I'm a software developer with experience in building modules for enterprise systems using Java, Javascript, and NodeJS. I also have experience in developing web and Api Rest using various technologies such as Angular, NodeJs, React, Java and Typescript. Additionally, I have experience in configuring and managing various servers and databases such as AWS, MongoDB, and MySQL.
- 🔭 I’m currently working at Stefanini Group.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Vue and Machine Learning.
- 💬 Ask me about whatever you want. I am interested in helping and sharing.
- React with Typescript 🤓
- Angular
- NodeJs with Express and HapiJS 🚀
- Java with SpringBoot ☕
- AWS ☁️
- S3
- EC2
- AutoScalingGroup
- Security Groups
- Heroku ☁️
- Azure
- Google Cloud
- Nginx 🌐
- Apache
- Db2
- SQL Server
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- Banks for E-commerce (Bac, Ficohsa) 💰
- External APIs into Internal Systems 📊
- Google Ecosystems 🌐
Under construction!
If you have any questions about any of my projects, or if you're interested in working together, don't hesitate to contact me! You can find me on:
Thanks for visiting my profile! 🙏