 1087);
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestBlu) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestRed) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/red_out.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-RED-01005-B1.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-RED-01005-B1.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestRed) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.440e-003");
EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "RED");
// Archive Group
PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ScalingFactor"]), 1.0);
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestRed) {
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["ImageFrequency"]), 400000);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["NumberOfWindows"]), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["UniqueIdentifier"]), 100799268);
- EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ExposureTimePEHK"]), 1.440e-003);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["PixelsPossiblySaturated"]), 0.16);
EXPECT_EQ(archive["ObservationId"][0].toStdString(), "CRUS_049218_201_0");
@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestRed) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestNir) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/nir_out.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-NIR-02005-B1.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-NIR-02005-B1.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestNir) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.440e-003");
EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "NIR");
// Archive Group
PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ScalingFactor"]), 1.0);
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestNir) {
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["ImageFrequency"]), 400000);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["NumberOfWindows"]), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["UniqueIdentifier"]), 100799268);
- EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ExposureTimePEHK"]), 1.440e-003);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["PixelsPossiblySaturated"]), 0.00);
EXPECT_EQ(archive["ObservationId"][0].toStdString(), "CRUS_049218_201_0");
@@ -274,10 +274,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestNir) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestPan) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/pan_out.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-PAN-00005-B1.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.27.381-PAN-00005-B1.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestPan) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.440e-003");
EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "PAN");
// Archive Group
PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ScalingFactor"]), 1.0);
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestPan) {
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["ImageFrequency"]), 400000);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["NumberOfWindows"]), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(int(archive["UniqueIdentifier"]), 100799268);
- EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ExposureTimestamp"][0].toStdString(), "2f015435767e275a");
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["ExposureTimePEHK"]), 1.440e-003);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(archive["PixelsPossiblySaturated"]), 29.17);
EXPECT_EQ(archive["ObservationId"][0].toStdString(), "CRUS_049218_201_0");
@@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestPan) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestInstrumentError) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/error.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.35.51.907-RED-01033-B1-InstrumentError.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.35.51.907-RED-01033-B1-InstrumentError.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
FAIL() << "Should throw an exception" << std::endl;
@@ -364,10 +364,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestInstrumentError) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestSpacecraftError) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/error.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.35.51.907-RED-01033-B1-SpacecraftError.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.35.51.907-RED-01033-B1-SpacecraftError.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
FAIL() << "Should throw an exception" << std::endl;
@@ -380,10 +380,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestSpacecraftError) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestFilterError) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/error.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-20T15.30.00.349-DMP-00000-00.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-20T15.30.00.349-DMP-00000-00.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
FAIL() << "Should throw an exception" << std::endl;
@@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestFilterError) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestReingestedUnproj) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/reingested_unproj.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.30.181-RED-01012-B1_rdrgen.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.30.181-RED-01012-B1_rdrgen.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestReingestedUnproj) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.488e-003");
EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "RED");
// Archive Group
PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
EXPECT_EQ(archive["ObservationId"][0].toStdString(), "MY34_002002_211_2");
@@ -453,10 +453,10 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestReingestedUnproj) {
TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestReingestedProj) {
QTemporaryDir prefix;
QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/reingested_unproj.cub";
- QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.30.181-RED-01012-B1_proj_rdrgen.xml",
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/CAS-MCO-2016-11-26T22.50.30.181-RED-01012-B1_proj_rdrgen.xml",
"to=" + cubeFileName };
UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
try {
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestReingestedProj) {
EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.488e-003");
EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "RED");
// Archive Group
PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
EXPECT_EQ(archive["ObservationId"][0].toStdString(), "MY34_002002_211_2");
@@ -506,3 +506,61 @@ TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestReingestedProj) {
EXPECT_EQ(hist->ValidPixels(), 226);
EXPECT_NEAR(hist->StandardDeviation(), 0.0031668801306310155, 0.0001);
+TEST(TgoCassis2Isis, TgoCassis2IsisTestPSALabel) {
+ QTemporaryDir prefix;
+ QString cubeFileName = prefix.path() + "/psa.cub";
+ QVector args = {"from=data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.xml",
+ "to=" + cubeFileName };
+ UserInterface options(APP_XML, args);
+ try {
+ tgocassis2isis(options);
+ }
+ catch (IException &e) {
+ FAIL() << "Unable to ingest image: " << e.toString().toStdString().c_str() << std::endl;
+ }
+ Cube cube(cubeFileName);
+ Pvl *isisLabel = cube.label();
+ // Dimensions Group
+ EXPECT_EQ(cube.sampleCount(), 500);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cube.lineCount(), 3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cube.bandCount(), 1);
+ // Instrument Group
+ PvlGroup &inst = isisLabel->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
+ EXPECT_EQ(inst["SpacecraftName"][0].toStdString(), "TRACE GAS ORBITER");
+ EXPECT_EQ(inst["InstrumentId"][0].toStdString(), "CaSSIS");
+ EXPECT_EQ(inst["TargetName"][0].toStdString(), "Mars" );
+ EXPECT_EQ(inst["StartTime"][0].toStdString(), "2021-06-07T00:31:03.723");
+ EXPECT_EQ(inst["ExposureDuration"][0].toStdString(), "1.018e-003");
+ EXPECT_EQ(int(inst["SummingMode"]), 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(inst["Filter"][0].toStdString(), "PAN");
+ // Archive Group
+ PvlGroup &archive = isisLabel->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse);
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ObservationId"][0].toStdString(), "MY36_015782_024_0");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ProductVersionId"][0].toStdString(), "1.0");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["ScalingFactor"][0].toStdString(), "1.0");
+ EXPECT_EQ(archive["YearDoy"][0].toStdString(), "2021158");
+ // BandBin Group
+ PvlGroup &bandbin = isisLabel->findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bandbin["FilterName"][0].toStdString(), "PAN");
+ EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(bandbin["Center"]), 675);
+ EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(double(bandbin["Width"]), 250);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bandbin["NaifIkCode"][0].toStdString(), "-143421");
+ // Kernels Group
+ PvlGroup &kernels = isisLabel->findGroup("Kernels", Pvl::Traverse);
+ EXPECT_EQ(int(kernels["NaifFrameCode"]), -143400);
+ Histogram *hist = cube.histogram();
+ EXPECT_NEAR(hist->Average(), 0.2833722, 0.0000001);
+ EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(hist->Sum(), 326.72824501991272);
+ EXPECT_EQ(hist->ValidPixels(), 1153);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(hist->StandardDeviation(), 0.001798, 0.000001);
diff --git a/isis/tests/data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.dat b/isis/tests/data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e0a4be017
Binary files /dev/null and b/isis/tests/data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.dat differ
diff --git a/isis/tests/data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.xml b/isis/tests/data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9ae0328bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isis/tests/data/tgoCassis/tgocassis2isis/MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_cas:data_derived:my36_015782_024_0_pan
+ 1.0
+ PDS4 product exported from ISIS3 cube.
+ Product_Observational
+ MY36_015782_024_0
+ CaSSIS Internal Identifier
+ 2021-07-06
+ 1.0
+ Created PDS4 output product from ISIS cube with the tgocassisrdrgen application from ISIS version 4.4.0 .
+ 2021-06-07T00:31:03.723Z
+ 2021-06-07T00:31:14.193Z
+ 10.180834712301
+ 55.415973760255
+ Science
+ Derived
+ Summary of Results
+ Near Infrared
+ Surface
+ Imaging
+ ExoMars 2016
+ Mission
+ urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16
+ data_to_investigation
+ This is the PDS4 logical identifier for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter mission.
