diff --git a/src/backward_linear_rational_expectations.jl b/src/backward_linear_rational_expectations.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bd852e..0000000
--- a/src/backward_linear_rational_expectations.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-using LinearAlgebra
-using FastLapackInterface
-using PolynomialMatrixEquations
-#using SolveEyePlusMinusAkronB: EyePlusAtKronBWs, generalized_sylvester_solver!
-using LinearAlgebra.BLAS
-struct BackwardLinearRationalExpectationsWs
-    algo::String
-    endogenous_nbr::Int64
-    exogenous_nbr::Int64
-    exogenous_deterministic_nbr::Int64
-    forward_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    purely_forward_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    current_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    backward_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    both_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    static_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    dynamic_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    current_dynamic_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    forward_indices_d::Vector{Int64}
-    backward_indices_d::Vector{Int64}
-    current_dynamic_indices_d::Vector{Int64}
-    current_dynamic_indices_d_j::Vector{Int64}
-    exogenous_indices::Vector{Int64}
-    static_indices_j::Vector{Int64}
-    static_nbr::Int64
-    dynamic_nbr::Int64
-    forward_nbr::Int64
-    backward_nbr::Int64
-    both_nbr::Int64
-    current_nbr::Int64
-    jacobian_static::Matrix{Float64} 
-    qr_ws::QRWs
-    solver_ws::Union{GsSolverWs, CyclicReductionWs}
-    a::Matrix{Float64}
-    b::Matrix{Float64}
-    c::Matrix{Float64}
-    d::Matrix{Float64}
-    e::Matrix{Float64}
-    x::Matrix{Float64}
-    ghx::Matrix{Float64}
-    gx::Matrix{Float64}
-    hx::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp1::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp2::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp3::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp4::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp5::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp6::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp7::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp8::Matrix{Float64}
-    temp9::Matrix{Float64}
-    b10::Matrix{Float64}
-    b11::Matrix{Float64}
-    icolsD::Vector{Int64}
-    icolsE::Vector{Int64}
-    jcolsD::Vector{Int64}
-    jcolsE::Vector{Int64}
-    colsUD::Vector{Int64}
-    colsUE::Vector{Int64}
-    AGplusB::Matrix{Float64}
-    linsolve_static_ws::LUWs
-    AGplusB_linsolve_ws::LUWs
-    #    eye_plus_at_kron_b_ws::EyePlusAtKronBWs
-    function BackwardLinearRationalExpectationsWs(algo::String,
-                                          endogenous_nbr::Int64,
-                                          exogenous_nbr::Int64,
-                                          exogenous_deterministic_nbr::Int64,
-                                          forward_indices::Vector{Int64},
-                                          current_indices::Vector{Int64},
-                                          backward_indices::Vector{Int64},
-                                          both_indices::Vector{Int64},
-                                          static_indices::Vector{Int64})
-        static_nbr = length(static_indices)
-        forward_nbr = length(forward_indices)
-        backward_nbr = length(backward_indices)
-        both_nbr = length(both_indices)
-        current_nbr = length(current_indices)
-        dynamic_nbr = endogenous_nbr - static_nbr
-        dynamic_indices = setdiff(collect(1:endogenous_nbr), static_indices)
-        current_dynamic_indices = setdiff(current_indices, static_indices)
-        purely_forward_indices = setdiff(forward_indices, both_indices)
-        forward_indices_d = findall(in(forward_indices), dynamic_indices)
-        backward_indices_d = findall(in(backward_indices), dynamic_indices)
