Before opening the Project in Intellij Idea run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
to save yourself a restart later
For Unix (linux / osx)
- Select the default gradle wrapper distribution.
- You will also need to import sample/build.script.kts
- Yours might look red and angry and missing your Run Configurations.
Open the gradle sidebar for
sample-notebook > tasks > application
. When that's done running, you may need to restart your IDEA, as it's necessary for any large change in script definitions.
notebooks files have to match notebooks/*.notebook.kts
in a .notebook.kts
you can set the title and description of a notebook
and register type adapters for visualization (WIP)
TODO: add defaultImports
TODO: add result adapter
page files have to match ${notebookId}_pages/*.page.kts
Pages can also have customizable titles and descriptions (WIP) as well as process data
example using krangle
import krangl.DataFrame
import krangl.readCSV
fun process(): DataFrame {
val csvFile = rootDir.resolve("data").resolve("msleep.csv")
val sleepData = DataFrame.readCSV(csvFile)
return sleepData
NOTE: possibly process function will be replaced by val result get() = ...
Pages can also use the results from other pages (in the same notebook)
import krangl.*
fun process(): DataFrame = sleepData.filter { it["sleep_total"] gt 16}