Before getting started ensure that you have .NET MAUI installed with Visual Studio 2022.
The .sln is located in /src/Mobile/Podcasts.DotnetMaui.sln The startup project is Microsoft.NetConf2021.Maui Before building the app we need to configure some variables:
This solution has two projects:
- Microsoft.NetConf2021.Maui: Maui App based on default template of .NET Maui Blazor App.
- References to Blazor project
- src/Web/Components/Podcast.Components.Maui.csproj: Razor Class Library project with shared components.
In Config.cs you can find:
public static string BaseWeb = $"{Base}:5002/listentogether";
public static string Base = DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android ? "" : "http://localhost";
public static string APIUrl = $"{Base}:5003/";
public static string ListenTogetherUrl = $"{Base}:5001/listentogether";
Adjust the urls and ports to speak to local or deploy web services.
Setting to true the app will show the listen together tab on mobile and FlyoutItem in desktop elements.
One the Web and Api are available we will need to update next properties:
- BaseWeb: Full url where web has been deployed
- BaseAPI: Full url where API has been deployed
- ListenTogetherUrl: Url where listen together app has been deployed.
Via CLI it is necesary to build:
dotnet build src/Web/Components/Podcast.Components.Maui.csproj
- Mac:
dotnet build src/Mobile/Microsoft.NetConf2021.Maui.csproj -t:run -f net7.0-maccatalyst
- iOS:
dotnet build -t:Run -f net7.0-ios -p:\_DeviceName=:v2:udid='[EMULATOR ID]'
To run iOS from windows we can use Visual Studio 2022 Preview from Windows.