-        current_dynamic_indices_d = findall(in(current_dynamic_indices), dynamic_indices)
-        current_dynamic_indices_d_j = backward_nbr .+ findall(in(dynamic_indices), current_indices)
-        exogenous_indices = backward_nbr + current_nbr + forward_nbr .+ (1:exogenous_nbr)
-        if static_nbr > 0
-            jacobian_static = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, static_nbr)
-            qr_ws = QRWs(jacobian_static)
-            static_indices_j = backward_nbr .+ [findfirst(isequal(x), current_indices) for x in static_indices] 
-#        else
-#            jacobian_static = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0,0)
-#            qr_ws = QRWs(Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0,0))
-        end
-        if algo == "GS"
-            de_order = forward_nbr + backward_nbr
-            d = zeros(de_order, de_order)
-            e = similar(d)
-            solver_ws = GsSolverWs(d, e, backward_nbr)
-            a = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0, 0)
-            b = similar(a)
-            c = similar(a)
-            x = similar(a)
-        elseif algo == "CR"
-            a = Matrix{Float64}(undef, dynamic_nbr, dynamic_nbr)
-            b = similar(a)
-            c = similar(a)
-            x = similar(a)
-            solver_ws = CyclicReductionWs(dynamic_nbr)
-            d = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0, 0)
-            e = similar(d)
-        end
-        ghx = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        gx = Matrix{Float64}(undef, forward_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        hx = Matrix{Float64}(undef,  backward_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        temp1 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, static_nbr, forward_nbr)
-        temp2 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, static_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        temp3 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, forward_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        temp4 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr - static_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        temp5 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, exogenous_nbr)
-        temp6 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, static_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        temp7 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, backward_nbr)
-        temp8 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, forward_nbr)
-        temp9 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, current_nbr)
-        b10 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, static_nbr,static_nbr)
-        b11 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, static_nbr, endogenous_nbr - static_nbr)
-        current_backward_indices = findall(in(backward_indices), current_indices)
-        current_forward_indices = findall(in(forward_indices), current_indices)
-        # derivatives of current values of variables that are both
-        # forward and backward are included in the D matrix
-        k1 = findall(in(current_indices), backward_indices)
-        icolsD = [k1;  backward_nbr .+ (1:forward_nbr)]
-        jcolsD = [backward_nbr .+ current_backward_indices;
-                  backward_nbr + current_nbr .+ (1:forward_nbr)]
-        k2a = findall(in(purely_forward_indices), forward_indices)
-        k2b = findall(in(purely_forward_indices), current_indices)
-        icolsE = [1:backward_nbr; backward_nbr .+ k2a]
-        jcolsE = [1:backward_nbr; backward_nbr .+ k2b]
-        colsUD = findall(in(forward_indices), backward_indices)
-        colsUE = backward_nbr .+ findall(in(backward_indices), forward_indices)
-        linsolve_static_ws = LUWs(static_nbr)
-        AGplusB = Matrix{Float64}(undef, endogenous_nbr, endogenous_nbr)
-        AGplusB_linsolve_ws = LUWs(endogenous_nbr)
-        #        if m.serially_correlated_exogenous
-        #            eye_plus_at_kron_b_ws = EyePlusAtKronBWs(ma, mb, mc, 1)