+ Host
+ Instrument Host
+ urn:esa:psa:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.tgo
+ is_instrument_host
+ Instrument
+ Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System
+ (CaSSIS) on the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter which is a
+ push-frame cmos visible reflecting telescope
+ urn:esa:psa:context:instrument:tgo.cassis
+ is_instrument
+ Mars
+ Planet
+ Planet Mars
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.mars
+ data_to_target
+ Science Phase
+ psp
+ 015782
+ CASSIS Science
+ Imager
+ No pointing
+ No pointing
+ 837628000
+ Geometry_Pipeline
+ 1.0.1
+ Radiometric Pipeline
+ v1.01
+ Header_Creation: c_new_header
+ V3.2 (16-Feb-2017)
+ SC TM Conversion: c_sc_file_resolution
+ V1.5 (22-Mar-2018)
+ Mechanism HK validity flag set: c_rot_mechanism_validity
+ V1.0 (02-May-2019)
+ SC TM Conversion: c_batch_sc_tm_packets
+ V1.40 (03-Dec-2019)
+ Bias Subtraction (bias_short_190313.dat): c_remove_bias
+ V1.13 (13-Mar-2019)
+ Flat field removal (flat_field_190313.dat): c_remove_flat
+ V1.14 (13-Mar-2019)
+ Bad pixel removal ( 9 pixels replaced): c_remove_badpix
+ V1.01 (03-Apr-2019)
+ Expansion: c_expand
+ V1.1
+ Absolute_Calibration: c_absolute_calibration
+ V1.1
+ SC TM Conversion: c_top_batch_level0tolevel1a
+ V1.16 (10-Jul-2020)
+ Command_Verification: c_top_batch_level1atolevel1
+ V1.11
+ Photometric_correction: c_correct_straylight_level1
+ V2.05
+ 1.143e-005
+ rad/px
+ 250.009
+ 3.109
+ 3.014
+ 0.00
+ 4.26194e-005
+ #/DN
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1.018e-003
+ 4
+ 2735
+ K*10
+ 2732
+ K*10
+ 2626
+ K*10
+ 2047
+ 633
+ 0
+ 354
+ 1535
+ 967
+ 512
+ 712
+ 1727
+ 1303
+ 320
+ 1048
+ 1727
+ 1664
+ 320
+ 1409
+ 63
+ -1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 63
+ -1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.8749
+ M
+ 6.48
+ Three-mirror anastigmat with powered fold mirror
+ Three-mirror anastigmat with powered fold mirror
+ 10.0
+ 10.0
+ 61.0
+ 3.873
+ 9.250
+ 2.9401
+ 1.5929
+ 367.0
+ 257.091527
+ deg (East Planetocentric)
+ 22.312523
+ deg (Planetocentric)
+ 0.8804
+ 0.9815
+ 2.6279
+ 0.8653
+ 0.9309
+ 2.6472
+ 55.416
+ -64.568
+ 237.059
+ 24.325
+ 409.235
+ -68.514
+ 278.279
+ true
+ 30
+ 164
+ M041
+ Image_Array_Object
+ display_settings_to_array
+ Sample
+ Left to Right
+ Line
+ Top to Bottom
+ Image_Array_Object
+ imaging_parameters_to_image_object
+ 231.5
+ 677.4
+ Image_Array_Object
+ cartography_parameters_to_image_object
+ 257.01272950127
+ 257.31376427531
+ 22.889184664064
+ 22.253261430151
+ Equirectangular
+ 0.0
+ 20.0
+ 180.0
+ Coordinate Pair
+ 4.0
+ 4.0
+ 14808.391167037
+ 14808.391167037
+ 4286632.0
+ 1355808.0
+ Planetocentric
+ 3393833.261
+ 3393833.261
+ 3393833.261
+ Positive East
+ Body-fixed Non-rotating
+ em16_cassis.tm
+ Sample
+ Left to Right
+ Line
+ Top to Bottom
+ 270.0
+ 0.0
+ J2000
+ 2021-06-07T00:31:03.723Z
+ 3796.5
+ 2.2909610
+ 1.6595426
+ 409.235
+ Upper Left Corner
+ 22.287994812409
+ 257.18736665772
+ Upper Right Corner
+ 22.253269143531
+ 257.01774681231
+ Lower Right Corner
+ 22.780084761799
+ 257.13840206251
+ Lower Left Corner
+ 22.814756212254
+ 257.30905532131
+ 359.37934400953
+ Center
+ 25.428425703542
+ 8.0711133108878
+ 25.375868707623
+ urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_cas:data_calibrated:cas_cal_sc_20210607t003104-20210607t003118-pan-837628000-sti
+ data_to_calibrated_product
+ MY36_015782_024_0_PAN_cropped.dat
+ Image_Array_Object
+ 0
+ 2
+ Last Index Fastest
+ Pixel values are in units of I/F (intensity/flux). I/F is defined asthe ratio of the observed radiance and the radiance of a 100% lambertian reflector with the sun and camera orthogonal to the observing surface.
+ IEEE754LSBSingle
+ 1.0
+ 0.0
+ Sample
+ 500
+ 1
+ Line
+ 3
+ 2
+ -3.40282265508890445e+38
+ -3.40282326356119256e+38
+ -3.4028234663852886e+38
+ -3.40282306073709653e+38
+ -3.40282285791300049e+38