## brio-br - A script to list, backup and restore brioche containers
USAGE:'brio-br -b / brio-b / brio-backup'
Backs up brioche containers found under '~/brioche/'
to '/home/chronos/user/Downloads' (default: ~/Downloads).
The script will prompt for each container before proceeding.
USAGE:'brio-br -r / brio-r / brio-restore'
Restores brioche container backups found under '/home/chronos/user/Downloads'
(default: ~/Downloads) to the named container under '~/brioche/'.
The script will prompt for each container before proceeding.
and append the last modified date & time to any existing container folders found.
NOTE: Please use 'install.brio-br' to install and link the above scripts automagically.
( URL:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DennisLfromGA/brunch-things/main/install.brio-br )
Specify backup (-b) or restore (-r) as command-line optons.
Optionally displays help/options, usage, script version, & version history then exits
-b List & backup brioche containers
-r List & restore brioche containers
-h Displays help message for options (this blurb)
-u Displays usage for backup and restore and exits
-v Displays the current version of 'brio-br' and exits
-V Displays version number plus version history & exits
'install.brio-br': A script to install 'brio-br' and associated links to '/usr/local/bin' as root (default)
IMPORTANT: To initially download, install & run this script enter:
cd /tmp &&\
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DennisLfromGA/brunch-things/main/install.brio-br &&\
sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 install.brio-br && /usr/local/bin/install.brio-br
Once installed the script will autoupdate if needed when it's run.
Will link: 'brio-b' & 'brio-backup' to 'brio-br' which forces those scripts to run the 'backup' option.
Will link: 'brio-r' & 'brio-restore' to 'brio-br' which forces those scripts to run the 'restore' option.
Usage: 'install.brio-br' [-h|-i|-l|-u|-f|-c|-v|-V] (see Help/Options)
Note: To replace the install PATH (default: /usr/local/bin) prepend 'install.brio-br' with BIN=your/path
To replace the file permissions (default 755) prepend 'install.brio-br' with PERM=nnn
To execute 'install.brio-br' as user 'chronos' instead of 'root' (default) prepend 'install.brio-br' with SUDO=' '
(I.E.) BIN=~/bin PERM=775 SUDO=' ' install.brio-br
-h Displays help message for options (this blurb)
-i Displays instructions for initial download, install and running this script
-l Lists installed files & links under /usr/local/bin
-u Displays usage for backup and restore
-f Force update of brio-br & install.brio-br
-c Check if installed versions of 'install.brio-br' & 'brio-br' are up-to-date
-v Displays the current version of 'install.brio-br'
-V Displays version number plus version history