-        #        else
-        #            eye_plus_at_kron_b_ws = EyePlusAtKronBWs(1, 1, 1, 1)
-        # end
-        new(algo, endogenous_nbr, exogenous_nbr, exogenous_deterministic_nbr,
-            forward_indices, purely_forward_indices, current_indices,
-            backward_indices, both_indices, static_indices, dynamic_indices,
-            current_dynamic_indices, forward_indices_d, backward_indices_d,
-            current_dynamic_indices_d, current_dynamic_indices_d_j,
-            exogenous_indices, static_indices_j,
-            static_nbr, dynamic_nbr, forward_nbr, backward_nbr,
-            both_nbr, current_nbr, jacobian_static, qr_ws, solver_ws,
-            a, b, c, d, e, x,
-            ghx, gx, hx, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7,
-            temp8, temp9, b10, b11, icolsD, icolsE, jcolsD, jcolsE,
-            colsUD, colsUE, AGplusB, linsolve_static_ws, AGplusB_linsolve_ws)
-    end
-struct BackwardLinearRationalExpectationsResults
-    g1::Matrix{Float64}  # full approximation
-    gs1::Matrix{Float64} # state transition matrices
-    g1_1::SubArray # solution first order derivatives w.r. to state variables
-     g1_2::SubArray # solution first order derivatives w.r. to current exogenous variables
-#    g1_3::SubArray # solution first order derivatives w.r. to lagged exogenous variables
-    function BackwardLinearRationalExpectationsResults(endogenous_nbr::Int64,
-                                               exogenous_nbr::Int64,
-                                               backward_nbr::Int64)
-        nstate = backward_nbr + exogenous_nbr 
-        g1 =  zeros(endogenous_nbr,(nstate + 1))
-        gs1 = zeros(backward_nbr,backward_nbr)
-        g1_1 = view(g1, :, 1:backward_nbr)
-        g1_2 = view(g1, :, backward_nbr .+ (1:exogenous_nbr))
-#        g1_3 = view(g[1], :, backward_nbr + exogenous_nbr .+ lagged_exogenous_nbr)
-#        new(g, gs, g1_1, g1_2, g1_3, AGplusB, AGplusB_linsolve_ws)
-        new(g1, gs1, g1_1, g1_2)
-    end
-Computes the solution for the static variables:
-G_y,static = -B_s,s^{-1}(A_s*Gy,fwrd*Gs + B_s,d*Gy,dynamic + C_s) 
-function add_static!(results::BackwardLinearRationalExpectationsResults,
-                     jacobian::Matrix{Float64},
-                     ws::BackwardLinearRationalExpectationsWs)
-    # static rows are at the top of the QR transformed Jacobian matrix
-    # B_s,s
-    fill!(ws.b10, 0.0)
-    @inbounds for i = 1:ws.static_nbr
-        k = ws.static_indices_j[i]
-        for j = 1:ws.static_nbr
-            ws.b10[j, i] = jacobian[j, k]
-        end
-    end
-    # B_s,d
-    @inbounds for i = 1:length(ws.current_dynamic_indices)
-        k1 = ws.current_dynamic_indices_d[i]
-        k2 = ws.current_dynamic_indices_d_j[i]
-        for j = 1:ws.static_nbr
-            ws.b11[j, k1] = jacobian[j, k2]
-        end
-    end
-    # C_s
-    @inbounds for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        k = ws.backward_nbr + ws.current_nbr + i
-        for j = 1:ws.static_nbr
-            ws.temp1[j, i] = jacobian[j, k]
-        end
-    end
-    # A_s
-    for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        for j = 1:ws.static_nbr
-            ws.temp2[j, i] = jacobian[j, i]
-        end
-    end
-    # Gy.fwrd
-    @inbounds for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        for j = 1:ws.forward_nbr
-            ws.temp3[j, i] = results.g1_1[ws.forward_indices[j], i]
-        end
-    end
-    # Gy.dynamic
-    @inbounds for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        for j = 1:ws.dynamic_nbr
-            ws.temp4[j, i] = results.g1_1[ws.dynamic_indices[j], i]
-        end
-    end
-    # ws.temp2 = B_s,d*Gy.dynamic + A_s
-    mul!(ws.temp1, ws.b11, ws.temp4, 1.0, 1.0)
-    # ws.temp6 = C_s*Gy.fwrd*gs1
-    mul!(ws.temp6, ws.temp2, ws.temp3)
-    mul!(ws.temp1, ws.temp6, results.gs1, -1.0, -1.0)
-    # ws.temp3 = B_s,s\ws.temp1
-    lu_t = LU(factorize!(ws.linsolve_static_ws, ws.b10)...)
