A couple arcade games I made in python.
The 80s classic Pacman in all its beauty
- Option One:
- Download the Pacman folder
- Download Python3 [https://www.python.org/downloads/]
- Install pygame(2.0.0) [pip3 and homebrew are easy options]
- In terminal, navigate to the file Pacman.py
- In terminal type python3 Pacman.py and hit enter
- Option Two:
- Download the Pacman folder
- In terminal, navigate to the file Pacman
- In terminal type ./Pacman and hit enter
Note: To adjust screen size change the variable "square" on line #59 of Pacman/Pacman.py
Gameplay (delay is just an artifact of the video quality; it runs smooth):
I also wrote 'Snake'...
- Option One:
- Download Snake.py
- Download Python3 [https://www.python.org/downloads/]
- Install pygame [pip3 and homebrew are easy options]
- In terminal, navigate to the file Snake.py
- In terminal type python3 Snake.py and hit enter
- Option Two:
- Download the Snake folder
- Double click on Snake