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lessons learnt building an energy reinforcement learning library

Adam Green - [email protected]

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three pieces of info on climate

  1. it's bad
  2. it's going to be worse for poor countires
  3. your personal choices matter

ml + energy solution to the climate problem

price response flexible demand and the lazy taxi driver

energy_py = supporting experimentation

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naive agents

energy envs

tools for experiment

logging saving of agent & env setup tensorboard saving and analyzing environment historiees test suite spaces wrapping gym envs

In progress

loading memories test and train expts early stopping backwards induction



space.observation_space_shape -> space.observation_space.shape

shape dict (replace with code)

default dicts - the info dict (replace with code)




three pieces of info on energy and reinforcement learning

  1. the environment model problem
  2. using synthetic data for generalization
  3. combination with supervised learning

the env model problem

modern RL is sample inefficient -> need simulation


if you have a simulator, there are better methods than modern RL

MCTS beating DQN (show the ref!)

backwards induction

goal with backwards induction is to allow an energy_py env to be instantly solvable using BI

BI = model based

Allows measuring the quality of forecasts (i.e. - when the model is wrong)

Just show code for object oriented BI

synthetic data - aka poor mans GANS

Inspiration for this talk is world models (show at start)

The difference in ability to compete across supervised, unsupervised + rl

comapre leading tech giants, startups AND traditional vertical energy utilities (who are below on all now, but will be above eventually)

sample vs distributional model

key idea - we learn behaviour that will generalize

fighting the generalization problem earlier

this is a subtle point - that you want to hve ways to estimate your error accurately You don't care about the actual accuracy - getting a high test set error is useful feedback to learn from

rl is careless about the test/train problem

in energy we can test it specifically by keeping time series data separate

want to fight the generalization problem head on - take advantage of it

generating exact customer profiles is hard. generating believeable ones is easier behaviours that are learnt for one demand profile can be used with another profile can learn on synthetic, and then test on real more test data generated continuously (ie if you wait you get a new holdout set)

synthetic data allows a test set to be kept seprate, and allows a an estimation of generalization error

the rl test problem if you use the input from a supervised model as observation for rl you should only use the test set press this limits the data you can train an rl agent with

if having different distributions is valuable (ie makes generalisation better) - this is a great thing! the anti iid

combining with supervised learning

ie use time series forecasting to reduce dimensionality of the observation because rl tuning process is longer + runs over mutltiple random seeds -> want to keep the supervised separate


model based methods - monte carlo tree search

wrapping other environments - has to be the most efficient use of resources (not repeating work)

modern rl so sample inefficient that you need simualtion but if you have simulation, then there are other better models such as MCTS

the work in energy is therefore in building useful simulation models - this unlocks both