A multi-page website with a blog for a bakery using WordPress as a CMS.
- A custom static homepage About page, Contact page
- A blog post index page and a single view for blog posts
- A product index, a product type index page, and single view for products
- A search results page and 404 page
- leredbread custom theme based on redstarter theme (Red Academy's version of underscore starter theme)
- Custom post type, custom taxonomy, custom field suite
- Gulp Automation Task
- Flexbox
Le Red Bread is a multi-page website that shows the benefits of using any CMS, in this case wordpress. The business owner can have control of the website without affecting the works of developers. It is easy to manage. Developer can write much less code because WordPress uses the query string to decide which template or set of templates should be used to display the page.
It was quite challeging to understand the wordpress heirachy templates. But once you get it, things will be much easier and wordpress become so realible and fun to work with.