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I am trying to run your example code provided in your tidysdm overview vignette but I am getting an issue when I call the collect_metric() on the lacerta_ensemble object. Could you please take a look?
#> Loading required package: tidymodels#> Loading required package: spatialsample
#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.0, GDAL 3.7.1, PROJ 9.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
#> Loading required package: terra#> terra 1.7.55#> #> Attaching package: 'terra'#> The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':#> #> extract#> The following object is masked from 'package:scales':#> #> rescale#> #> Attaching package: 'pastclim'#> The following objects are masked from 'package:tidysdm':#> #> date2ybp, ybp2date
#> #> Attaching package: 'tidyterra'#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':#> #> filter
lacerta#> # A tibble: 1,297 × 3#> ID latitude longitude#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>#> 1 858029749 42.6 -7.09#> 2 858029738 42.6 -7.09#> 3 614631090 41.4 -7.90#> 4 614631085 41.3 -7.81#> 5 614631083 41.3 -7.81#> 6 614631080 41.4 -7.83#> 7 614631072 41.4 -7.81#> 8 614559731 40.3 -7.70#> 9 614559728 40.4 -7.70#> 10 614559657 40.4 -7.56#> # ℹ 1,287 more rowslacerta<- st_as_sf(lacerta, coords= c("longitude", "latitude"))
st_crs(lacerta) <-4326# Iberia peninsula extensioniberia_poly<-terra::vect("POLYGON((-9.8 43.3,-7.8 44.1,-2.0 43.7,3.6 42.5,3.8 41.5,1.3 40.8,0.3 39.5,0.9 38.6,-0.4 37.5,-1.6 36.7,-2.3 36.3,-4.1 36.4,-4.5 36.4,-5.0 36.1,-5.6 36.0,-6.3 36.0,-7.1 36.9,-9.5 36.6,-9.4 38.0,-10.6 38.9,-9.5 40.8,-9.8 43.3))")
crs(iberia_poly) <-"lonlat"
land_mask<- rast(system.file("extdata/",
ggplot() +
geom_spatraster(data=land_mask, aes(fill=land_mask_1985)) +
vars_uncor<- filter_high_cor(climate_present, cutoff=0.7)
vars_uncor#> [1] "bio15" "bio05" "bio13" "bio06"#> attr(,"to_remove")#> [1] "bio14"lacerta_thin<-lacerta_thin %>% select(all_of(c(vars_uncor, "class")))
lacerta_rec<- recipe(lacerta_thin, formula=class~.)
lacerta_rec#> #> ── Recipe ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────#> #> ── Inputs#> Number of variables by role#> outcome: 1#> predictor: 4#> coords: 2lacerta_thin %>% check_sdm_presence(class)
#> [1] TRUElacerta_models<-# create the workflow_set
# the standard glm specsglm= sdm_spec_glm(),
# rf specs with tuningrf= sdm_spec_rf(),
# boosted tree model (gbm) specs with tuninggbm= sdm_spec_boost_tree(),
# maxent specs with tuningmaxent= sdm_spec_maxent()
# make all combinations of preproc and models,cross=TRUE
) %>%
# tweak controls to store information needed later to create the ensemble
option_add(control= control_ensemble_grid())
lacerta_cv<- spatial_block_cv(lacerta_thin, v=5)
lacerta_models<-lacerta_models %>%
resamples=lacerta_cv, grid=3,
metrics= sdm_metric_set(), verbose=TRUE
#> i No tuning parameters. `fit_resamples()` will be attempted#> i 1 of 4 resampling: default_glm#> ✔ 1 of 4 resampling: default_glm (188ms)#> i 2 of 4 tuning: default_rf#> i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter: mtry#> ✔ 2 of 4 tuning: default_rf (763ms)#> i 3 of 4 tuning: default_gbm#> i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter: mtry#> ✔ 3 of 4 tuning: default_gbm (4s)#> i 4 of 4 tuning: default_maxent#> ✔ 4 of 4 tuning: default_maxent (1.4s)
lacerta_ensemble<- simple_ensemble() %>%
add_member(lacerta_models, metric="boyce_cont")
lacerta_ensemble#> A simple_ensemble of models#> #> Members:#> • default_glm#> • default_rf#> • default_gbm#> • default_maxent#> #> Available metrics:#> • boyce_cont#> • roc_auc#> • tss_max#> #> Metric used to tune workflows:#> • boyce_cont
lacerta_ensemble %>% collect_metrics()
#> Error in `collect_metrics()`:#> ! No `collect_metric()` exists for this type of object.#> Backtrace:#> ▆#> 1. ├─lacerta_ensemble %>% collect_metrics()#> 2. ├─tune::collect_metrics(.)#> 3. └─tune:::collect_metrics.default(.)#> 4. └─rlang::abort("No `collect_metric()` exists for this type of object.")
Thank you for developing this amazing package!
I am trying to run your example code provided in your tidysdm overview vignette but I am getting an issue when I call the
on thelacerta_ensemble
object. Could you please take a look?Reprex
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