A factory for a Solidity's delegatecall
proxy factory.
A repo derived from the work in this gist: https://gist.github.com/GNSPS/ba7b88565c947cfd781d44cf469c2ddb
Tests are inexistent for the time being but it has undergone extensive usage in production environments as can be seen in the comments in the gist.
You can use the library here present by direct download and importing with:
import "ProxyFactory.sol";
or, if you have installed it from EPM (see below), with Truffle's specific paths:
import "proxy/ProxyFactory.sol";`
or simply by deploying it in your migrations files.
This library is published in EPM under the alias proxy
Installing it with Truffle
$ truffle install proxy
This library is published in NPM under the alias delegatecall-proxy-factory
Installing it with NPM
$ npm install delegatecall-proxy-factory
Importing it in your Truffle project
import "delegatecall-proxy-factory/BytesLib.sol";