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Quick start

Jerry edited this page Jun 8, 2023 · 13 revisions

For STANDALONE mode you can use both - pip and Docker deployment schemas, as you choice.

For margin mode - pip only.


For test purpose in STANDALONE mode create API key pair:

You can test strategy on Binance, OKX and Bitfinex exchanges, where realized "paper trade mode"

Create Telegram bot

  • Register Telegram bot
  • Get token
  • Find channel_id. Just start IDBot and get channel_id
  • After next step specify this data into /home/ubuntu/.MartinBinance/config/ms_cfg.toml for 'Demo - Binance', 0


  • Install and run exchanges-wrapper server.
  • Pull last version of martin-binance image
docker pull

First run

The structure of the working directory will be created and the necessary files will be copied: For Ubuntu it will be here: home/user/.MartinBinance/

docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh martin-binance -c "cat ./martin_binance/" > && \
  docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh martin-binance -c "cat ./martin_binance/ms_cfg.toml.template" > ms_cfg.toml.template &&\
  docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh martin-binance -c "cat ./martin_binance/funds_rate.db.template" > funds_rate.db.template &&\
  docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh martin-binance -c "cat ./martin_binance/" > &&\
  docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh martin-binance -c "cat ./martin_binance/" > &&\
  python3 && rm && rm ms_cfg.toml.template && rm funds_rate.db.template && rm && rm

Start client

docker run -itP \
 --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/.MartinBinance,target=/home/appuser/.MartinBinance \
 --network=host \
 --restart=always \
 --name=0-BTCUSDT \
 martin-binance \
 /home/appuser/.MartinBinance/ 1

The last '1' it is parameter for silent restart with restore operational status.

.MartinBinance/ where trading parameters must be setting.

For auto update running containers recommended use Watchtower

Install from pip

pip install martin-binance

After first install find where pip installs packages, often it's /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages and run:




The structure of the working directory will be created and the necessary files will be copied. On init output you can find location.

Start server

  • Specify api_key and api_secret in /home/ubuntu/.MartinBinance/config/exch_srv_cfg.toml
  • Run exchanges_wrapper/ in terminal window.

Start client

  • Run /home/ubuntu/.MartinBinance/ in other terminal window.

Strategy is started.

For upgrade to latest versions use:

pip install -U martin-binance

Setting trade pair

You must set pair name in three places the same (yes, it is crooked, but so far):

  • base setting at top of the, ex.SYMBOL = 'AAABBB'
  • the name of must match
  • the X it is index of element from exchange list in config/ms_cfg.toml

For 'Demo - Binance' and BTC/USDT trade pair it will be

For stop strategy use Ctrl-C and/or Telegram control function


For different OS paths will be different, this example for Ubuntu

  • Install margin to the ~/opt/margin/

Change dir to the ~/opt/margin/resources/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ and install martin-binance there:

pip install --no-cache-dir -t . -U --ignore-requires-python --no-deps martin-binance

The margin terminal uses its own assembly Python3.7 which does not have some packages necessary for the strategy to work. They need to be installed.

For Ubuntu (Linux):

pip install --no-cache-dir -t . -U --ignore-requires-python --no-deps -r ./martin_binance/margin/margin_req.txt

For Ubuntu (Linux) also check if exist file ~/opt/margin/resources/python/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ and if not, copy it from martin_binance/margin/

For Windows:

pip install -U wheel
pip install -U setuptools
pip install --use-pep517 --no-cache-dir -t . -U --ignore-requires-python --no-deps -r ./martin_binance/margin/margin_req_win.txt

For Windows download file and unzip it to the C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\margin\resources\python\lib\python3.7\site-packages if margin installed in that place or find it yourself

After first install run


The structure of the working directory will be created and the necessary files will be copied. On init output you can find location.

  • Create Telegram bot as described above and specify the data in ms_cfg.toml

  • Start margin in Demo mode
  • Add currency pair BTC/USDT
  • Set the custom fee level = 0.0% in the margin terminal settings
  • Add Python strategy:

  • Copy/paste the contents of the file /home/ubuntu/.MartinBinance/ to the Code Editor window
  • Save, Run Strategy, Start

Strategy is started.

Setting trade pair

The selection of the pair is determined by the window of the terminal in which the strategy is launched.