-    ldiv!(lu_t, ws.temp1)
-    @inbounds for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        for j=1:ws.static_nbr
-            results.g1[ws.static_indices[j],i] = ws.temp1[j,i]
-        end
-    end
-function get_abc!(ws::LinearRationalExpectationsWs, jacobian::AbstractMatrix{Float64})
-    fill!(ws.a, 0.0)
-    fill!(ws.b, 0.0)
-    fill!(ws.c, 0.0)
-    col_s = ws.backward_nbr + ws.current_nbr + 1
-    @inbounds for (i,j) in enumerate(ws.forward_indices_d)
-        row_s = ws.static_nbr + 1
-        for k = 1:ws.dynamic_nbr
-            ws.a[k, j] = jacobian[row_s, col_s]
-            row_s += 1
-        end
-        col_s += 1
-    end
-    @inbounds for (i,j) in enumerate(ws.current_dynamic_indices_d)
-        col_s = ws.current_dynamic_indices_d_j[i]
-        row_s = ws.static_nbr + 1
-        for k = 1:ws.dynamic_nbr
-            ws.b[k, j] = jacobian[row_s, col_s]
-            row_s += 1
-        end
-    end
-    @inbounds for (i,j) in enumerate(ws.backward_indices_d)
-        row_s = ws.static_nbr + 1
-        for k = 1:ws.dynamic_nbr
-            ws.c[k, j] = jacobian[row_s, i]
-            row_s += 1
-        end
-    end
-function get_de!(ws::LinearRationalExpectationsWs, jacobian::AbstractMatrix{Float64})
-    n1 = ws.backward_nbr + ws.forward_nbr - ws.both_nbr
-    fill!(ws.d, 0.0)
-    fill!(ws.e, 0.0)
-    for i = 1:length(ws.jcolsD)
-        k = ws.jcolsD[i]
-        for j = 1:ws.dynamic_nbr
-            m = ws.static_nbr + j
-            ws.d[j, ws.icolsD[i]] = jacobian[m, k] 
-        end
-    end
-    for i = 1:length(ws.jcolsE)
-        k = ws.jcolsE[i]
-        for j = 1:ws.dynamic_nbr
-            m = ws.static_nbr + j
-            ws.e[j, ws.icolsE[i]] = -jacobian[m, k] 
-        end
-    end
-    for i = 1:ws.both_nbr
-        k = ws.dynamic_nbr + i
-        ws.d[k, ws.colsUD[i]] = 1.0
-    end
-    for i = 1:ws.both_nbr
-        k = ws.dynamic_nbr + i
-        ws.e[k, ws.colsUE[i]] = 1.0
-    end
-Computes LU decomposition of A*G + B
-function make_lu_AGplusB!(AGplusB, A, G, B, ws)
-    fill!(AGplusB, 0.0)
-    for i = 1:ws.current_nbr
-        k = ws.current_indices[i]
-        for j = 1:ws.endogenous_nbr
-            AGplusB[j, k] = B[j, i]
-        end
-    end
-    for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        for j = 1:ws.forward_nbr
-            ws.temp3[j, i] = G[ws.forward_indices[j], i]
-        end
-    end
-    mul!(ws.temp7, A, ws.temp3)
-    for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-        k = ws.backward_indices[i]
-        for j = 1:ws.endogenous_nbr
-            AGplusB[j, k] += ws.temp7[j, i]
-        end
-    end
-        #=
-    vAGplusB = view(AGplusB, :, ws.current_indices)
-    vAGplusB .= B
-    ws.temp3 .= view(G, ws.forward_indices, :)
-    mul!(ws.temp7, A, ws.temp3)
-    vAGplusB = view(AGplusB, :, ws.backward_indices)
-    vAGplusB .+= ws.temp7
-        =#
-    factorize!(ws.AGplusB_linsolve_ws, copy(AGplusB))
-function solve_for_derivatives_with_respect_to_shocks!(results::LinearRationalExpectationsResults, jacobian::AbstractMatrix, ws::LinearRationalExpectationsWs)
-    #=
-    if model.lagged_exogenous_nbr > 0
-        f6 = view(jacobian,:,model.i_lagged_exogenous)
-        for i = 1:model.current_exogenous_nbr
-            for j = 1:model.endo_nbr
-                results.g1_3[i,j] = -f6[i,j]
-            end
-        end
-        linsolve_core_no_lu!(results.f1g1plusf2, results.g1_3, ws)
-    end
-    =#
-    if ws.exogenous_nbr > 0
-        #   results.g1_2 .= .-view(jacobian, :, ws.exogenous_indices)
-        for i = 1:ws.exogenous_nbr
-            k = ws.exogenous_indices[i]
-            for j = 1:ws.endogenous_nbr
-                results.g1_2[j, i] = -jacobian[j, k]
-            end
-        end
-#        if ws.serially_correlated_exogenous
-            # TO BE DONE
-        #        else
-        #TODO: Will not work
-        # linsolve_core_no_lu!(ws.AGplusB, results.g1_2, ws.AGplusB_linsolve_ws)
-#        end
-    end
-function first_order_solver!(results::LinearRationalExpectationsResults,
-                             algo::String,
