If you want to follow the Adventure game tutorial as a full front to back, starting as UniteTrainingDayPhase1 Project and finishing with it, follow the undocumented changes below.
Note: Prefabs to save it! If you want to save it all around the project, don't forget to save these changes to the Prefab.
Unsolved undocumented changes:
- When transitioning from SecurityRoom to Market, the players position is not reset near the interactable object (DoorToMarket/DoorToSecurityRoom)
Hierarchy: EventSystem
Hierarchy/EventSystem: Drag Threshold: 5 (instead of 10)
public const string startingPositionKey = "starting position";
public SaveData playerSaveData;
Start Function:
string startingPositionName = "";
playerSaveData.Load(startingPositionKey, ref startingPositionName);
Transform startingPosition = StartingPosition.FindStartingPosition(startingPositionName);
transform.position = startingPosition.position;
transform.rotation = startingPosition.rotation;
Player Movement (Script): Add PlayerSaveData to Player Save Data field
Scenes/SecurityRoom: EventSystem (This is moved to Persistent scene)
Add Player Prefab to Market Scene
Hierarchy: Market: Camera Rig: Add Player (Transform) to Player Position
- Hierarchy: BirdInteractable
- Hierarchy: GlassesInteractable
- Hierarchy: CoffeeBotInteractable
- Hierarchy: CoinInteractable
- Hierarchy: DoorToSecurityRoomInteractable
- Hierarchy: FitVendorInterable
- Hierarchy: Market