-                             jacobian::Matrix,
-                             options,
-                             ws::LinearRationalExpectationsWs)
-    remove_static!(jacobian, ws)
-    if algo == "CR"
-        get_abc!(ws, jacobian)
-        cyclic_reduction!(ws.x, ws.c, ws.b, ws.a, ws.solver_ws, options["cyclic_reduction"]["tol"], 100)
-        for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-            for j = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-                results.gs1[j, i] = ws.x[ws.backward_indices_d[j], ws.backward_indices_d[i]]
-            end
-            for j = 1:(ws.endogenous_nbr - ws.static_nbr)
-                results.g1[ws.dynamic_indices[j],i] = ws.x[j, ws.backward_indices_d[i]]
-            end
-        end
-    elseif algo == "GS"
-        get_de!(ws, jacobian)
-        gs_solver!(ws.solver_ws, ws.d, ws.e, ws.backward_nbr, options["generalized_schur"]["criterium"])
-        results.gs1 .= ws.solver_ws.g1
-        for i = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-            for j = 1:ws.backward_nbr
-                x = ws.solver_ws.g1[j,i]
-                results.g1[ws.backward_indices[j],i] = x
-            end
-            for j = 1:(ws.forward_nbr - ws.both_nbr)
-                results.g1[ws.purely_forward_indices[j], i] =
-                    ws.solver_ws.g2[ws.icolsE[ws.backward_nbr + j] - ws.backward_nbr, i]
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        error("Algorithm $algo not recognized")
-    end
-    if ws.static_nbr > 0
-        add_static!(results, jacobian, ws)
-    end
-    #    A = view(jacobian, :, ws.backward_nbr + ws.current_nbr .+ (1:ws.forward_nbr))
-    #    B = view(jacobian, :, ws.backward_nbr .+ ws.current_indices)
-    for i = 1:ws.forward_nbr
-        k = ws.backward_nbr + ws.current_nbr + i
-        for j = 1:ws.endogenous_nbr
-            ws.temp8[j, i] = jacobian[j, k]
-        end
-    end
-    for i = 1:ws.current_nbr
-        k = ws.backward_nbr + i
-        for j = 1:ws.endogenous_nbr
-            ws.temp9[j, i] = jacobian[j, k]
-        end
-    end
-    make_lu_AGplusB!(ws.AGplusB, ws.temp8, results.g1_1, ws.temp9, ws)        
-    solve_for_derivatives_with_respect_to_shocks!(results, jacobian, ws)
diff --git a/src/linear_rational_expectations.jl b/src/linear_rational_expectations.jl
index 9495d99..63947c3 100644
--- a/src/linear_rational_expectations.jl
+++ b/src/linear_rational_expectations.jl
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ function solve_for_derivatives_with_respect_to_shocks!(results::LinearRationalEx
 #        end
 function first_order_solver!(results::LinearRationalExpectationsResults,
@@ -457,20 +457,37 @@ function first_order_solver!(results::LinearRationalExpectationsResults,
     @views @inbounds begin
         copy_jacobian!(ws.solver_ws, jacobian)
-        results.g1, results.gs1 = solve_g1!(results, ws.solver_ws, options)
-        if n_static(ids) > 0
-            results.g1, jacobian = add_static!(results, jacobian, ws)
-        end
-        #    A = view(jacobian, :, n_backward(ws.ids) + ws.current_nbr .+ (1:ws.forward_nbr))
-        #    B = view(jacobian, :, n_backward(ws.ids) .+ ws.ids.current)
-        ws.jacobian_forward[:, forward_r] .= jacobian[:, n_back + n_cur .+ forward_r]
         ws.jacobian_current[:, current_r] .= jacobian[:, n_back .+ current_r]
-        ws.AGplusB = make_AGplusB!(ws.AGplusB, ws.jacobian_forward, results.g1_1, ws.jacobian_current, ws)        
-        solve_for_derivatives_with_respect_to_shocks!(results, jacobian, ws)
-        results.hs1  .= results.g1_2[back, :]
-        results.gns1 .= results.g1_1[ids.non_backward, :]
-        results.hns1 .= results.g1_2[ids.non_backward, :]
+        if n_forward(ids) == 0
+            if n_back == 0
+                # static model
+                nothing
+            else
+                if n_exogenous(ws.ids) > 0
+                    results.g1_1 .= .-view(jacobian, :, 1:n_back)
+                    results.g1_2 .= .-view(jacobian, :, ws.ids.exogenous)
+                    lu_t = LU(factorize!(ws.AGplusB_linsolve_ws, ws.jacobian_current)...)
+                    ldiv!(lu_t, results.g1_1)
+                    ldiv!(lu_t, results.g1_2)
+                    results.gs1 .= view(results.g1_1, back, :)
+                else
+                    results.g1_2 = []
+                end
+            end
+        else
+            results.g1, results.gs1 = solve_g1!(results, ws.solver_ws, options)
+            if n_static(ids) > 0
+                results.g1, jacobian = add_static!(results, jacobian, ws)
+            end
+            ws.jacobian_forward[:, forward_r] .= jacobian[:, n_back + n_cur .+ forward_r]
+            ws.AGplusB = make_AGplusB!(ws.AGplusB, ws.jacobian_forward, results.g1_1, ws.jacobian_current, ws)        
+            solve_for_derivatives_with_respect_to_shocks!(results, jacobian, ws)
+        end
+            results.hs1  .= results.g1_2[back, :]
+            results.gns1 .= results.g1_1[ids.non_backward, :]
+            results.hns1 .= results.g1_2[ids.non_backward, :]
diff --git a/test/linear_rational_expectations_test.jl b/test/linear_rational_expectations_test.jl
index 07853ca..f8c56ed 100644
--- a/test/linear_rational_expectations_test.jl
+++ b/test/linear_rational_expectations_test.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 using Random
 using LinearRationalExpectations: n_backward, n_forward, n_both, n_static, n_dynamic, n_current, n_exogenous
+# Regular linear rational expectations model
 function make_jacobian(ws)
     jacobian_orig = zeros(ws.ids.n_endogenous,
@@ -180,4 +181,26 @@ LRE.copy_jacobian!(ws.solver_ws,  jacobian)
 @test ws.solver_ws.b[:, [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]] == jacobian[3:end, [6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13]]
 @test ws.solver_ws.c[:, [1, 4, 6, 7, 8]] == jacobian[3:end, 1:5]
+# purely backward model
+endogenous_nbr = 10
+exogenous_nbr = 3
+forward_indices = Int[]
+current_indices = collect(1:10)
+backward_indices = [1, 4, 6, 7, 9]
+both_indices = Int[]
+static_indices = [2, 3, 5, 8, 10]
+jacobian = randn(endogenous_nbr, length(backward_indices) + endogenous_nbr + exogenous_nbr)
+ws = LinearRationalExpectationsWs("GS",
+                                  exogenous_nbr,
+                                  forward_indices,
+                                  current_indices,
+                                  backward_indices,
+                                  static_indices)
+results = LinearRationalExpectationsResults(endogenous_nbr, exogenous_nbr, length(backward_indices))
+LRE.first_order_solver!(results, jacobian, options, ws)
+@test results.g1_1 ≈ -jacobian[:, 6:15]\jacobian[:, 1:5]
+@test results.g1_2 ≈ -jacobian[:, 6:15]\jacobian[:, 16:18]
+@test results.gs1 == results.g1_1[backward_indices, :]